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po a Am Ty Kaa NN THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK By Stephen Michael Sechi Cover Art and Illustrations: PD. Breeding Cover Graphics: John Williams and Co., Greenwich, CT Interior Graphics/Proofreading: Patty Sechi Map of Talislanta: Joe Bouza Typing: Lauren Schnitzer/Wordsmith, Yorktown Heights, NY Additional Art: Spencer Kipe, SMS Legal Department: Joel Kaye Creative Director: SMS Thanks to Rick Petrone, Simon Shapiro, Peggy, Grahm and Brad, Fred Dobratz and Osiris Wisdom; Sean Summers, John Langston, Earl Cooley and David Ladyman of Hexworld, Austin, TX; Charley Winton of POW: Danny and Mike from The Compleat Strategist, New York, NY; Ken Canossi and the folks at Rapid Repro, Greenwich, CT, Joe Bouza, J. Andrew Keith, Sherman Kreisher; and all the little people running around my apartment... Special thanks to Jim Reinwald, Protype Copyright 1987 All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA ‘THAECIA eqgegirrie {E THAECIANISLES ~THE AZURE OCEAN - emnamas (© THE FLOATING cITY OF evonrux us - THE SEA OF MADNESS - NDU: omen MARANTH 3 OLARIN: Manoesarge Tecra ; XN, 2 5 MomVstAOFMARIK F sentet an TERLANDS OF ZARAN, eran ¢ ve @ELARAN — rrenettesen <_fmprorsfoet ” THE QUAN EMPIRE ‘ @ HADRAN “ pgaFea ;, CARANTHEUM lnigentindnn Ain @bneCARTA ° ‘THE INLAND SEA. ANU anes PALIN CITY STATEOFHADS stern atsnarn 7 “tone RAJANISTAN — ‘erin ( f x } semersanee ) TM J ocnentinss SIP fn worms » “ . ‘THE CRESCENTISLES. seatesia- 90 Mop by Joe Boure INTRODUCTION THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK is a collection of rules and additional informaton for use with THE CHRONICLES OF ‘TALISLANTA and other books in the TALISLANTA series. The handbook features a game system that is easy toleam and to play. with litle emphasis on the complex rules which many FRP games use to simulate “realism.” The purpose of adopting this approach was to allow players and Gamemasters to concentrate on role playing, rather than the mechanics of play. To this end, much of the material in this book was devoted to the development of the Talislantan milieu. Instead ot generic charactor ciasses (such as “tho,” “magio-user,’ “warrior.” otc.) THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK contains over eighty different character types, each described according to race, nationaity, skils, special abilities, equipment and background. Folowing the briefrules section are appendices devoted to languages, currencies, trade goods, magical agjunets, and many other subject. We hope you enjoy THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK, and find it useful in your own campaign. A number of supplements are ianned for the future, each detaling some new aspect of the Talisiantan milieu. If there is a particular topic or area of interest Which you'd like us to present in these supplements, let us know by writing to: Taiislanta, c/o Bard Games, PO. Box 7729, Greenwich, CT 06836. CONTENTS Inroducton How tho Gare Weis SECTION ONE: CHARACTER CREATION SECTION TWO. ATTRIBUTES SECTION THREE: SKILLS SECTION FOUR: CoMaaT SECTION FIVE: MAGIC APPENDICES. ‘APPENDIX ONE! CHARACTER TYPES IMatratens ot Character APPENDIX TWO" SKIL Usingot ial Basle ils, Combat skis Nagisal/Alshorical Sie Poddrming Talents Schott Pursuts Thieng Talents Trades and Grafs Wilderness Skil : a ates. ENDIx THREE! SPELLS Minor Erehantments Bante Spots Talslantan Scigt Sis APPENDIX FOUR: EQUIBENT AN SUPPLIES fiustraons of Talsiantan Weaponry Buneehip Diagram Wingship Diagram [APPENDIX Five: GAEMASTER'S SECTION Stator Taliciartan Encounters. Character Background Flowers, Udetings ad Hlieings Utegpan Char Falsarten Gti or Langh Secret Socios and Wagical Orders Diseases and ietons Talstantan Adwentiros Glossary of faistentan Terme ‘Talstanvon Currencies ‘arene the woeriess Gimato ard wearer - Guido fo Pronounciation Gharacter Sheot Gamamasiers Tabios SEB SBLYBBREBBRSS morons erence sereegars: BReaNIe HOW THE GAME WORKS: AN OVERVIEW ‘The fclloning ic a brit outline of tho basic principles usod in THE ‘TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK game system. 4) Al'actions in the game fall under one of four calogorioe: COMBAT, MAGIC, SKILL user ATTRIBUTE use. 2) All charactors rocoive abilly ratings for COMBAT, MAGIC, SKILLS. and ATTRIBUTES. Uniieligent creatures generaly receive ratings only for COMBAT (andior MAGIC), 2) To determine the results of ary attempied acton in the game, Blayers and Gamemasters use the ACTION TABLE. Ratngs forthe thocen actionare compared, yioking a single mocifir (lus, minus or 2210). A tweniy sided ce fled and the madiier applied 10 Nis figure. The Gamemaster consults the appropriate column on the [ACTION TABLE (COMBAT, MAGIC or SKILL ATTRIBUTE) and eter ‘ines the resu of te aterpted action, as shown on the folowing {abe ACTION TABLE Die RESULT ‘compat macic SKILLATTRIBUTE Ooriess = ‘Combat Mishap Magical Michap Mishap 15 Miss ‘Spell Failure: Failure 10 Hit (2 damage) ‘Spel Cast Success 120 = Hit (normal damage) Spot Cast Success a+ Hit (damage + nent) Supero Spel Success Plus ACTION TABLE KEY INTERPRETING ACTION COMBAT TABLE RESULTS COMBAT MISHAP = The attack tals due to a mshap of some son: ‘he attacker sipe and als, a bowsting snaps, a weaponis dropped or ‘broken, the attacker hits 2 unintendeditarcet, etc MISS = Tho attack misses ardior doos no damage to the intended target. HIT (Vz DAMAGE) ~ A glancing blow is struck: all for damage as Usual, but vide total by two. Minimum demage for this resut is one pont HIT (NORMAL DAMAGE) = The attack strikes the intended target Rall for damage. HIT (DAMAGE + INTENT) = As per above, plus the attacker gains an additional advantage: opponent may be dsarmed, disable, driven back, knocked down, et, according tothe attacker’ eiated INTENT. MAGIC MAGICAL MISHAP = The spells incorrectly cast, causing an unto seen effect of some sort the spell stikes an unintended target, has @ reversed or aberrant effet, rebounds upon the caster, et. SPELL FAILURE = The spalis incorrectly cast and has no notice able effect. SPELL CAST = The spells cast corecty yielding he desired eftct. SUPERIOR SPELL ~ Tho spells cast to perfection, yielding the rmaximumior mos! favorable result, SKILL/ATTRIBUTE MISHAP ~ The attempt fails risorably, causing a mishap of some SoMt injury, accident, damage to equipment or property. et. FAILURE ~ The usor of the skil or attribute fas to achieve the desired result, does unsatsiactory work, creates a product of sub standard qualty, ete. SUCCESS = The user of the skil or attrbute achieves the desired result. ‘SUCCESS PLUS = The user of the skil or attbuie achieves the moet desirable result: avoiding damage form a spell or other attack, ‘emerging unscathed irom en accident or pitfall ot some sot, creating & producto truly superior quality etc In THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK game system, the Gamemastor 's responsible for interpreting the results of all ACTION TABLE de ‘ols. Tho ACTION TABLE KEY is omployod to dotormino the basic ‘result of any attempt to engage in COMBAT, MAGIC, SKILL use, or ATTRIBUTE use. The Gamemaster supples the specites, narrating {and interpreting ACTION TABLE results according to the citcun- stances ofpiay, he players’ stated intentions, and Piso: her creativity. NOTE TO PLAYERS AND GAMEMASTERS ‘The heart and soul of the Talsiantan game system isthe interaction between the players and the Gamemaster itis the Gamemasters job to help simulate in the game those things which make real Ife so Unpredictable: a stroke of good fortune, a reak accident, the strange ‘occurences which defy all odds or lay waste to the most caretily rade plans, ‘The players must help the Gamemaster by offering specticinfarma- tion on what their characters plan to do before rolling on the ACTION ‘TABLE. For example, the intent ot an attack mght be to Bsarm, stun, trip, disable, force back or any of a dozen other stratagems. Wf the player informs the Gamemaster beforehand of the character's Intentions, the Gamemaster will be better prepared 10 interpret the ACTION TABLE die result. tis also imposant for payers t allow theie Garremaster io embellish ACTION TABLE results withou! interfering in the course of the game. Gamemasters can earn the trust of their players by boing ‘ar and objective, and by maintaining a degree of oderaton n therr renderings. Imaginative and inventive narration is fine, as lorg as its notovercone. yA TIME IN THE GAME In game tarms, time is measured in increments krown as rounds." A round has litle retaion to real time, but is used primeriy to give structure to the game and alow events 1 progress in sequence. For ‘game purposos, oro round can be corsidered equivalent oa minut {tts comparison is useful manly in determining the duration of spels, potions, etc. In one round there's sufficient time for ‘two opposing groups of antagonists to exchange attacks + 2 spol to bo cast orn momory or device (two rounds are required to ‘casi spell rom a book or scroll) + anindvidual or creature to move up to the maximum distance alow: ‘able based on ls speed rating (see SECTION TWO: ATTRIBUTES) + an indvidval or eroature to perform any action which could conceiva- bly be undertaken in approximately one minute of real ime. LEVEL OF ABILITY AND CHARACTER PROGRESSION The term “level of ably” represents the measure of an individual's capabilties with regard to his or her chosen profession (for monsters ‘and wild boasts, the term represents natural abil), Al characters begin their game careers atthe fistlevel of ability (level (one). Thereetter, they may progress upwards in level of ability by {gaining experence points. The number of experience points required fora character to advance Inlevel of abltyistwemy-ve tft pons ithe character acqutres both primary magic and primary combat, oe SECTION THREE: SKILLS), EARNING EXPERIENCE POINTS Experence points are awarced bythe Gamemasier onthe folowing + 1-10 points per each adventure (or single game session) which the characters tako part in. The exact number of experience points ‘awarded for ary adventure is up to the Gememaster to deterine, based on hs or her appraisal ofthe degtee of difficulty entaledin the scenario, Each charactor who takes partin the adventure receivoe the seme number of experience for this accomplishment + One point for good role playing (based on the persona which the player has created or his or her character), or for exceptionalinnova- tiveiclever play in general. No more than three points per adventure should evor be awarded to a gien playorfor such accomplishments + One point per each game week which the player's character devotes ‘oxclusively 0 improving kls relatos to his or her chosen profession, Practices which may be rewarded inthis fashion inciude: study wih a ‘master or superie, training, research, experimertation, crealing some iter or construc elated tothe character's profession, and so forth, BENEFITS OF ADVANCING IN LEVEL OF ABILITY ‘Advancement in level of abilty improves all primary sks by +1 and increases the characte’ total numberof hit points by + 2. “Secondary” slls improve by +1 per every Wo levels of abvity gained, whle “basic” sklls improve by +1 per every four levels o abit MONEY AND WEALTH IN THE GAME {As in real ife, characters in the game wil need money to purchase food, clothing, equipment and shalt. In Talislania, the rate of exchange is Besed on the gold lumen, a coin equal in value (0 ten siver pieces or one hundred copper pees (one silver piece is worth ten copper pisces). For game purposes, ascume that twenty ocirs of ‘any type weigh approximately one pound, For moro information about the difren’ typos of Taislantan currencies, ‘see the GAMEMASTER'S SECTION. SECTION ONE: CHARACTER CREATION ‘THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK foaturos over sighty dtforot cha. ectr types fr players to choose from, and for Gamemasters to Use 2s norpleyer characters (such as henchmen, alles. enemies rar- ‘dom encounters, etc). Each charactor type has boon propared in ‘erence, and requires only a few modifications tobe ready fo play ‘The tolowing outine provides a gonoral overviow ofthe procedure for ‘characte creation. More specific nformation can be foundin the cor responding sections, 2s indicated 4) Tum to APPENDIX ONE at the back of the book, and review the LIST OF CHARACTER TYPES. Choose the type of character thet you'd ko to play, and write down al important information (in penci) (n the CHARACTER SHEET provided in tis secton (permission is (raried to photocopy the CHARACTER SHEET for your personal ‘se, if desited), Determine the cheracier’s height and weight as ‘esired, winwnthe stata racial imitations. 2) Review the LIST OF SKILLS, located in APPENDIX TWO. Choooe BACKGROUND SKILLS for your character. If a choce of skils 15 incicated in he descriptions of your charactor, choose these 2s wel 3) Moaty your charactor as desired, using the folowing guidelines: «) Inorease any attrbute oF atrbutes by a teal of upto three points (0lus facto}. locate these tonus points as desire. ) Decrease one attribute of your choice by one point. 0) Choose one ‘datonal Sil for your character. Ary sll may De taken except the primary or secondary combatand MAGIC talons. Note, howeve that iniveluels with INTELLIGENCE RATINGS of -4orless lackhe men- talcapaoty to acquire any adattional sits 4) Note all moditcatins‘on the CHARACTER SHEET, then tum tothe rules section and review the sectons on COMBAT. MAGIC, SKILLS {and ATTRIBUTES. Following the guidelines listed in these sections, determine the character's COMBAT RATING, MAGIC RATING, SKILL RATINGS. and ATTRIBUTE RATINGS. Related characteristes (such as languages, encumbrance foil and hitpoints) should be noted on the CHARACTER SHEET atts ime. 5) your caracier Fas spel casting sks. review the LIST OF BASIC SPELLS, located in APPENDIX THREE, 6) Give your character a name, then discuss the completed character swith your Gamomaster With the Gamomastorsassstance, determine the orcumstances under which the new character wil begin his or her ‘game career N SECTION TWO: ATTRIBUTES Attributes are natura abilities. which together constitute the physical {and montal mako-up of characters and crostures in the gare. in THE TALISLANTAN HANDBOOK system, there aie eight ctierent at- butes INTELLIGENCE. WILL. PERCEPTION, CHARISMA, ‘STRENGTH, DEXTERITY CONSTITUTION and SPEED. Those eight attibutes, and ther relation to SKILLS, COMBAT, MAGIC and other Characteristics, are explained futher onin the text. ATTRIBUTE RATINGS ATTRIBUTE RATING is the measure of an individual's or creature's natural abiity ina given mental or physical attrbuto. All attributes aro rated according joa ‘plus or minus” system. Exceptional attibuces are rated at +1 or better higher numbers indicating proportionally greater ‘tural ability, Unexceptional attrbutos are ratod at -1 of lower, and ‘average atributes are rated at"ze10" (neither plus nor ius). ATTRIBUTE RATINGS AS MODIFIERS ATTRIBUTE RATINGS are used as modifiers for applicable skits (ouch as DEXTERITY RATING ‘or the lock picking skil, PERCEP- TION RATING and INTELLIGENCE RATING ‘or he tracking skil, etc). ATTRIBUTE RATINGS aro also used to determine acharactor's COMBAT RATING and MAGIC RATING, and as modifiers for actions, ‘when do not aoply to ary specifc skill or talent. PROGEDURE FOR ATTRIBUTE USE ‘Whenever a character aitempis to undertake an action for which he or ‘she possesses no specific ski or talent, the flowing procedure shoud boomployec: 41) The character states the type of action which will be attempted. If the sction desorbed s actually a skil (auch as steath, tailing, ete.) \whict he or she is not proficient in, the standard non-proticency pen- ally must be applied (Gvide ACTION TABLE die ol by two, then apply ‘meodifiers).Ithe action is one for which there simply & no specific sil (such as breaking down a door. ooking ora lost or hidden ari, etc.) the Gamemaster delermines which atrbute would best determino tho. haracie’s chance of success forthe siated action. As en example, if the characteris looking fora lost article, the PERCEPTION RATING. ‘ean bo used to dotormins his or her chance o! aucooes. 2) The Gamemaster awards a plus, mirus or-7er0" modifier based cn the dogree of dificuty involved (for xample, it might be more difficult tofind an ertcle that fel into pond than one which felldown a fight of siars). 3) Compare the character's ATTRIBUTE RATING with tne Game- ‘mastar's modifier for dagree of dificuly The diflerence (# any)is used ‘28 a modifier forthe final step. 4) To simulate the use of an_sttibuto, roll a d20 on the SKILL/ ATTRIBUTE column of the ACTION TABLE and adjust the die result ‘according to any appicable mocttiors. The Gamemastor then iter Prats the resuit, based on the modified de roll and the charactors Slated intent, LIST OF ATTRIBUTES ‘The folowing is alist of attributes common to all characters, including descriptions of each atrbute and any related abies or characte. 1) INTELLIGENCE: This is a measure of the incividua’sintelect and ‘powers of reason. Inteligence is the deciding factor whenever an. Individual ttompts to doduco tho basic moaning of obscure or unfamil- Jar maps, dialects or wrltngs, appraise the relative value of goods, ‘sist splls which afec! the intellectual process, and so on. ABILITIES/CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO INTELLIGENCE RATING Individuals may be proficient in two languages, plus one ‘additonal anguage per each + 1 INTELLIGENCE RATING. Extra-Curricular Skils:indiviouals may acquire four extracuricular skills, plus or minus one skil per each +1 or -1 INTELLIGENCE RATING. 2) WILL: This is a meesure of the incividual’s willpower, taking into ‘2ocount such intangibles as determination, faith and wisdom. Wis the deciding facto: whenever an individual aterpis to resist Spas of Influence 0: Control, mind-reading, bribery, seduction, coercion, Iterogation, torture and soon, 3) PERCEPTION: This isa measure ofthe individuals sensory aware- 'e8e, taking into aocount the ables of sight, hoering, smell testo and touch, pus such intangbies as instinct, intuition and psychic talents. Perception is the decding factor whenever an individual attempts to elect unseen presences or ambushes, locate lost or hidden articles, ‘otice important details or changes in suntoundings. or utlze any sensory abilty 4) CHARISMA: Thi ic a measure! the individuals powers o persuas- iveness, inciuding such itangbles as leadership and the ebiliy 10 ‘commandthe respect of others. Charssma is ihe deciding factor when ‘ever an individual attempts to porsuede, bribe, seduce, negotiate, barter, haggle, and soon. ABILITIES CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO CHARISMA RATING Reaction Die Rolls: The firstimpression which a character makes on ‘any new eequaintance is determined by rollng a d20 on the SKILL ‘ACTION column of he ACTION TABLE, modified by the characiers, CHARISMA RATING. Failure may indicate an unfavorable or even hostile reaction; success may indicate eccepiance (or at least ‘ambvalence). while Success plis wil always vied the most favorable response possible under the prevailing rcumstances. At the Gamo- masier’s discretion, REACTION DIE ROLLS may be employed for ‘encounters of most any sort, 5) STRENGTH: Ths is a measure of an individual's physical power. ‘Strongth isthe determining facior whenever an individual aterrps to ‘old, restrain by force, push or pul, bend or break, force open or hold shut door, andsso on ABILITIES/CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO STRENGTH RATING Encumbrance: The maximum amount of weight which an avorage Talstantan humanoid can carry is one hundred pounds, plus tity pounds per each adicnal +1 STRENGTH RATING, orminus twenty pounds per each -1 STRENGTH RATING. Atrmaximum encumbrance, Incividuals suffer a penalty of -5 on all ACTION TABLE die ‘ols, rolatod to movement of any sort. Encumbrance figures for quadrupods are coubled. Damage: Oamage totals for physical attacks employing netural or ‘ther weaponry Gan be modiied postively or negatively according to the attacker's STRENGTH RATING (see SI FOUR: COMBAT for dota. 6) DEXTERITY: This is a measure of the indvidual’s agity, coordination ‘and (particularly wit regard to avian and aquetic spacies) maneuver ably Dexterity is the determining factor whenever an individual ‘attempts to perform a task requiring manuel dexterity dodge or evade, ‘atcha thrown abject, and soon. 7) CONSTITUTION: This is a measure ofthe individual s endurance, stamina and durabiy, Constitution the dotormining factor whenever {an inivdual is attempting to resist the effects of disease, wounds suffered in combat, poisons and toxins, exposure, hunger, thirst and ABILITIES/CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO CONSTITUTION RATING Hit Points: The average number of ht points which an indivicual or creature possesses 's determined by race (see APPENDIX ONE: CHARACTER TYPES). Ths total s moctied, one time only for begin ning characters, by adcing or subtracting a number of points equal to the incividual’s CONSTITUTION RATING. Thereatter individuals gain ‘an addtional two hitpoints per every level of abilty gained Healing. The average individual or creature heals at the rate of two hit points per day. plus one additonal point of healing per +1 ‘CONSTITUTION RATING. Individuais with negative CONSTITUTION RATINGS heal atthe rate of only one hit point per day.” “Life and Death in the Geme Individuals or eroatures roducod to zero or oss ht poinis are rendered ‘unconscious, ard consideredon the verge of death. The Gamemaster ‘myst rollad20 (in secret) and consult the SKILL ATTRIBUTE column ‘on the ACTION TABLE, using tho vietim's CONSTITUTION RATING 28 a modifier. I the made ie resul indicates “success plus” the Victim will make a full recovery (in time, or with addtional healing). A rosut of “cuacoss” indicates thatthe vetm will recover, but wil sufior pemanent damage (disfigurement, reduction of an attrbute by <1, etc.; Gamemaste’s ruling). ‘Faiure” means the victim's career has ‘come untimely end, Baring a miracle of some sort, the character 's dead NOTE: “Lite ot death’ CONSTITUTION RATING die role are aubject toa moaifierof-1 per every fivehit pomnis below zero lostby te victim. 8) SPEED: Speed is a measure of how swily an incivaul fs capable of moving. ether on land, in the water through the air or by cher ‘means. Speed the decding factor n determining who srikesfrtin combat, orn ary chase escabe stuaton ABILITIES CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO SPEED RATING Movement: Individuals and creaturas can move up to 100 feet in one round’ timo, pus twenty fet per + 1 SPEED RATING, or minus ten eet per-1 SPEED RATING. SECTION THREE: SKILLS Skils are talents and abilties which characters learn through the study ard practice of a chosen profession. In THE TALISLANTAN HAND- BOOK system, a character may also lear skils which are not relatec ohs or her profession (called “extra-curricular stil,” q.v). For ease of reference, SPECIAL ABILITIES related to race heve also been Included in this section. These are the only skils which cannot be acquired through training SKILL RATINGS ‘SKILL RATING Is ne measure oa character's competence in a given abiliy, For skils related to one's profession, SKILL RATING is deter. mined by eve! of abilty, plus ary modifiers fo: ATTRIBUTE RATINGS, as applicable (for example, a character's DEXTERITY RATING is used to modify the skil, picking pockets), DETERMINING SKILL RATINGS FOR BEGINNING CHARACTERS First level characters begn pay wih all Known skils rated at ~ 1, pus for minus any bonuses or penalties for appropriate ATTRIBUTE RATINGS (sco APPENDIX TWO for a lst of skils and their corres ponding artrbute mocites). IMPROVING SKILL RATINGS 1) SKILL RATINGS automaticaly improve by +1 per each level o! ability gained. This rule also applies to extra-currcular skis once such falonts have boon acquired, 2) I Gesited, a character may improve @ chosen skil (oF skits) by ‘expending additional experience points on the desired talent. By con: ‘centating on one oF more skils, a character can increase its SKILL RATING by +1. The cost to improve any skill by concentration is ten ‘experiance points. It is pot possible to improve the came skill more than once per single month o! game time. PROCEDURE FOR SKILL USE 1) Tho charactor statos tho typo of skill (racking, lock picking, ote.) thats to be used, explaining to the Gamemaster wnat it's thal he of she isintending to do, 2) The Gamomaster awards a plus, rinus, or “zero” modifies, based nis oF her interpretation of the degree of dtfculy involved. In many cases, a“zero" moder will sufice: tray dfcut tasks may be gven & rnagative modifier, or exceptionally easy tasks given 2 positve modi, bbased.on prevaiing circumstances. 3) Compare the character's SKILL RATING with the Gamomasior’s ‘modifier for degree of dificuty. The difference (if any) is used as & ‘modfier forthe fnal ste. 4) To simulate the skil atiempt,rolla €20 on the SKILUATTRIBUTE, column of the ACTION TABLE and adjust the de result according to any appicable medfiors. The Gamemacter thon intorprots tho rosut bbasedoon the modified ie rlland the characters stated intent 5) NOTE: COMBAT SKILLS are tho oxception tothe SKILL RATING. procedure rule. Use COMBAT RATING and combat procedure for melee resolution. ADDITIONAL RULES FOR SKILLS EXTRA-CURRICULAR SKILLS. desired, an ingividual may acquire skills cthor than those associated with his or her chosen profession. In game terms, this can only be ceemedetectve RETREAT Incivduale who atiompt to flee from any close-quartere combat situ: ‘ton subject themsevves to one round of undelended attack by their ‘opponets. Two alteratives to this hazardous option are the “fgnting witérawal and diversion. Inthe fest instance, the abject isto fallback while contnuing to ign. in the second instance, one oF more mem- beso! the withdrawing force atemot to create a dversion, hoping to distract their antagonists and so effect an escape. The Gamemaster \elermines i any attempt at diversion will succeed, based on the tye ‘of cistraction employed and the nature cf the antagonists. AMBUSH AND SURPRISE “The steath and ambush skils (see APPENDIX TWO: SKILLS) alows incivduals to gain an undofonded attack by taking an onomy by eu prise cr rom behind. Characters and creatures who do nol possess ‘such skils must aocept a nonproficency penalty (-5 on the de rol) ‘attompting an ambuch. Intended victims are allowod a chance to {elect the ambush n advance, but only if they have declared them solves to bein a state of alertness (ol on the SKILLIACTION coun ofthe ACTION TABLE, using PERCEPTION RATING as a modier in ‘his case). not, the efectveness ofthe ambush is checked by roling fon the SKILLIACTION column, the intended victim's PERCEPTION RATING being employed as arrodifer vs the ambush alterp SUBDUAL ‘tthe individuals option, attacks may be intended to subdue an eppo- ‘nent rather than infict more serious damage. Blunt weapons, fst, blade pommels and simiar weaponry may be employed to such ends. Damago caused ty a subdual attack is only helf-actual; an epponert ‘eoucedto ze i pons bys mend encered unconsEOLS, Not tain GHASE AND ESGAPE ‘A chase or aternpted escape is resolved as olows: 4) Determine how much distance soparates the pursuer from the intended vetim. Estimate now many rounds Would take the pursuer tocaver ths distance, 2) Compare the SPEED RATINGS of tne pursuer and the intended ‘clin. I the intended vietimis SPEED RATING is Figher, only a delay ‘of some sort should prevent a successful escape. 3) the pursueris faster, conver the diferenial n SPEED RATINGS inte rounds (each +1 difference = 1 round). This figure is equal tothe lumber of rounds the pursuer cains on the intended vicim wit each round of chase. When this igure matchas the figure derived fom step 1, the intended victim wil be overtaken, ardmay be captured. SHIELD PARRY In the game, around of combats considered consist of a combine- ton of partying, fenting and attacks, simulated fox simpliciy’s sake by the standard “attack’ die rol. If desired. an indvidual may attempt tO ‘actually thwart an attack by using a shield to parry a blow, missile ‘weapon of a bot of elemental oelciich power (see SECTION FIVE: MAGIC), To simulate a shield pary. all as per a standard atack A reaut of “success” incicates that the attack has been pavriod. NOTE: ‘A hveld party counts asa move, SECTION FIVE: MAGIG INTRODUCTION: MAGIG IN TALISLANTA In the Taisiantan world, magic is considered an inexact science. dan- {gorous and unprecictabie at best. Most of he peoples on te contivent, beng more 0 less supersiitous by nature. regard pracitoners of mage wth suspicion. In ceria lands, this appraisal would soem mild bycomparison. ‘The provaling attiuse regarding magic use can bo credited in lage Patt to The Great Disaster, a catastrophe of ep propartos whch 's widely believed fo have been caused by some magical mshap. The Great Disaster brought an ond to the fabled fret evirzations cfanciont Talslanta and lad waste half the continent. The legendary grandeur ‘of tis bygone age has never been recaptured by the peoples of the ew age, a condition which has done litle to fester enthusiasm for magicians. ‘Accordingly, the practice of magie is generally considered beneficial ‘nly n such lands as Carantheum, Thaecia, Zandu, and Cyrmr ofthe ‘Seven Kingdoms. Elsewhere. the aspring magician may expect tobe ‘met with varying dogy eos of toleranced, acceptance, or prewusice THEORY OF MAGIC ‘The Talislanian magican recognizes thatitis nat he or she who is tho source of magical power Rather, theorized that mage permeates. the mytiag planes of existence, irom the sintest mote cf Oust to the heavenly bodies themselves. Practitioners o! Taisiantan magic have, long atempted to harness and utiize those forces to their own ends, a ‘ificut and oocastonaly penlous endeavor recuring long yeers of study and dedication Scholars of the Arcane Arts categorize Magic as a “metaphysical Science": anintrcate and exacting fed of study yieding mutable (and comotrres unprodictabi) rocults. The magician is rainod to litrally perform feats of mind-over-matt, acivatng complex matrices of ve™ bal and somatc components (cllec spells, incentatons, cantrips. etc) bythe use! mental energy. Gastng a spel trom memory is a complex procedure requinng oreat concentration and expenditure of mental energy. A beginning (frst level) magician possesses sufficient mental reserves to cast only W2 spells per day, wih study and practice. tne capacity for spall castng improves. though mary years may be requirod before a mageian can evelap the abilty to Cast even a half dozen spells by ths arduous method, Nis for this reason that witen reference books (scrolls, spell Bock, .) are valued 50 highly by Talslartan magicians, for the use of such devices entais considorably less effort than casiing spells from memory. Enchanted items, having a greater uly, are coveted even mere. RULES FOR MAGIC MAGIC RATING is the measure of aninaivdva's (or creature's ability {0 control andor resist magical energies. For charactors, this ratng takes into account the indvidual’s INTELLIGENCE, WILL and PERCEPTION, though ike COMBAT RATING) airing = usualy tho single most important facto: For creatures and beings who possess innate magical talents. (rast ro‘ably, demons and other extra

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