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The boys chatter about the game on the

way home.
Definition: to talk about things
that are not important

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

The swift horse galloped in the meadow.
Definition: moving fast

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

The girl will peer into the telescope to look
at the moon.
Definition: to look closely
at something

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

I stumble on the sidewalk.
Definition: to trip

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

This bar of soap is too slippery to hold.
Definition: something that is smooth

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

Grandma’s big kiss made the boy blush.
Definition: to become red with embarassment

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

Lightning can startle the deer.
Definition: to scare someone

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

Heavy rains drench the little girl.
Definition: to get completely wet

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

The playground closes at dusk.
Definition: the time of day when the sun
goes down

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

I began to doze during the movie.
Definition: to fall asleep for a short time

Vocabulary Workshop Red Unit 5

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