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addictive assume bump complex purchase alter bargain commercial consumer retail 1 10. (adj) hard to understand or analyze (ad)) related to business (adi) so enjoyable that one wants more of it (n) a person who buys goods or services for personal use (0) an item that one buys (0) something bought for a cheaper price than usual (0) the sale of goods or services directly to people (V) to believe without checking ifitis true (v)to change (v)to hit with your body, especially by accident In the United States, many teenagers’ first work experience is a job in or in a restaurant. Although the store only__ the location of a few of the departments, many customers disliked the changes. Ben had ______that the store closed at six and was disappointed when he got there and found the door locked. Customers frequently ____into and knocked over the sign because of its inconvenient position, Most people do not use a credit card when they make a very large such asa new car. During the end-of-year sale, hundreds of customers visited the department store hoping to find agreat_______or two. Many _____use their phones to check prices online before purchasing anything in a store. Ina survey of people who have bought items through online sites ke eBay, some said they felt online shopping was so_______that they couldn't stop doing it. According to the plans, the new apartment building will have space for offices, restaurants, and stores on the first floor The store's refund process was so_________ that many customers decided it was easier to keep an item than to retum it choice generation legacy profound extraordinary image memories wonder 1, ___(n) something we leave for future people to have or own 2, —__________(n)apicture ora view 3, _____(n) people born around the same time 4, ___(n) what one remembers about a past event or time 5, —____(aq)) very strong in feeling or emotion 6, — (ad amazing; uncommon or unusual 7, to express interest in knowing something 8 ___(n) the power or ability to choose © March each word from exercise A with its definition. 1. behavior a. alittle less than “very” 2. —— criminals . to make bigger or to make more of 3, ___ garden c. the way somone acts 4, ___guest d. areason 5, —— increase @. avisitor 6. ——pretty f. people who do something wrong such as stealing 7. ____prisons g. the places where criminals have to go & purpose h. applace where you grow vegetables, flowers, or other plants (B complete the sentences. Choose the correct form of the word. (See page 85 and 105 for a review of suffixes and prefixes.) 1. A (prisoner / prisoning) helped the researcher with the ow 2. Sometimes | (reuse / using) plastic bags from the store to carry my lunch to school. | (epurpose / unpurpose) them whenever Ican. 3. love (gardener / gardening). | grew my first tomatoes this summer. 4, My friend, Jana, is a (gardener / gardening). She grows flowers.

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