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Teks deskripsi

Nabilah Putri Yanuar Ramadhani / 23 / XI DPIB A


A song is an artistic composition of tones or sounds in a sequence, combination, and temporal

relationship usually accompanied by musical instruments to produce musical compositions that
contain unity and continuity. Songs are a way to express emotions and feelings in a fun way. Songs
can also be a medium to convey criticism about the situation in society. Moral values are usually
implied in the lyrics made by songwriters. In general, a song has a structure, such as an intro or the
beginning of the song where the singer's voice has not been heard, only the instrument, then there
is a verse or an introductory part to the chorus, there is also a bridge used to bridge between parts
of the song, such as between a chorus and a verse or a chorus with a chorus. The chorus whose tone
modulation is played on the bridge is generally very different from the verse and chorus, then there
is the chorus or the core of the message or story in the song using a different tone pattern and is
better than the verse, then there is the chorus or chorus almost the same as the chorus. The chorus
is usually simpler than the chorus. Reff means repetition, then there is also Coda or the end of the
song with the tone and verse to close the song. In contrast to brigde, coda takes some pre-existing
lyrics and notes. Currently, the most listened to genres of songs are pop, rock, EDM, hip-hop. There
is also country music that is developing and well-known in America, blues, soul, jazz and several
genres of folk music such as bluegrass and keroncong which are known in Indonesia today and
Latino music from Latin America and K-Pop music from South Korea which is now very famous. in
this world.

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