You are on page 1of 6

--------- beginning of main

07-31 17:15:50.432 1568 1654 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service

07-31 17:15:50.438 1568 1579 I om.ngcam.camer: Method exceeds compiler
instruction limit: 27451 in void libPatcher$1.<init>(libPatcher)
07-31 17:15:50.439 1568 1654 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 21
07-31 17:15:50.439 1568 1654 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 22
07-31 17:15:50.439 1568 1654 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 23
07-31 17:15:50.439 1568 1654 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 61
07-31 17:15:50.440 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 21
07-31 17:15:50.440 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 22
07-31 17:15:50.440 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 23
07-31 17:15:50.441 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 61
07-31 17:15:50.459 1568 1568 W CAM_Log : Tag ConfigGserviceSource is 1 chars
longer than limit.
07-31 17:15:50.493 1568 1666 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-31 17:15:50.493 1568 1666 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-31 17:15:50.493 1568 1666 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-31 17:15:50.493 1568 1666 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-31 17:15:50.497 1568 1666 I CameraManager: zyk get pkg
07-31 17:15:50.499 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> [100000,
07-31 17:15:50.499 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> [100, 3200]
07-31 17:15:50.499 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.sensor.maxAnalogSensitivity) <=> 1600
07-31 17:15:50.500 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.lens.facing) <=> 1
07-31 17:15:50.500 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.request.availableCapabilities) <=> [ 0, 1, 2, 5,
3, 6, 9]
07-31 17:15:50.510 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.514 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.536 1568 1568 D View : initForcedUseForceDark:
07-31 17:15:50.561 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-31 17:15:50.562 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-31 17:15:50.562 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-31 17:15:50.562 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-31 17:15:50.565 1568 1568 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-31 17:15:50.565 1568 1568 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
07-31 17:15:50.596 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.606 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.608 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.622 1568 1568 I chatty : uid=10264( identical 1
07-31 17:15:50.622 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.623 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.625 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.630 1568 1568 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 IDX: 0
07-31 17:15:50.630 1568 1568 I ProReC : setprogres0
07-31 17:15:50.631 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.639 1568 1568 I chatty : uid=10264( identical 2
07-31 17:15:50.643 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.646 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.646 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.668 1568 1666 I CameraManager: zyk get pkg
07-31 17:15:50.669 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> [100000,
07-31 17:15:50.669 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> [100, 3200]
07-31 17:15:50.669 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.sensor.maxAnalogSensitivity) <=> 1600
07-31 17:15:50.669 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.lens.facing) <=> 0
07-31 17:15:50.669 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.request.availableCapabilities) <=> [ 0, 1, 2, 5,
3, 6]
07-31 17:15:50.670 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-31 17:15:50.670 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-31 17:15:50.670 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-31 17:15:50.670 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-31 17:15:50.673 1568 1666 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:1
07-31 17:15:50.680 1568 1666 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap) <=>
StreamConfiguration(Outputs([w:4000, h:3000, format:RAW_SENSOR(32),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:3840, h:2160, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:50000000, stall:33333333], [w:3264, h:2448, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:50000000, stall:33333333], [w:2992, h:2992, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:50000000, stall:33333333], [w:2560, h:1920, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:2340, h:1080, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:50000000, stall:33333333], [w:1920, h:1440, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1920, h:1080, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1600, h:960, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1600, h:900, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1600, h:736, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1600, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1560, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1520, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1440, h:1080, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1440, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1280, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1080, h:1080, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:1080, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:960, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:720, h:720, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:720, h:480, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:640, h:480, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:352, h:288, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:320, h:240, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:176, h:144, format:JPEG(256),
min_duration:33333333, stall:33333333], [w:3840, h:2160, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:3264, h:2448, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:50000000, stall:0], [w:2992, h:2992, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:50000000, stall:0], [w:2560, h:1920, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:2340, h:1080, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:50000000, stall:0], [w:1920, h:1440, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1920, h:1080, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1600, h:960, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1600, h:900, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1600, h:736, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1600, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1560, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1520, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1440, h:1080, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1440, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1280, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1080, h:1080, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:1080, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:960, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:720, h:720, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:720, h:480, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:640, h:480, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:352, h:288, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:320, h:240, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:176, h:144, format:PRIVATE(34),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:3840, h:2160, format:YUV_420_888(35),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [w:3264, h:2448, format:YUV_420_888(35),
min_duration:50000000, stall:0], [w:2992, h:2992, format:YUV_420_888(35),
min_duration:50000000, stall:0], [w:2560, h:1920, format:YUV_420_888(35),
min_duration:33333333, stall:0], [
07-31 17:15:50.718 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.719 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.721 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.724 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.725 1568 1568 I chatty : uid=10264( identical 2
07-31 17:15:50.725 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.731 1568 1668 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
07-31 17:15:50.731 1568 1668 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-
07-31 17:15:50.731 1568 1668 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
07-31 17:15:50.731 1568 1668 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ape
07-31 17:15:50.734 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
07-31 17:15:50.734 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
07-31 17:15:50.734 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
07-31 17:15:50.736 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
07-31 17:15:50.736 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/xvid
07-31 17:15:50.740 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.741 1568 1668 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32
for video/mp4v-es
07-31 17:15:50.743 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.745 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.756 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.777 1568 1688 I CameraManager: zyk get pkg
07-31 17:15:50.777 1568 1568 I SurfaceFactory: [static] sSurfaceFactory =
07-31 17:15:50.778 1568 1688 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.784 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-31 17:15:50.784 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-31 17:15:50.784 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-31 17:15:50.784 1568 1668 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-31 17:15:50.785 1568 1663 W CAM_Log : Tag PckStreamConfigModule is 2 chars
longer than limit.
07-31 17:15:50.785 1568 1568 D ViewRootImpl[CameraLauncher]: hardware
acceleration = true , fakeHwAccelerated = false, sRendererDisabled = false,
forceHwAccelerated = false, sSystemRendererDisabled = false
07-31 17:15:50.787 1568 1568 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-31 17:15:50.794 1568 1568 I InputTransport: Create ARC handle: 0x757a40cf40
07-31 17:15:50.795 1568 1568 V PhoneWindow: DecorView setVisiblity: visibility =
0, Parent = android.view.ViewRootImpl@18635d0, this =
--------- beginning of system
07-31 17:15:50.796 1568 1568 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity : time=0ms latency=907ms
running=0ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=234ms seq=2 running=79ms runnable=6ms
io=108ms late=2ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=672ms
seq=3 running=192ms runnable=12ms io=107ms late=236ms$H w=159)
07-31 17:15:50.802 1568 1663 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-31 17:15:50.802 1568 1663 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-31 17:15:50.802 1568 1663 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-31 17:15:50.802 1568 1663 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
07-31 17:15:50.805 1568 1689 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
07-31 17:15:50.807 1568 1689 D libjpeg-alpha-oal: SWIP_INIT
07-31 17:15:50.807 1568 1689 D libjpeg-alpha-oal: MTXXXX_JPEG_SWIP_PROTECTION
07-31 17:15:50.807 1568 1689 D libjpeg-alpha-oal: Address(orig) =
0x761f3c8258 0xedc
07-31 17:15:50.807 1568 1689 D libjpeg-alpha-oal: Address(modified) =
07-31 17:15:50.807 1568 1689 D libjpeg-alpha-oal: Intermidiate 761f3c8088, 5ff3
07-31 17:15:50.810 1568 1658 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-31 17:15:50.836 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CaptureRequest.Key(android.jpeg.quality) <=> 95
07-31 17:15:50.837 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.jpeg.availableThumbnailSizes) <=> [ 0x0, 160x96,
192x108, 192x144, 250x187]
07-31 17:15:50.843 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.control.aeAvailableTargetFpsRanges) <=> [ [10,
10], [15, 15], [15, 20], [20, 20], [5, 30], [30, 30]]
07-31 17:15:50.844 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CaptureRequest.Key(android.control.aeTargetFpsRange) <=> [5, 30]
07-31 17:15:50.844 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=>
[ 0, 1]
07-31 17:15:50.845 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CaptureRequest.Key(android.control.sceneMode) <=> 1
07-31 17:15:50.851 1568 1668 W CAM_Log : Tag ShutterButtonAnimator is 2 chars
longer than limit.
07-31 17:15:50.860 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 22
07-31 17:15:50.861 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 61
07-31 17:15:50.863 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 21
07-31 17:15:50.864 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 23
07-31 17:15:50.868 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.request.pipelineMaxDepth) <=> 8
07-31 17:15:50.880 1568 1631 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
07-31 17:15:50.906 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> 0
07-31 17:15:50.907 1568 1663 I BufferQueueConsumer: []
(id:62000000000,api:0,p:0,c:1568) connect(): controlledByApp=true
07-31 17:15:50.911 1568 1663 I BufferQueueConsumer: []
(id:62000000001,api:0,p:0,c:1568) connect(): controlledByApp=true
07-31 17:15:50.921 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> 1
07-31 17:15:50.922 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.control.afAvailableModes) <=> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
07-31 17:15:50.923 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.control.aeAvailableModes) <=> [ 0, 1, 2, 3]
07-31 17:15:50.923 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key(android.control.awbAvailableModes) <=> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8]
07-31 17:15:50.923 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> true
07-31 17:15:50.925 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> Rect(0, 0 -
4000, 3000)
07-31 17:15:50.925 1568 1663 I APi2 info : :
CameraCharacteristics.Key( <=> 11.494253
07-31 17:15:50.944 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.945 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.958 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.963 1568 1568 I chatty : uid=10264( identical 3
07-31 17:15:50.965 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.968 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.969 1568 1568 I chatty : uid=10264( identical 2
07-31 17:15:50.969 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.974 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.978 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:50.992 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.009 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.011 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.015 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.015 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.017 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.020 1568 1568 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.024 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 22
07-31 17:15:51.024 1568 1658 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 23
07-31 17:15:51.024 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 61
07-31 17:15:51.025 1568 1586 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 21
07-31 17:15:51.029 1568 1586 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-31 17:15:51.032 1568 1688 I CameraManager: zyk get pkg
07-31 17:15:51.033 1568 1688 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-31 17:15:51.040 1568 1586 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change

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