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Name Gambit Remy LeBeau Group


F 30 Rm Health 110 Resources Gd
A 40 In Karma 80 Popularity 0
Thrown Objects
Weapon Specialist: Staff
S 10 Gd
History Martial Arts C
Gambit grew up in the streets of New Orleans, and is assumed
E 30 Rm to be an orphan. Like many others forced to grow up on their
own, on the streets, Gambit learned the fine art of thieving at an
R 10 Gd early age, a talent that was only bolstered by his mutant ability
which manifested later. With the ability to convert any object's
stored potential energy into kinetic energy, Gambit made a
I 30 Rm deadly thief indeed.

P 40 In

X-Men, Thieves Guild, Unified Guilds, Crimson

Pirates, Marauders

Energy Charge: Gambit can charge a non-living object to explode on impact.
Size of object determines the maximum charge.
Knife-sized objects do up to Incredible damage.
Anchor-sized objects cause Shift-X damage, but need 2-20 rounds to charge.

Psi-Screen: Amazing

Collapsible Staff: Incredible material,
Remarkable blunt damage


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