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Early in 2020, more than 2,141,668,773 tons of freshwater had already been used worldwide.
The vast majority of freshwater across the globe is used for agriculture. Here's a contrasting
prediction; in the following decades, almost 66% of the population might suffer from a shortage
of water. The disparity of water consumption across the world is enormous. Some countries
have access to much more water than others. The presence of fresh water is slowly dwindling
because of our disregard about the water consumption issue, but there’s much more to be said.
Water is the essence of life, an essential resource for all humanity. We all use water to drink,
wash, clean, prepare, and grow food, making it our most precious survival resource.
Furthermore, the cornerstone of our lives is water. The human body needs water for everyday
life. We can live without any food for a week, but we cannot even survive without water for
three days. 70 percent of our body fluids are also made of water. In the same context, animals
too depend on water to survive.
Undeniably, water is the core of our body's health. Most health experts would advise us to
drink more water to reinstate our bodily fluids. Drinking water can prevent dehydration; a
condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat,
and lead to constipation and kidney stones. In addition, water helps your body to keep a normal
temperature and get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.
Drinking enough water is also a great anti-aging agent and a natural way to obtain clearer skin.
It is hard to determine the telltale of when your body desperately needs water. Your body
needs more water in hot climates or when you are physically active. In those conditions, you
need more water to quench your thirst. Above all, your body needs more water when you are
running a fever, having diarrhea, or vomiting. Most of your fluid needs are met through the
water and beverages you drink.
In conclusion, water has its importance that makes it an extremely valuable resource on earth.
As a community, we should always work together to preserve freshwater for our survival.

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