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doi: 10.1111/joim.13261

Diagnosis and management of diabetes insipidus for the

internist: an update
M. Christ-Crain , B. Winzeler & J. Refardt
From the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Abstract. Christ-Crain M, Winzeler B, Refardt J challenging. A detailed medical history, physical

(University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, examination and imaging studies are needed to
Basel, Switzerland). Diagnosis and management detect the aetiology of diabetes insipidus. Differen-
of diabetes insipidus for the internist: an update tiation between the various forms of hypotonic
(Review). J Intern Med 2021; 290: 73–87. https:// polyuria is then done by the classical water depri- vation test or the more recently developed hypertonic
saline or arginine stimulation together with copeptin
Diabetes insipidus is a disorder characterized by (or AVP) measurement. In patients with idiopathic
excretion of large amounts of hypotonic urine. Four central DI, a close follow-up is needed since central
entities have to be differentiated: central diabetes DI can be the first sign of an underlying pathology.
insipidus resulting from a deficiency of the hormone Treatment of diabetes insipidus or primary polydip-
arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the pituitary gland or sia depends on the underlying aetiology and differs
the hypothalamus, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus in central diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic diabetes
resulting from resistance to AVP in the kidneys, insipidus and primary polydipsia. This review will
gestational diabetes insipidus resulting from an discuss issues and newest developments in diagno-
increase in placental vasopressinase and finally sis, differential diagnosis and treatment, with a
primary polydipsia, which involves excessive intake focus on central diabetes insipidus.
of large amounts of water despite normal AVP
secretion and action. Distinguishing between the Keywords: copeptin, diabetes insipidus, primary
different types of diabetes insipidus can be polydipsia, water deprivation test, diagnosis.

be acquired or (less often) hereditary [2]. Nephro-

genic DI is the result of resistance of the kidneys to
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disease with a AVP, either due to mutations in the gene encoding
prevalence of ~ 1 in 25 000 individuals. The disor- arginine vasopressin receptor 2 (AVPR2) or aqua-
der can manifest at any age, and the prevalence is porin 2 (AQP2) [3] or as an adverse effect of drugs or
similar amongst males and females. due to electrolyte disorders. Primary polydipsia is
characterized by excessive fluid intake that con-
Diabetes insipidus is a form of polyuria–polydipsia secutively leads to polyuria, despite intact AVP
syndrome and is characterized by excessive hypo- secretion and an appropriate antidiuretic renal
tonic polyuria (>50 mL/kg body weight/24 h) and response.
polydipsia (>3 L/day) [1]. After exclusion of disor-
ders of osmotic diuresis (such as uncontrolled Regardless of the aetiology, all forms of the
diabetes mellitus), the differential diagnosis of DI polyuria–polydipsia syndrome result in a water
involves distinguishing between primary forms diuresis due to an inability to concentrate urine
(central or renal) and secondary forms (resulting maximally.
from primary polydipsia). A third, rare form of DI
termed gestational DI can occur during pregnancy Differentiating between these types is important,
and is not further discussed here. Central DI as treatment strategies differ and application of the
results from inadequate secretion and usually wrong treatment can be dangerous [4]. However,
deficient synthesis of arginine vasopressin (AVP) an accurate diagnosis is often difficult [5], espe-
in the hypothalamic–neurohypophyseal system in cially in patients with primary polydipsia or partial
response to osmotic stimulation (Figure 1) and can forms of central and nephrogenic DI [1]; see above.

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Diabetes insipidus for the internist / M. Christ-Crain et al.

Hypothalamus Central DI
Nephrogenic DI

Primary Polydipsia





Fig. 1 AVP action in central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus a primary polydipsia.

In this review, we will describe the different types tumours (e.g. craniopharyngioma, germinoma) or
and aetiologies of DI, the typical clinical manifes- metastasis. Central DI due to pituitary adenomas
tation, and also focus on clinical consequences of is rare, but postoperative DI after resection of
central DI besides polyuria. In addition, we will adenomas or other pituitary tumours is the most
detail which initial laboratory and radiological common cause of acquired central DI and is
investigations should be performed, and which observed in ~ 20% of pituitary surgery [7]. Postop-
specialist investigations (stimulation tests) cur- erative DI is often transient, but depending on the
rently are recommended. Lastly, we will discuss extent of neuronal destruction, permanent disease
treatment options, especially in central DI, not only may develop.
by the specialist in the ambulatory setting but also
by general internal medicine experts in the emer- More rare causes of acquired central DI are
gency situation. hypophysitis, infiltrative disorders (such as histio-
cytosis, sarcoidosis) or infectious diseases (menin-
gitis, encephalitis, tuberculosis). Finally, in up to
Aetiologies of polyuria–polydipsia syndrome
25–50% of patients with adulthood-onset central
Diabetes insipidus – both central and nephrogenic DI, no underlying disease can initially be identified
– may be hereditary or acquired. Acquired forms of and these cases are referred to as idiopathic DI.
DI are much more common than hereditary forms,
which account only for approximately 6–10% of DI Hereditary forms should be suspected if DI man-
cases [6]. Table 1 gives an overview of acquired and ifests early in life and when a positive family
hereditary forms of DI. Acquired forms of central DI history is present. In fact, the predominant inher-
develop secondary to neurohypophysis or hypotha- itance pattern in central familial DI is autosomal
lamic median eminence lesions leading to deficient dominant and develops on the basis of a mutation
synthesis or secretion of AVP. Damage by local in the AVP gene [8]. More seldom, central DI is
compression may arise from primary brain caused by an autosomal recessive disorder

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Diabetes insipidus for the internist / M. Christ-Crain et al.

Table 1. Aetiologies of polyuria–polydipsia syndrome

Central diabetes insipidus
Acquired Postoperative or trauma Pituitary surgery
Deceleration injury
Primary brain tumours Craniopharyngioma
Rathke’s cleft cyst
Pituitary adenoma
Metastatic cancer Lymphoma
Breast cancer
Lung cancer
Infiltrative Neurosarcoidosis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Inflammatory/autoimmune Lymphocytic hypophysitis Granulomatous hypophysitis
Xanthomatous hypophysitis
IgG4-related hypophysitis
Infectious Meningitis
Hereditary Mainly affected gene AVP
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Acquired Drugs Lithium
Electrolyte disorders Hypokalaemia
Haematological Multiple myeloma
Sickle cell disease
Hereditary Mainly affected genes AVPR2, AQP2
Gestational diabetes insipidus
Increased AVP degradation By placental vasopressinase
Primary polydipsia
Psychogenic Hypothalamic lesions
Beer potomania

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(Wolfram’s syndrome) due to a mutation in the have been suggested to contribute to the altered
gene WFS1 [9]. regulation of fluid intake in primary polydipsia
[18,19]. Besides psychopathological or habitual
In nephrogenic DI, the concentrating ability of the factors, primary polydipsia can also be caused by
nephrons is impaired due to renal resistance to hypothalamic lesions damaging thirst regulation
AVP. Lithium therapy is the most frequent cause of [4]. These lesions may be the same as those found
acquired nephrogenic DI and may be reversible if in central DI; see Table 1.
lithium is removed. However, long-term treatment
with lithium (>18 years of exposure) likely results Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus
in permanent nephrogenic DI [10]. Besides drugs,
Clinical manifestation
electrolyte disorders such as hypokalaemia or
hypercalcaemia may promote (reversible) nephro- Given the different aetiology of polyuria–polydipsia
genic DI probably via a temporary downregulation syndrome doctors, one factor to correctly diagnose
of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) expression [11]. polydipsic patients is according to the rapidity of
symptom onset and the severity of symptoms.
The majority (>90%) of hereditary nephrogenic DI Sudden onset, persistent symptoms during the
cases are due to X-linked loss-of-function muta- night and preference for cold beverages were con-
tions in the AVPR2 gene resulting in a dysregula- sidered typical of diabetes insipidus, whilst a high
tion of the AVPR2 [12,13]. More than 250 AVPR2 incidence of psychiatric disorders was believed to
mutations have been identified and lead to com- be in patients with primary polydipsia. However, a
plete AVP deficiency in male patients. Heterozy- recent evaluation of 156 polyuria–polydipsia
gous female patients are sometimes also affected patients [20] found a similar amount of fluid intake
by various degrees in case of skewed X chromo- and excretion in patients with central DI and PP
some inactivation [12]. The remaining 10% of (median litres consumed/excreted per day (IQR):
hereditary nephrogenic DI are explained by loss- central DI 6 (5–8)/5 (4–8); PP 5 (5–7)/5 (4–6)).
of-function mutations in the AQP2 gene (>60 dis- Furthermore, the majority in both groups indicated
ease-causing mutations have been identified), a preference for cold drinks (central DI: 75%; PP:
which may be inherited in either autosomal reces- 60%) and persistent symptoms during the night
sive or autosomal dominant fashion [3]. (drinking at night/nycturia: central DI: 92%/95%;
PP: 62%/68%). Psychiatric comorbidities were not
Both central DI and nephrogenic partial DI may be exclusively seen in PP but also seen in DI (27% in
unmasked during pregnancy when AVP is increas- PP and 17% in central DI). The only noticeable
ingly degraded by the placental enzyme vasopressi- difference was the rate of onset of symptoms, which
nase (gestational DI) [14]. appeared suddenly in 63% of the central DI
patients compared with only 22% of the PP
Primary polydipsia is most often associated with patients. However, it is important to keep in mind
psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia, that central DI due to AVP mutations, inflamma-
schizoaffective or bipolar disorders [15], but has tory syndromes or postradiation will also typically
also been described in patients with anxiety and show a slow onset.
anorexia or other dependency disorders [16]. Inter-
estingly, primary polydipsia seems increasingly Accordingly, whilst clinical symptoms are helpful
prevalent in health-conscious individuals who in indicating the possible aetiology of the polyuria–
wish to increase their well-being by excessive water polydipsia syndrome, they are not specific enough
intake [16,17]. Whether or not an underlying to distinguish DI from PP.
psychopathology is present, primary polydipsia
can be categorized as psychogenic or habitual
Clinical consequences of AVP deficiency besides polyuria
polydipsia. A comparable disorder is beer potoma-
nia, which is characterized by consumption of large Interestingly, lack of AVPR2 activation with con-
amounts of beer, usually accompanied by low secutive polyuria has been the only major clinical
solute intake increasing the risk of hyponatraemia issue associated with AVP deficiency (central DI) so
and fluid intoxication. The pathophysiological far. However, AVP is involved in a wide range of
basis of primary polydipsia has not been com- physiological regulatory processes beyond water
pletely understood. Neural and functional changes reabsorption. AVPR1a and AVPR1b are found not
in the thirst centre and the hippocampal region only in the periphery, but also in different areas

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throughout the brain [21,22], that is AVP1b recep- experience, DI patients do not suffer more often
tors are heavily expressed on the anterior pituitary from urate crystal formation and deposition. In the
corticotropes. As AVP is a well-known regulator of literature, we found single case reports of gouty
the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, arthritis associated with DI. However, those
one would expect altered stress physiology in DI. patients may have had other risk factors for the
In fact, several reports have indicated different clinical expression of hyperuricaemia.
(typically enhanced) HPA response patterns after
various stimuli (i.e. CRH administration, hyper- Finally, a recent study suggested a direct role of
tonic saline, arginine infusion) in DI patients AVP on haematopoiesis as expression of all three
versus healthy controls [23–25]. One explanation AVPRs was found on haematopoietic stem cells in
includes the upregulation of CRH receptors in DI rodents and in humans [36]. However, to date,
leading to an increased sensitivity of pituitary there is limited evidence that this may have
ACTH-producing cells to CRH stimulus. Although important clinical consequences in DI patients
this distinct HPA response pattern in DI is quite [37].
consistently described in the literature, the clinical
impact of this finding remains completely
Initial investigations
A careful stepwise approach is recommended when
An increasing amount of data – mostly in rodents – evaluating patients presenting with the polyuria–
implicates that AVP via central AVPR1a and polydipsia syndrome (see Figure 2).
AVPR1b activation may also be involved in aspects
of social behaviour such as aggression, social The assessment of the medical history should
memory and emotionality [26,27]. In humans, include timing and onset of symptoms, their
polymorphisms in the AVP1a gene have been severity and possible triggering factors. In addition,
linked to autism spectrum disorder and cognitive a history of head trauma, headaches, vision dis-
dysfunction, supporting this hypothesis [28,29]. turbances and signs for anterior pituitary dysfunc-
Recently, studies have shown a greater prevalence tion should be enquired. The medical history
of psychopathologies in patients with hypopitu- should include questions about psychiatric and
itarism and again a role of AVP or oxytocin has dependency disorders and a thorough drug his-
been speculated [30,31]. However, only very limited tory. Obtaining the family history is important for
data are available specifically describing patients possible hereditary causes [2].
with hypopituitarism and central DI [32]. Clearly,
the role of AVP and oxytocin in social behaviour To assess potential dehydration, evaluation of the
and cognitive brain function and its potential volume status besides routine measurement of
implications for DI patients needs further investi- blood pressure and heart rate should be per-
gation. formed. Because suprasellar extension of pituitary
adenoma can cause visual impairment due to
In the periphery, AVPR1a is primarily involved in compression of the optic chiasm [38], a visual test
vasoconstrictive responses in vascular tissue. The including assessment of diplopia and visual field
regulation of systemic blood pressure, vascular defects is recommended. Rare causes of polyuria–
tonus and blood volume is very complex, and the polydipsia syndrome are inflammatory or vascular
precise contribution of AVPR1a has not fully been disorders, which might be detected through a
defined [21]. Lack of AVPR1a activation in DI comprehensive skin and lymph nodes assessment.
patients does not seem to have a major impact on
blood pressure regulation. Once secondary causes such as diabetes mellitus,
hypercalcaemia or hypokalaemia are excluded, the
AVP deficiency in central DI is associated with presence of hypotonic polyuria (<800 mOsm/kg;
chronic low uric acid clearance and hyperuri- >50 mL per kg body weight per 24 h) should be
caemia. Volaemia is an important determinant of confirmed by 24-h urine collection [1]. The mea-
uric acid regulation, but AVP by its action on surement of plasma sodium and osmolality levels
AVPR1 has also been speculated to play a role in then helps to indicate the cause of the polyuria–
uric acid clearance [33,34,35]. The clinical conse- polydipsia syndrome. The presence of hypona-
quence of the potentially altered uric acid metabo- traemia (plasma sodium < 135 mmol/L) or low
lism in DI patients remains unclear. In our plasma osmolality (<280 mOsm/kg) is highly

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1. Confirm hypotonic polyuria via 24h urine collecon (>50ml/Kg/24h, <800mOsm/kg)

2. Measure plasma sodium / osmolality

<135 mmol/L / <280 mOsm/kg ≥147 mmol/L / >280 mOsm/kg
Normal range
PP Central / nephrogenic DI

3. Measure random copepn Measure copepn

<21.4 pmol/L ≥21.4 pmol/L ≤4.9 pmol/L

4. Measure Arginine-smulated copepn Nephrogenic DI central DI

≤3.8 pmol/L >3.8 pmol/L

central DI 5. Unclear cases: Measure PP

hypertonic saline smulated copepn

≤4.9 pmol/L >4.9 pmol/L

Fig. 2 Diagnostic approach to polyuria–polydipsia syndrome.

suspicious for PP [39]), whilst a high plasma reported for the majority of healthy subjects in
sodium (≥147 mmol/L) and/or plasma osmolality another study [43]. Interestingly, there are also
(>300 mOsm/kg) points towards DI [40]. However, several case reports of persistent bright spots in
most polyuria–polydipsia patients will present with central DI patients [6,44]. These patients may have
sodium and osmolality levels within the normal been in the early stages of their disease. Alterna-
range [20], making additional tests necessary. tively, the bright spot could reveal oxytocin – the
other hormone of the posterior pituitary – instead of
AVP storage. The second characteristic finding for
Radiological investigations
central DI is a thickened pituitary stalk, defined as a
In patients with confirmed polyuria–polydipsia syn- pituitary stalk diameter above 3.5 mm [45]. Whilst
drome, performing a pituitary magnetic resonance pituitary stalk thickening can point towards inflam-
imaging (MRI) can help narrow down the differential matory or infiltrative diseases, it can also be idio-
diagnoses. In addition to adenoma, infiltrative or pathic and is not specific for central DI [20,46].
inflammatory changes in the posterior pituitary, Thus, whilst an enlarged pituitary stalk or absence
there are two findings, which have been described to of bright spot on pituitary MRI should trigger further
be pathognomonic for central DI. One is the absence investigations focusing on possible underlying dis-
of the so-called bright spot, an area of hyperintensity orders, these findings should not be used as a sole
in the posterior pituitary gland possibly resulting diagnostic criteria for diagnosing central DI.
from stored AVP in neurosecretory granules [41,42].
Whilst a prospective evaluation of pituitary MRIs of
Specialist investigations
92 patients with polyuria–polydipsia syndrome
indeed confirmed the absence of the bright spot in Since in most of the cases neither the medical
70% of patients with central DI [20], this character- history, clinical examination, laboratory evaluation
istic area was also missing in 39% of patients later nor pituitary MRI leads to a clear diagnosis, further
diagnosed with PP. This could be due to an age- tests are required. The following sections will
related reduction in the bright spot, as has been discuss the current testing protocols available. A

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Diabetes insipidus for the internist / M. Christ-Crain et al.

Diagnosc test Test procedure Test duraon Test evaluaon Diagnosc accuracy Limitaons

Basal copepn Measurement unsmulated copepn level 10 minutes Copepn > 21.4 pmol/L diagnoses 100% • Only small number of
measurement nephrogenic DI Sensivity 100%, paral nephrogenic DI
specificity 100% paents were included in
(54) studies (53,54)
Water deprivaon test • Water deprivaon for 17 hours. ≥17 hours • cDI: urine osmolality <300 70-77% • Low diagnosc accuracy
• Administraon desmopressin aer 16 hours mOsm/kg, increase upon Sensivity 86%, • Long test duraon
desmopressin >50% specificity 70% (20) • Usually overnight stay
• nDI: urine osmolality <300 paents required
mOsm/kg, increase upon • Risk of post-test
desmopressin <50% hyponatremia through
• pDI: urine osmolality 300-800 excessive water intake /
mOsm/kg, increase upon high sensivity to
desmopressin >9% desmopressine injecon
• PP: urine osmolality 300-800 (20)
mOsm/kg, increase upon
desmopressin <9%
Hypertonic saline 3% hypertonic saline infusion: 2-3 hours • cDI: Copepn ≤4.9 pmol/L 97% • Close monitoring and
infusion test • Bolus 250ml within 15 minutes • PP: Copepn >4.9 pmol/L Sensivity 93%, access to rapid sodium
• Body weight adapted rate: specificity 100% measurements pre-
0.15 ml per kg body wieght per minute (20) exquisite to perform test
• Rapid sodium measurements every 30 • Risk of osmoc
minutes, stopp infusion and measure oversmulaon
copepn once sodium >147 mmol/L
• Relower sodium with infusion glucose 5%
500ml and fluid intake 30ml/kg body weight
Arginine smulaon test Arginine infusion: 1-2 hours • cDI: Copepn ≤3.8 pmol/L 93% • Test must be interpreted
• 0.5g L-Arginine Hydrochloride 21% per kg • PP: Copepn >3.8 pmol/L Sensivity 92%, with care in case of
body weight (max 40g) diluted in 500ml NaCl specificity 93% vomitus
0.9% (57) • Prospecve validaon
• Administrate infusion over 30 minutes study currently ongoing
• Measure copepn 60 minutes aer start of

Fig. 3 Characteristics of available diagnostic tests.

proposed stepwise approach towards the diagnosis studies [53,54]. They revealed that unstimulated
of diabetes insipidus is shown in Figure 2 and an copeptin levels, that is copeptin levels taken before
overview over the possible test methods and their water deprivation or stimulation tests, that exceed
limitations in Figure 3. 21.4 pmol/L show a 100% sensitivity and speci-
ficity for the diagnosis of nephrogenic DI. Whilst
these basal copeptin levels obviate the need for
Baseline copeptin measurement
further testing for nephrogenic DI, they cannot be
Copeptin derives from the precursor protein pre– used to differentiate central DI from PP patients
pro-vasopressin together with AVP and neuro- because of their large overlap. Accordingly, further
physin II [47,48]. Several studies have shown that stimulation tests are needed for those two groups.
copeptin mirrors AVP concentration and has
shown an even higher correlation to plasma osmo-
The water deprivation test
lality than AVP [49,50]. Whilst AVP measurement
failed to enter clinical practice because of complex The water deprivation test according to the test
preanalytical requirements and only few reliable protocol proposed by Miller et al. [55] has been the
assays available [51], copeptin has the advantage standard test to diagnose DI for many years. It is
that it is stable for several days at room tempera- also often referred to as the indirect water depri-
ture, does not require preanalytical procedures vation test, since it does not include direct AVP
and can be measured within two hours in 50ul measurement but instead assesses the AVP effect
serum or plasma. With the original manual sand- indirectly by measuring the urine concentration
wich immunoluminometric assay (LIA) [52] and its over 17 h of period of fluid deprivation. One hour
successor the automated immunofluorescent before the end of the test desmopressin, a synthetic
assay (KRYPTOR platform), there are currently AVP analog is administered and changes in urine
two CE certified assays available. osmolality are taken into account for the diagnostic
evaluation. Urine osmolality below 300 mOsm/kg
The promising role of copeptin as a diagnostic despite water deprivation diagnoses complete DI,
marker for DI was first shown in two prospective with patients with central DI showing an increase

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in urine osmolality above 50% upon desmopressin stimulation test to differentiate patients with PP
injection, whilst patients with nephrogenic DI from patients with central DI.
remain below this threshold. Patients with partial
central DI or PP usually increase with their urine The short test duration of 2–3 hours, making it
osmolality to 300–800 mOsm/kg. Upon desmo- possible to perform this test in the outpatient
pressin injection, partial central DI patients show setting, is a further advantage. In addition, the
an increase in urine concentration of more than majority of patients undergoing both tests stated
9%, whilst this increase is less than 9% in PP that they preferred the hypertonic saline infusion
patients. However, it is important to note that these over the water deprivation test [20] despite a higher
cut-offs were derived from post hoc assessment of a rate of adverse events such as vertigo or malaise.
single study involving only 36 patients without Nevertheless, this test should only be performed in
prospective validation [55]. Furthermore, the diag- centres where the rise in sodium levels can be
nostic cut-offs show a large overlap, especially in closely monitored using rapid sodium measure-
the two patient groups partial central DI and PP. ments (e.g. venous blood gas analysis) to prevent
This is best explained by the reduction in the renal osmotic overstimulation and to ensure the safety of
medullary concentration gradient in longstanding the test.
PP patients, which makes any diagnostic evalua-
tion of the urine osmolality difficult [56]. Two
The arginine stimulation test
prospective studies [20,53] revealed these issues
by showing a low diagnostic accuracy of only Recent data revealed the amino acid arginine as
around 70% of the water deprivation test with another stimulator of the posterior pituitary [57].
particularly poor performance for diagnosing PP. Arginine is an endogenous precursor to nitric
Additional copeptin measurement during the water oxide, an important signalling molecule in several
deprivation test further reduced its diagnostic endocrine pathways, and is used in clinical prac-
accuracy and is therefore not recommended [20]. tice as a standard test for stimulating growth
hormone [58]. The current prospective study
included 92 healthy adults and children and 96
The hypertonic saline stimulation test
patients with polyuria–polydipsia syndrome [57].
With the discovery of copeptin as a stable AVP The arginine infusion led to a rise in the median
surrogate marker, the concept of direct testing copeptin levels from 5.2 pmol/L to 9.8 pmol/L in
was revisited. Since the osmotic stimulation of the the healthy participants. Meanwhile, a copeptin
water deprivation test is insufficient [20], the level of 3.8 pmol/L taken 60 min after start of the
administration of a 3% hypertonic saline infusion infusion had a high diagnostic accuracy of 93%
was evaluated. In a first study involving 50 (sensitivity 92%, specificity 93%) to distinguish the
patients with polyuria–polydipsia syndrome [54], 38 central DI from the 58 PP patients. Another
patients were first deprived from water for advantage of the arginine infusion test is that it is
5 hours and received additional infusion of 3% well-tolerated, with adverse effects mainly involv-
hypertonic saline if needed with the aim to ing mild nausea. If a patient experiences severe
increase plasma sodium levels above 147 mmol/ nausea or vomiting, test results should be inter-
L. At this threshold, a copeptin level above preted with caution as vomiting is a potent trigger
4.9 pmol/L diagnosed patients with PP with a for AVP/copeptin release.
94% sensitivity and specificity. This copeptin cut-
off has recently been prospectively validated in A post hoc evaluation compared the results of 60
the so far largest cohort of 156 polyuria–polydip- patients who underwent the hypertonic saline
sia syndrome patients [20]. Instead of the initial infusion test [20] and the arginine infusion test
water deprivation period, the test protocol in this protocol [57]. This comparison showed a higher
study was further simplified by administrating diagnostic accuracy for the hypertonic saline infu-
only 3% hypertonic saline solution (first as a sion test of 100% compared with 93% of the
250ml bolus followed by a body weight-adapted arginine infusion test, which is probably due to
infusion rate) aiming at a plasma sodium the stronger copeptin stimulation by hyperosmo-
level ≥ 150 mmol/L. Using the previously defined lality. A clear advantage of the arginine infusion
copeptin cut-off level of 4.9 pmol/L confirmed the test, however, is its simple and short test proce-
high diagnostic accuracy of 97% (sensitivity 93%, dure without constant rapid laboratory assess-
specificity 100%) of the hypertonic saline ments and its good tolerability. To validate the

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Diabetes insipidus for the internist / M. Christ-Crain et al.

derived arginine-stimulated copeptin cut-off levels [59]. Biopsies of the pituitary stalk are rarely
and for a prospective comparison with the hyper- performed due to the critical localization and
tonic saline infusion test, a randomized multicen- associated morbidity.
tre study is currently being carried out (clinical NCT03572166). First results are In the literature, a standardized evidence-based
expected in 2022. diagnostic approach to idiopathic DI is lacking.
However, given the possibility of an occult patho-
In summary of the above-mentioned tests, it can be logical process, a broad initial evaluation and an
said that copeptin measurement has become an appropriate endocrine follow-up are indicated. Our
important biomarker for the diagnosis of DI. Whilst approach to patients with idiopathic DI is illus-
basal copeptin measurement easily diagnoses trated in Figure 4.
nephrogenic DI, two copeptin stimulation tests
with a high diagnostic accuracy are available to We recommend routine clinical and laboratory
differentiate central DI from PP patients. evaluation of concomitant anterior pituitary defi-
ciency, which may be present in up to 50% either at
diagnosis or during follow-up [6]. Additionally, we
How to proceed in case of idiopathic DI
perform a broad laboratory assessment (including
Differential diagnosis of central DI is challenging renal and liver function test, C-reactive protein,
when clinical evidence of a causal injury or a erythrocyte sedimentation rate and blood count). A
specific disease is not present (idiopathic DI). The lumbar puncture may be performed in case of
pituitary MRI may show no abnormality or just the severe headache or according to the clinical con-
absence of the bright spot or unspecific pituitary text.
stalk thickening. The aetiological spectrum of idio-
pathic DI includes autoimmune/inflammatory or The presence of other autoimmune disorders (e.g.
infiltrative diseases, neoplasia or congenital hypothyroidism, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s dis-
anomalies in the presence of pituitary stalk lesions ease) may point to an possible autoimmune

Idiopathic diabetes insipidus (with normal cMRI or nonspecific pituitary stalk lesion)

Basic evaluation
Clinical evaluation for hypopituitarism, systemic disease, autoimmune disease
Biochemical evaluation including pituitary hormones, differential blood count, electrolytes, renal and liver function tests,
c-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Specific evaluation: look for..

Primary hypophysitis Langerhans cell Sarcoidosis Germinoma
Consider serum IgG4 histiocytosis Chest x-ray / CT chest Serum beta hCG, AFP*
Biopsy if skin, lymph node, Serum ACE / soluble IL2R
bone, lung involvement Consider ophthalmologic

Consider lumbar puncture

normal abnormal Specific treatment

and follow-up
Follow-up cMRI and pituitary hormones after 3-6 months
Progressive Histo-pathological
cMRI finding evaluation
Periodic follow-up cMRI and pituitary hormones during first 3 years

*tumor markers are not specific, see text

Fig. 4 Diagnostic approach to idiopathic diabetes insipidus.

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aetiology such as hypophysitis [44]. This rare Sarcoidosis is another multisystem infiltrative dis-
pathology with different histopathological variants order that may manifest with hypothalamic or
has a female preponderance and may be associ- pituitary involvement. The screen for sarcoidosis
ated with pregnancy. According to a large German should include a careful evaluation of skin and
series of 76 patients with primary hypophysitis, lymph nodes and an ophthalmologic examination
central DI is present in over 50% of patients and or lumbar puncture may be useful. We measure
mostly associated with other pituitary deficits angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and/or sol-
such as hypogonadism, hypothyroidism or adre- uble interleukin-2 receptor (IL2R) in serum and
nal insufficiency [60]. Common nonendocrine perform a chest X-ray (a quarter to two third of
symptoms are headache and increasing body patients with neurosarcoidosis have suggestive
weight as a sign of hypothalamic involvement lung findings) although none of these tests have
[60]. Autoantigens involved in autoimmune DI perfect sensitivity or specificity [68,69].
and the role of antibodies directed against AVP-
secreting cells have not been fully elucidated [61], Germinomas have a peak incidence in the second
and we do not routinely measure antibodies in decade of life and manifest more often in males
idiopathic DI. According to an Italian study involv- compared with females, and the most frequent
ing 150 patients, antibodies are present in one intracranial sites include the suprasellar region
third of patients with idiopathic DI and in one and the pineal gland. Germinomas can be screened
quarter of patients of other forms of central DI by measuring the tumour markers alpha-fetopro-
[62]. Various brain tumours, especially germi- tein and beta-hCG in serum (and cerebrospinal
noma, are also associated with the development fluid); however, these tumour markers are not
of hypothalamic–pituitary antibodies [63]. Pitu- specific. High markers are typically seen in other
itary antibodies are, therefore, not specific nor germ cell tumours such as choriocarcinomas and
sensitive and may rather represent an epiphe- immature teratomas, but low or normal markers
nomenon. A rare form of hypophysitis represents are observed in pure germinomas or mature ter-
IgG4-related hypophysitis, which may be associ- atomas. If central DI is the first disease manifes-
ated with other IgG4-related systemic diseases tation of a germinoma, the correct diagnosis is
(e.g. retroperitoneal fibrosis, autoimmune pancre- often delayed [70]. Serial imaging during the first
atitis, lung or lymph node involvement). IgG4- three years is important as radiological signs (e.g.
related hypophysitis seems more prevalent in men progressive thickening of the pituitary stalk) may
above 55 years and is probable if elevated serum only be apparent over time [6,46].
IgG4 levels, tissue infiltration of IgG4-positive
plasma cells and/or typical organ involvement is To exclude fast-growing malignant tumours that
present [64]. need prompt histopathological evaluation, we
perform the first imaging three to six months
Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a rare disease, after the initial diagnosis of central DI. There-
which is characterized by histiocyte tissue infil- after, the frequency of repeated imaging is indi-
tration. The prevalence is highest in young chil- vidualized according to the clinical context and
dren, but the disease is seen in all age groups. whether or not abnormal MRI findings are pre-
Nearly every organ may be affected, but bone, sent. If the MRI shows normal findings, a yearly
skin, lung or lymph node involvement is most MRI seems reasonable during the first two to
commonly observed [65]. The disease may be three years.
limited to one organ (in more than half of
patients) or manifests as a multisystem illness. Repeated biochemical testing should also be per-
Central DI is the most frequent endocrine man- formed as anterior pituitary deficiency may develop
ifestation and may represent the first symptom of over time (and be a sign of a progressive underlying
Langerhans cell histiocytosis [66]. Patients with disease) or sometimes also resolve in case of
idiopathic DI should, therefore, be carefully hypophysitis [71].
assessed for concomitant or later onset of other
organ manifestation of Langerhans cell histiocy- Management of central diabetes insipidus
tosis, which typically arises within the first two
General management of DI by the specialist
years of DI diagnosis [6,67]. The diagnosis is
confirmed by pathologic evaluation of involved In the majority of patients with central DI,
tissue. osmoregulated thirst is intact, and therefore, oral

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fluid intake accurately compensates for urinary Because the oral dose cannot be precisely pre-
and insensible water losses. Even without treat- dicted from a previous nasal dose, transfer of
ment, patients are therefore typically euna- patients from nasal to oral therapy usually
traemic. However, due to the typical symptoms requires some dose retitration. For intravenous
of polyuria and polydipsia, usually treatment administration, 2 mcg of desmopressin acetate
with desmopressin is started. Desmopressin is may be given over two minutes; the duration of
dosed empirically. To avoid the main adverse action is 12 h or more. The maximum dose of
effect of hyponatraemia, the minimum desmo- desmopressin required rarely exceeds 0.2 mg
pressin dose required to control symptoms orally, 120 µg sublingually or 10 µg (one nasal
should be started. The first dose is usually given spray) given 2–3 times daily. These doses usually
at bedtime to initially reduce nocturia. If polyuria produce plasma desmopressin levels higher than
and polydipsia persist during the day, a daytime those required to cause maximum antidiuresis but
dose is added. Usually, this is a lifelong treat- reduce the need for more frequent treatment [72].
ment since in most patients, DI is permanent.
The exception is DI following neurosurgery, where The major complication of desmopressin therapy is
it is mostly only transient, occurring within the hyponatraemia. A retrospective review has shown
first postoperative days and ceasing thereafter. that 27% of central DI patients show mild hypona-
Patients with DI after transsphenoidal surgery traemia on routine electrolyte testing and 15%
should therefore not receive a fixed dose of develop more severe hyponatraemia, over long-
desmopressin, but instead their degree of poly- term follow-up [73]. Hyponatraemia develops when
uria must be observed carefully. If the polyuria the antidiuretic effects of desmopressin therapy
becomes less pronounced or ceases, desmo- prevent free water excretion, even with normal fluid
pressin can be tapered or withdrawn. If DI is intakes. This can be prevented by delaying doses of
still present 2 weeks after surgery, permanent DI desmopressin to allow regular aquaresis, but reg-
becomes more likely. ular electrolyte checks are recommended during
initiation of therapy. Annual electrolyte checking is
Desmopressin can be administered intranasally, recommended for long-term follow-up, though
orally, subcutaneously or intravenously. Usually, more frequent monitoring is needed where hypona-
start with an oral or intranasal preparation is traemia episodes are more frequent.
recommended. A slightly lower risk of hypona-
traemia has been reported upon treatment with
Management of DI for nonspecialists (with a focus on emergency
the oral dose as compared to the intranasal dose.
management in hospitals)
For the intranasal preparation, an initial dose of
10 mcg at bedtime can be titrated upward in 10 Hypernatraemia is rare in ambulatory patients
mcg increments. The usual daily maintenance with DI; in contrast, the rate of hypernatraemia
dose is 10 to 20 mcg per day. The oral form has during hospital admission is clearly higher [73].
a lower potency than the nasal form because only The aetiology of this hypernatraemia is multifacto-
about five per cent is absorbed from the gut. A rial; if cognition is attenuated by critical illness,
0.05 mg tablet is the equivalent of about 10 mcg of fluid intake may be reduced, and if the patient is
the nasal spray. For the oral preparation, the vomiting, oral desmopressin intake is difficult.
initial dose is therefore usually 0.05 mg at bed- Most hospital studies report increased mortality
time with titration upward until 0.1 mg to (max) in intensive care units associated with hyperna-
0.8 mg in divided doses. Table 2 shows the traemia [74], and it is a poor prognostic sign in
approximate equivalence doses of different appli- patients who develop DI following head injury [75].
cations (Table 2). Recent observational data from a nationwide Swiss

Table 2. Approximate equivalence doses of the different applications of desmopressin

Application i.v./s.c./i.m. Intranasal Per os Sublingual

Concentration 4 µg/ml 0.1 mg/ml 100/200ug tablets 60/120/240 µg tablets
10 µg/dosage
Starting dosage 1 µg 10 µg 50 µg 60 µg

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cohort study showed an increased mortality rate in water or milk) or, if necessary, intravenously (using
complex hypopituitary patients with central DI 5% dextrose in water). Hypotonic fluids should be
admitted to hospital, compared with hypopituitary administered as an intravenous infusion, with the
patients without DI, consistent with vulnerability rate adjusted to exceed the hourly urine output and
of DI patients to develop hypernatraemic dehydra- reverse the calculated total body water deficit. The
tion in the context of severe illness [76]. The usual aim is to provide just enough water to safely
propensity to develop hypernatraemia during hos- normalize serum sodium at a rate of < 0.5 mmol/L
pital admission is particularly marked in patients per h (<10–12 mmol/L per day) [83].
with adipsic DI [73], and this subgroup of DI
patients have been documented to develop severe It is important to stress that, as hypernatraemic
hypernatraemia [77], which may be complicated by dehydration is associated with a hypercoagulable
thrombotic episodes [78]. state, the risk of venous thrombosis, and pul-
monary embolism, is substantial, particularly in
Results of a retrospective audit of patients hospi- an immobile patient [84]. It is therefore recom-
talized with central DI showed that desmopressin mended to routinely prescribe prophylactic subcu-
treatment had been missed or delayed in 88% of taneous low molecular weight heparin during
admissions and that 35% of patients consequently episodes of hypernatraemic dehydration, until
developed dysnatraemia [79]. This was attributed eunatraemia is restored.
to a lack of understanding of the critical nature of
desmopressin amongst clinical staff [80]. There- Nephrogenic DI is more difficult to treat since these
fore, the Society for Endocrinology (SfE) in 2018 patients have (at least partial) resistance to AVP
published guidelines on in-hospital management agents. However, response to (sub)maximal dosed
of central DI [81]. The results of these guidelines desmopressin treatment may be seen in some
have generated a sensible basis for the manage- patients. If possible, the underlying disorder (e.g.
ment of DI when patients are admitted to hospital. hypercalcaemia) should be corrected. Patients
should be instructed to take a low-sodium diet
In hospitalized patients with only mild disease, who leading to modest hypovolaemia, which again
are alert and able to drink, complications should not stimulates isotonic proximal tubular reabsorption
be expected. In case of pneumonia or other respira- and thereby reduces solute delivery to the distal
tory complications, it may be advisable to prescribe parts of the nephron.
oral rather than nasal desmopressin due to the
limited absorption from congested nasal passages Thiazide diuretics are sometimes efficient due to
[82]. If patients have persistent fever and tachyp- induced natriuresis, mainly if combined with a low-
noea, insensible water losses are likely to be sub- sodium diet. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
stantially increased; ordinarily, osmotically agents can also be used since they block prosta-
stimulated drinking should generate fluid intake glandin synthesis, thereby increasing non-AVP-
sufficient to make up for insensible losses, but if dependent water reabsorption.
cognitive function is impaired by fever, hypoxia or
sepsis, intravenous fluids may be required. Amiloride is the preferred drug to prevent progres-
sion or possibly improve lithium-induced DI in
In patients with severe illness, desmopressin should patients in whom lithium is continued.
be given parenterally. The intravenous route is
generally preferred because it obviates concerns So far, no reasonable medical therapeutic options
about absorption and has the same total duration of can be offered to patients with primary polydipsia.
action as the other parenteral routes. Prompt reduc- These patients continue to be thirsty and to drink
tion in urine output should occur, and the antidi- even in the presence of plasma osmolalities low
uretic effect generally lasts for 6 to 12 h. Urine enough to suppress AVP secretion, which may lead
osmolality and urine volume should be monitored to to severe complications such as water intoxication
ascertain whether the dose was effective, and the and severe electrolyte disturbances.
plasma sodium measured at frequent intervals to
ensure the improvement of hypernatraemia.
Summary and conclusion
Patients with DI and severe dehydration should be After a detailed medical history and physical exam-
treated with hypotonic fluids, either enterally (using ination, a baseline laboratory assessment including

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