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to point at a target The hunter aimed his rifle at the rabbit. to point at a something The fire fighters aimed the hose at the fire to have a specified goal or purpose This project is aimed at increase in sales. noun 1. a goal or purpose 2. the abillity to hit a target She went to London with the aim of finding a job. mild adjective 1. gentle in nature or behavior a mild (=soft, gentle) breeze We've been having a very mild winter. He has a mild manner. 2. not strong in action or effect mild (=gentle] soap 3. not strong or harsh in taste The selection of food ranged from mild to very spicy. drift to move slowly on water, wind, etc. SE The boat slowly drifted out to sea. “ed Drifting snow covered most of the car. route noun 1. a way to get from one place to another place We didn't know what route to take/follow. 2. a way that someone or something regularly travels along a major bird migratory route 3. a way of achieving or doing something e route [=road| to success

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