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Universidad Popular Autónoma de Veracruz.

Veracruz, Ver.
"Licenciatura en Comercio Exterior"
Teacher Daniela Kirchne
Student Esmeralda Devane Garcia Ramirez
Cuatrimestre: 301
Matricula: 20211103668
Elige la preposition of time correcta

Q1 of 4

Train A leaves at 11:00. Train B leaves at 12:00. The B train leaves after the A train.

Q2 of 4

Bus 1 arrives at 7:00. Bus 2 arrives at 5:00. Bus 2 arrives before Bus 1.

Q3 of 4

She worked at the hotel for 5 years.

Q4 of 4

The rain started during the football match. They had to stop the game.

Completa con la preposition of time correcta:

Q1 of 5

The film ends at 6 o'clock. I will see you at 6:30. I will see you_after the film.

Q2 of 5

He lived in that house for 20 years.

Q3 of 5

You need to brush your teeth before going to bed.

Q4 of 5

We eat chocolate cake after dinner.

Q5 of 5

They traveled during 6 weeks.

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