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Data analysis and organization for

Ren Shoe Store.

Data analysis and organization for Ren Shoe Store.

Prepared for
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

Prepared by
GroupBatch: Section:B
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

May 13, 2022

May 13, 2022

Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

Dear Ahmed Sir:

Here is the report on the Data analysis and organization for Ren Shoe Store that you asked us to
conduct on April 17.
Our group of five members organized the data and analysed it for easy use by the managers of
Ren Shoe Store. Managers need analysed and precised information,so we analysed the data in
ways that wont waste their time.The data were also checked for any errors.
We appreciate you choosing our group for this assignment. If you should need any additional
assistance please contact us at 312-222-2567.

Sincerely Yours,

Group: MoneyPenny

Table of Content:
Table of Contents
Executive summary:.................................................................................................iv
The Case:...................................................................................................................1
Case Solving:.............................................................................................................7
1. The total sales of the company in TK:............................................................7
2. The sales value of January for branch B.........................................................7
3. The average sales for branch B:......................................................................8
4. The number of times sales were less than 5000 units in Branch B:..............9
5. The number of times sales value were graeter than 250000 and less than
500000 for branch B:.............................................................................................9
6. How good is the sales of each branch with the given grading table:..........10
7. The sales value in TK of July for branch A, February for branch B, June for
branch C, June for branch D................................................................................11
8. A chart for branch A......................................................................................13
9. A pivot table for branch A.............................................................................13
Analysis and Conclusion:........................................................................................15

Executive summary:

Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its Office product group for
business applications. Microsoft Excel enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a
spreadsheet. The most useful excel formulas are : SUM, SUMIF, AVERAGE, AVERAGE IF, COUNT,
Microsoft Excel is arguably one of the most popular spreadsheet applications and has long since
played a role in businesses. For example, it is used in business analysis, human resource
management, operations management, , collection and verification of business data, data entry
and storage, data analysis, performance reporting, strategic analysis, accounting and budgeting,
administrative and managerial management, account management, project management and
office administration. Excel uses a large collection of cells formatted to organize and manipulate
data and solve mathematical functions.
The use of Excel is easy and convenient for a business firm. Using excel in business increase
productivity as well as flexibility. Excel also helps to visualize data using graphs and charts. One
of the biggest benefits of Excel is to work on spreadsheet in cloud which is easily accessible
from anywhere of the world.
In case of Ren Shoe Store, we have uses various formula to find out different value and
condition of the company so that it can be easy for manager to take its decision. In order to
carry out our analysis we have uses Microsoft Excel with its different formula. To find out total
sales for Ren Shoe Store for its all branch for the whole year we used SUM function. Again in
case of find out total sales value of January month for branch B, we used SUMIF function as
there is a condition that we should find out the value for only January month. When we wanted
to calculate the average sale for branch B for the year, we used AVERAGE function. Then we
tried to find out how many times sales were less than 5000 units in branch B.As there is a
condition we used COUNTIF function to solve this. Then again we wanted to find out how many
times sales were greater than 250000 and less than 500000 in branch B, we exercised
COUNTIFS function as there are more than one condition. Moreover we tried to give an overall
idea about every branch's condition based on their sales value, we used nested IF function for
this. First we created a condition table to apply the function properly and clearly. We put our
conditions in the formula and got the outcome. We also find out some specific value from the
database by using VLOOKUP formula. Using VLOOKUP helped us to find out the value within a
few second. As charts are used for visual representation of data we have created a chart for
Branch A to show all data for the year. At last we created a Pivot Table for branch A. Pivot table
are used to quickly summarize large amount of data. By using this table Ren Shoe Store can
easily find out any numerical data from its large database.

Based on the analysed information (outcome of Excel calculations), now the manager of the”
Ren Shoe Store” can easily adopt new strategies needed for the upcoming year.

The Case:
Ren shoe store recently opened a new branch in a new area called branch B. The store made
sure 10,000 of shoes were available for sale at the start of every month as decided by the
managers. Also the managers decided not to give any promotional discount and seasional
discount. The decisions managers took for the first year needs to be examined and take action
against any error before creating a new plan for the next year.

Below is the table containing monthly sales and revenue data about Ren Shoe Store for the year

To take a decision based on these data , the data needs to be processed analysed so that a
manager gets the information he needs. Bellow are some processing and analysis Ren Shoe
Store manager requires to take decisions for next year:

1. The total sales of the company in tk.

2. The sales value of January for branch B.

3. The average sales for branch B.
4. The number of times sales were less than 5000 units in Branch B.
5. The number of times sales value were graeter than 250000 and less than 500000 for
branch B.
6. How good is the sales of each branch with the grading given bellow:

7. The sales value of July for branch A, February for branch B, June for branch C, June for
branch D.
8. A chart for branch A.
9. A pivot table for branch A.


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS.
It features calculation or computation capabilities, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro
programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Excel forms part of the
Microsoft Office suite of software.

Microsoft released Excel in 1985 under the name Microsoft Multiplan. Microsoft’s spreadsheet
program competed with similar products at the time, including Lotus 1-2-3 from the Lotus
Development Corp. Initially, Multiplan lost popularity on Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-
DOS) systems when competing with Lotus 1-2-3. Two years after its initial release, in 1987,
Microsoft introduced Excel version 2.0. By 1988, this new version, now on Windows platforms,
began to outsell Lotus 1-2-3 and other similar spreadsheet programs. In 1990, Microsoft
released version 3 of Excel, with features such as toolbars, 3D charts, and drawing and outlining
capabilities. Version 4 came along two years later and added the auto-fill function. In 1993,
version 5 of Excel was released. This version included Visual Basic for Applications macros,
which enabled regular tasks to be automated. One of the next big updates to Excel was version
12, which was released in 2007. This update used a new Ribbon menu system. Improved
functions included a SmartArt set of diagrams, better management of named variables and
more flexibility for formatting graphs. Excel moved to using the more structured and open XLSX
files as well. Version 15 released in 2013 included new tools such as Power View, Power Pivot
and Flash Fill. This version also improved multithreading capabilities. The current version of
Excel, version 16, was released in 2019.

Excel terminology and components :

Excel has its own terminology for its components, which new users may not immediately find
understandable. Some of these terms and components include the following:

 Cell : A user enters data into a cell, which is the intersection of a column and row.
 Cell reference : This is the set of coordinates where a cell is located. Rows are horizontal
and numbered whereas columns are vertical and assigned a letter.
 Active cell : This is the currently selected cell, outlined by a green box.
 Workbook : This is an Excel file that contains one or more worksheets.
 Worksheet : These are the different documents nested within a Workbook.
 Worksheet tab : These are the tabs at the bottom left of the spreadsheet.
 Column and row headings These are the numbered and lettered cells located just
outside of the columns and rows. Selecting a header highlights the entire row or
 Formula : Formulas are mathematical equations, cell references or functions that can be
placed inside a cell to produce a value. Formulas must start with an equal “=” sign.
 Formula bar : This is the long input bar that is used to enter values or formulas in cells. It
is located at the top of the worksheet, next to the “fx” label.
 Address bar : This bar located to the left of the formula bar shows the number and
letter coordinates of an active cell.
 Filter : These are rules a user can employ to select what rows in a worksheet to display.
This option is located on the top right of the home bar under “Sort & Filter.” An auto
filter option can be selected to show rows that match specific values.
 AutoFill : This feature enables users to copy data to more than one cell automatically.
With two or more cells in a series, a user can select both cells and drag the bottom right
corner down to autofill the rest of the cells.
 AutoSum : This feature enables users to add multiple values. Users can select the cells
they want to add and press the Alt and Equal keys. There is also a button to enable this
feature on the top right of the home page, above “Fill” and to the left of “Sort & Filter.”
 PivotTable : This data summarization tool sorts and calculates data automatically. This is
located under the insert tab on the far left.

 PivotChart : This chart acts as a visual aid to the PivotTable, providing graph
representations of the data. It is located under the middle of the insert page, next to
 Source data : This is the information that is used to create a PivotTable.

Advanced Excel capabilities :

More advanced tools in Excel include the following:

 TREND function . This tool is used to calculate linear trend lines through a set of Y or X
values. It can be used for time series trend analysis or projecting future trends.
Trendlines can be used on charts.
 VLOOKUP. The Vertical Lookup, or VLOOKUP function, can be used to search for values
in a larger data set and pull that data into a new table. VLOOKUP is a cell input
command that looks like =VLOOKUP(). The parentheses include the data the user wants
to look up, where to look for it, the column number with the value to return; or
optionally, the user can specify an Approximate or Exact match indicated by True or
 Table Array. This is a combination of two or more tables with data and values linked and
related to one another. This is part of VLOOKUP.
 Col_index_num. Another value when creating a table array that specifies the column
from where data is being pulled.
 Range lookup. This value in VLOOKUP provides information closest to what a user wants
to find when nothing matches other variables. This is represented by a true or false
label. False gives the exact value a user is looking for and True gives results from a
variable data range.
 MAX and MIN functions. These functions provide the maximum and minimum values
from selected data sets. MAX is used to find the maximum value in a function tab and
MIN is used to find the minimum value.
 AND function. This function has more than one criteria set when searching variables. If a
variable matches the criteria, the value will be returned as true; if not, it will be returned
as false. The input for the function should look like this: =AND (logical1, [logical2], …).
 Additional functions for use in Excel include subtract, multiply, divide, count, median,
concatenate and other logical functions similar to AND, such as OR.

Uses of Excel in Business :

Excel is most commonly used in business settings. For example, it is used in business analysis,
human resource management, operations management and performance reporting. Excel uses
a large collection of cells formatted to organize and manipulate data and solve mathematical
functions. Users can arrange data in the spreadsheet using graphing tools, pivot tables and
formulas. The spreadsheet application also has a macro programming language called Visual
Basic for Applications. Organizations use Microsoft Excel for the following :

 Collection and verification of business data;

 Business analysis;
 Data entry and storage;
 Data analysis;
 Performance reporting;
 Strategic analysis;
 Accounting and budgeting;
 Administrative and managerial management;
 Account management;
 Project management; and
 Office administration.

Benefits of using excel in business :

Improve Productivity : Analyzing data is vital for any business that wants to succeed today.
There is more data than ever, and you can be sure that your competition is making the most of
it. Using Excel for your small business means you can more efficiently analyze this information.
Adding information to spreadsheets allows you to sort, filter, and input your information
quicker than you could otherwise.
Visualization of Data : While it’s possible to analyze your information with text, it isn’t always
ideal. Many people work better when they see visuals. Excel makes this easy. One of the Excel
benefits that companies often overlook is the ability to generate charts and graphs. These
visuals will give your team a quick overview that allows them to understand the data in your
Online Collaboration : Spreadsheets have come a long way over the past decade. You used to
rely on computer desktops to run this software. While this worked great for the time, it did
have limitations when it comes to sharing. One of the best Excel for businesses benefits today is
the ability to work on your spreadsheets in the cloud. Your team can access your spreadsheets
from anywhere in the world. With remote work on the rise, it’s an investment worth

Keep Data Consistent : There’s nothing worse than having data in different formats when you
analyze it. Your data needs to be in the same data format if you want to do a proper analysis.
This includes dates, currency, and decimal places. Excel allows you to do this by setting a base
format for each data column. You set your preference in your column settings, and Excel will
apply the same data format to each value in the column.
Connect to External Data : Databases and other data storage mechanisms are common today.
Even small businesses can use them with other software they use. The question is, can you use
this data in other applications? One of the best Excel hacks for your small business is connecting
to other data sources. Instead of manually inserting data in your spreadsheet, you can connect
to another database and automatically import your information. This feature saves your
company the money you would spend hiring a developer to create custom reporting.


The report illiustrates the data analysis and organization for the Ren Shoe Store. For data
collection, various online and offline sources were used, and only the data that fit into the
prefixed category relevant to the report was included. The team used various sources to collect
and sort relevant data. The data was then compiled into subsections to make the report
comprehensive. Before analysis, the dataset was checked for missing data and outliers.

Here a model datasheet has been used to show the use of different functions and features that
can be used for data management and analysis of an enterprise. The data provided in this
report is to be taken as a model ,and not the actual data of an actual enterprise. A description
of the data source(s) From where the data was collected (description of the environment and
participants, number of classes researched from which the data was used etc.) When and over
what time period was the data collected is included in the report.

Problems related to data collection and analysis were present in the process. The data
collection problems were solved by using multiple search engines instead of one and looking
toward offline data sources. The issues related to analysis were solved by consulting an expert
on the topic, who clarified the methods of analysis on which the team worked on.

Case Solving:

1. The total sales of the company in TK:

In this solution we have used “SUM” formula to determine total sales of the company for all
The formula is:
To apply this formula we first type ‘=SUM’ and open bracket then we select C3 to C14,F3 to
F14,I3 to I14 and L3to L14 and close bracket.After that we press enter and get our result.

2. The sales value of January for branch B.

In this solution we have used‘SUMIFS' formula to determine the amount of total salesfor
branch B in January.
The Formula is:
=SUMIFS(F13:F14,A3:A14, “January”)
To apply this formula we first type =SUMIFS and open bracket then we select F3 to F14then we
select A3 to A14 and then we put our cursor in cell A3 to select January and close the bracket.
Finally we press enter and got our result.

3. The average sales for branch B:

In this solution we have used ‘AVERAGE’ formula to determine average sales for branch B.
The formula is:

To apply this formula we first type average and open bracket then we select F3 and F14 and
close bracket. Finally we press enter and got our result.

4. The number of times sales were less than 5000 units in Branch

In this solution we have used ‘COUNTIF’ formula to determine the number of sales units which
is less than 5000 units for branch B.

The formula:

To apply this formula we first type average and open bracket then we select 33 and e14 and
type the criteria. Finally we press enter and got our result.

5. The number of times sales value were graeter than 250000 and
less than 500000 for branch B:

In this solution we have used COUNT IFs function to determine the number of sales value which
are greater than 250000 and less than 500000 for Branch B.
The Formula is :
To apply the formula we have to create a criteria chart which we can see in above picture than
we have written full formula and press enter.we got our result which is “6”.

6. How good is the sales of each branch with the given grading

In this solution we have used nested if function to determine the condition of every branch of
the company.
The Formula is :
=If(D15<40000, “bad”,if(and(D15>=40000,D15<=549000),
“good”,if(and(D15>=550000,D15<=599000, “better”, “best”)))
To apply the formula we put our cursor in a cell and write the full formula and press enter.Then
get our result.

7. The sales value in TK of July for branch A, February for

branch B, June for branch C, June for branch D.

In this solution we have used VLOOKUP to find out sale value of the company for different

For branch A,
The Formula is :

For branch B,
The Formula is :

For branch C,
The Formula is :

For branch D,
The Formula is :

To apply the formula we put our cursor in a cell and write the full formula and press enter.Then
get our result.

8. A chart for branch A.

A company create pivot chart for visually representing the pivot table or any tabular data which
helps to summarize and analyze the datasets,patterns,and trends.
To create a pivot chart firstly we have to select all data and than go to insert and select
recommendation tables.when we select recommendation tables , we can see many shape of
chart than select the one you like.
In this way ,we can create a pivot chart for a company.

9. A pivot table for branch A.

A company create a pivot table to quickly summarize large amounts of data.It can use a pivot
table to analyze numerical data in detail ,and answer unanticipated questions about your data.
A pivot table is especially designed for querying large amounts of data in many user-friendly
ways which we can see in aboove picture.
To create pivot table firstly we have to select full data than go to insert and select pivot table
than select range and press OK.
In second part we can see a blank page with pivot table and get some options to arrange the
Than we put the month to row labels and sales value,sales unit,sales revenue to values labels.
In this way ,we can create a pivot table for a company.

Analysis and Conclusion:
Information helps reduce uncertainty about the outcome of a decision. To make tactical and
strategical decisions that involve implementing policies and goals of the organization, a
manager needs more summarized and analysed information from both inside and outside the
In the mentioned case, some processed information about total sales, total revenue, grading of
sales amount, sales overview of Branch B etc. were required by the manager for taking decision
for the upcoming year. We’ve calculated the given data of Year 2021 by using Microsoft Excel.
We’ve applied some formulas of Excel such as SUM, SUMIF, COUNTIF, Average, NESTED IF etc.
for the calculations.
From the calculation, it is seen that the sales amount of Branch B was less than 5,000 for six
times in 12 months. From the case we found that the store made 10,000 shoes available for
sale at the beginning of each month. So, in proportion to 10,000 stock of shoes, sales of <5,000
for six times is not satisfactory.
From the grading, we can see that the total sales of Branch A was “Best”; Branch B- “Better”;
Branch C- “Good”; Branch D- “Good”. So, Branch A is in the right track. Branch B’s performance
is comparatively better but some steps should be taken to improve the total sales. But Branch C
and D are not in satisfying situation. The managers of Branch C and D must adopt some new
strategies to improve the sales. More promotional activities and customer oriented programs
can be adopted.
The total sales amount of the company including all branches was 11064400. From a overall
view, it is good enough.
From the pivot chart of Branch A, it’s found that the amounts of sales value, sales unit and
revenue are fluctuating. The management may take steps to make the amounts more steady
because too much fluctuation is risky for the firm.
The sales value of Branch B for the first month ‘January’ was fairly good in comparison with
other branches.
The pivot table for Branch A provides analysed numerical data in detail and answer
unanticipated questions about the data. The manager can have a clear idea about Branch A’s
performance from the pivot table.

The biggest feature of Excel is its flexibility. That moderately complicated spreadsheet can and
does change all the time, to accommodate new requirements and optimize workflow. By doing
calculations using excel, the Ren shoe store can ensure the flexibility of their analysis. The use
of Excel is convenient as well. Calculation of large amounts of data is possible within seconds

by using excel. Based on the analysed information, the manager of “Ren shoe store” will be able
to take decisions easily which will save time. So, it can be undoubtedly said that the use of Excel
will increase the efficiency and productivity of the “Ren Shoe Store”.


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