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After this lesson,students will

be able to:
describe and characterize the
four types of clouds
On a sunny day, a wispy cloud
can be a beautiful sight, but at
other times a cloud can be a
sign of storms to come.
A cloud is made up of millions of
tiny water droplets or ice crystals
floating together in the air.
Meteorologists classify clouds
mainly by their appearance. There
are four major types of clouds
based on their appearance.
Cirrus clouds are the thin,
wispy clouds seen high in the
sky. They are thin because
they are made of ice crystals
instead of water droplets.
Cirrus clouds high in the sky,
means it is a fair weather.
Cumulus clouds are the puffy
clouds that are usually
scattered throughout the sky.
It can be white or gray. White
fluffy clouds means no rain.
Stratus clouds look like a
huge thick blanket covering
the sky. These clouds are a
sure sign of rain if it is warm
and snow if it is cold.
The word nimbus means a
cloud that already has rain or
snow falling from it. These
clouds are dark and seen
during a thunderstorm along
with thunder and lightning.

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