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Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

Elephant's toothpaste is a foamy substance caused by the rapid decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide using potassium iodide or yeast and warm water as a catalyst

Chemical Explanation:
This experiment shows the catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) decomposes into water and oxygen gas, which is in the form of foam,
but normally the reaction is too slow to be easily perceived or measure

In normal conditions, this reaction takes place very

slowly, therefore a catalyst is added to speed up the reaction, which will result in rapid
formation of foam. The iodide ion from potassium iodide acts as a catalyst and speeds
up the reaction while remaining chemically unchanged in the reaction process. The
iodide ion changes the mechanism by which the reaction occurs:

Experiment End Result:

Materials Used For Experiment:

Method of creating Elephant Toothpaste


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