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One Word or Two?

Choose the correct word or two-word phrase to put in the sentences which
follow each pair of expressions.
maybe may be
a) I don't know where he is. He ____ at the shops.
b) I don't know where he is. ____ he's at the shops.

alright all right

a) How are you? Are you ____?
b) The exam questions were easy. She got them ____.

altogether all together

a) There were three adults and five children. That’s eight people ____.
b) Shall we go there separately or shall we go ____?

sometimes some times

a) At ____in the year the hotel is full.
b) ____ the hotel is full.

already all ready

a) Have you finished ___ .
b) The children were ____ to leave.

everyone every one

a) ____ came to the party with a present for Jim.
b) He has 28 shirts, and ____ is hand-made.

anyone any one

a) Has ____ got a pen to lend me?
b) They have 75 nuclear bombs and ____of them has the power to
destroy an entire city.
nobody no body
a) Despite an intensive hunt for the murder victim, ____ was ever found.
b) ____ admitted responsibility for the crime.

everyday every day

a) There's no need to dress up specially. Just wear your ____clothes.
b) He goes to the office by train____ .

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