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級別(A 卷)I 級會考  國 中 英 文 評 量 卷 姓名:_______________ 班級:_________    分數: __

一、單選擇 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15%) 1. I (listen) to music now. It’s a good song (歌曲).
( ) 1. It’s 8 A.M. now. We ______ breakfast in a restaurant.
2. She (watch) a movie with her friends last night.
A. are eating B. eat C. ate D is eating
3. There (be) a lot of cats and dogs in the park yesterday.
( ) 2. You don’t have ______ books on the table.
4. We (walk) home every day.
A. some B. any C. no D a few
5. They (play) cards on weekends.
( ) 3. They ______ English in the library yesterday. [提示: library 圖書館]
6. He (read) the detective novel (偵探小說) last week.
A. sutdyed B. studied C. study D are studying
7. He usually (do) his homework in the evening. [提示: usually 通常]
( ) 4. He ________ his friends in Taipei next week.
8. You (write) a letter now.
A. will visit B. visits C. is visit D does visit

( ) 5. A:_________ are you? B: Fine. And you? 五 改寫(請依各題畫底線的部分,用疑問詞造問句。第 1-2 題 3 分,其餘每題 4 分,共 18%)
1. I take a shower at 8:00 P.M. every day.
A. What B. Which C How D Who

二、改錯(請將文法錯誤地方圈出,圈對 2 分,答案對 2 分;每題 4 分、共 20%)

1.( ) You are not a nurse before. 2. He goes to school by bus.

2.( ) He will goes to school tomorrow.

3.( ) Their cat like to drink milk. 3. My sister likes that yellow cat.

4.( ) Jolin is not a actress(女演員).

5.( ) There are some money in your pocket (口袋). 4. Your father is an engineer.

三、 英翻中及中翻英(每題 4 分、共 8%)

5. He is watching TV at home.
2. There are some books on the table.

3. 他們明天要去看電影。[提示: 1. 用 be going to ]

四、填空 (請依各題動詞與時間提示,填入適當的答案。每題 3 分,共 24%)

1. 各題只需要一種時態作答,時態包含現在式、過去式、未來式、現在進行式。
2. 未來式請用助動詞 will 作答
六、閱讀測驗 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15 分)
Tom lives in Hualien. His brother and he came to Taichung. Their house in Hualien
collapsed in a bad earthquake and their mother was hurt. Their father stayed in
Hualien to take care of their mother. Tom misses his parents.

live (lived) 住/ come (came) 來/ collapse(collapsed) 倒塌/ earthquake 地震/

miss(missed)想念/parents 父母親/ hurt 受傷的/ take(took)care of 照顧

( ) 1 Where were Tom and his brother?

(A) In Taichung.
(B) In Hualien.
(C) In Taipei.
( ) 2 Where was Tom’s father?
(A) In Taichung.
(B) In Hualien.
(C) In Taitung.

( ) 3 What happened to Tom’s mother after the earthquake?

(A) She came to Taichung.

(B) She was hurt.

(C) She was good.

( ) 4 Was Tom’s house still good after the earthquake?

(A) No, it wasn’t.

(B) Yes, it was.

(C) We don’t know.

( ) 5 What did Tom’s father do after the earthquake?

(A) He came to Taichung.

(B) He stayed in a hospital.

(C) He took care of his mother.

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