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This is what digital education should be!

This all-interactive MSM 6 course is a complete and

rigorous Grade 6 Mathematics course where the text is the support material, not the main
content. The course includes instructional interactives, inline immediate-feedback (formative)
questions, 'Do you get it?' end-of-lesson quizzes, Adaptive Practice, curated additional Related
Modalities, teacher's edition, and more. Furthermore, because it is CK-12, it is completely
FREE! Like all CK-12 FlexBooks 2.0, it is a 'living book' and will be regularly updated to take
advantage of the best possible content.

The CK-12 Interactive Middle School Math series promotes exploratory learning (Stein 2010).
Each lesson contains interactive applets which actively engage students in the learning process
and allow them to explore concepts in an open-ended environment (Cocea & Magoulas, 2015;
Hoyles, 2018; NCTM, 20115). Inline question sets Socratically guide students to discover
connections present in the interactive applets.

Works Cited
● Stein, R. G. (2010). Math for Teachers: An Exploratory Approach. Kendall Hunt
Publishing Company.
● Cocea, M., & Magoulas, G. D. (2015). Participatory learner modeling design: a
methodology for iterative learner models development. Information Sciences, 321,
● Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective. Pearson.
● Hoyles, C. (2018). Transforming the mathematical practices of learners and teachers
through digital technology. Research in Mathematics Education.
● Hoyles, C., & Lagrange, J. B. (Eds.). (2010). Mathematics education and technology:
Rethinking the terrain. New York: Springer.
● National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Access and equity in mathematics
education: A position of the national council of teachers of mathematics. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
● National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2015). Strategic use of technology in
teaching and learning mathematics: A position of the national council of teachers of
mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
● Wolf, D., Lindeman, P., Wolf, T., & Dunnerstick, R. (2011). Integrate Technology with
Student Success. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 16(9), 556-560.

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