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The Christian Bible Amazing Facts

1. The best-selling book of all time is the Christian Bible. The total number
probably lies between 5 and 7 billion copies.Every year, the Holy Bible sells over
100 million copies.

2. There are more than 3,000 prophecy verses in the Bible that already came true in
some way. Around 3,000 more prophecies are yet to come to completion.

3. The Bible was written by more than 40 traditional authors.

4. There are at least 185 songs in the Bible.

5. The Bible was written on three continents.

6. The full Bible has been translated into 532 languages.

7. While it took over 1,000 years to write the Old Testament, the New Testament
was written within a period of 50-75 years.

8. In 2020, under the regime of Chairman Xi Jinping, the policy to sinicize the
Christian population has included: the removal of over 900 crosses from churches;
the confiscation of Bibles across China as the police raided and closed down many
house churches, including state-run churches. Yet China is the largest producer of

9. The Bay Psalm Book sold for over $14 million at Sotheby's in 2013, making it
not only the most expensive Bible in the world, but also the most expensive book

10. Abilene Christian University in Texas is home to the largest Bible in the world.
The Bible weighs over 1,000 pounds, is 43.5 inches tall, and measures 98 inches
when it is fully open.

11. The Nano Bible is just a 5X5 millimeter aluminium disc, but it can fit all 1.2
million letters of the Old Testament. You just need an electron microscope to read

12. In the Old Testament, there are 23,145 verses. In the New Testament, there are
7,957, for a total of 31,102 verses.

13. The oldest surviving full text of the New Testament is the Codex Sinaiticus. It
was discovered at the St. Catherine monastery at the base of Mt. Sinai in Egypt in
the 1840s. It dates from about 325 CE.

14. The most commonly used word in the Bible is "Lord," followed by God, Man,
Israel, and People.

15. Methuselah was the oldest man at 969 yrs old (Gen 5:27).

16. There are approximately 34 false gods mentioned in the Bible.

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