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1.What are the sources of self-efficacy ? Discuss each process.

 Mastery Experiences – personal experience of success. When you do well and succeed
at a particular task to attain a valued goal you usually believe that you will succeed again
at this task.
 Vicarious Experiences – the observed performances and experiences of others like
oneself in a similar situation.
 Verbal Persuasion – persuades a person to believe they have the skills and capabilities
to succeed especially when receiving positive verbal feedback while undertaking a
complex task.
 Emotional and Physiological states – refers to the importance of context and overall
health and wellbeing in the development and maintenance of self-efficacy.

2. What are the major processes that affect human functioning? Explain each process.

 Affective processes – it is a process which regulate emotional states and elicitation of

emotional reactions.
 Cognitive processes – a thinking process involve in the acquisition, organization and use
of information.
 Motivation – level of motivation reflected in the choice of course of action
 Selection process – people avoid activities and situations they believe exceed tjeir
coping capabilities. They undertake challenging activities and select situations they
consider themselves capable of handling.

3. Discuss the development and exercise of self-efficacy over the life span. Describe each of the
developmental changes which occur in the scope of self-efficacy development.

 Origins of a sense of personal agency – requires more than simple producing effects
by actions. Those action must be perceived as part of oneself
 Familial sources of self-efficacy – children cannot do much for themselves much of
their influence is through the exercise of proxy control, parents who are responsive
to their infants have infants who are advanced socially, linguistically and cognitively
 Broadening of Self-Efficacy through peer influence – children tend to choose close
associates who shares similar interests and values

4. What are the failures, setbacks, uncertainty and difficulties of self-efficacy?

 Unhappy childhood
 Poor academic performance in school resulting in a lack of confidence
 Ongoing stressful events; relationship breakdown, financial trouble
 Mental illness

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