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og Pr » PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Than gui cic em, Hanh trinh chinh phyc ky thi TOFIC cita cdc em cé thé gap rat nhiéu kho khan va doi hoi cae em phai that sy cé ging va t4p trung trong tig bude tién cua minh. Dé gitip cdc em thém d6ng luc, giti ting cdc em cudn sach “Pha dio TOEIC 900+ tir mat g6c trong 30 ngay”. Day chinh la cuén sach bi kip ma cé bign soan va téng hgp phi hgp cho tat ca cae em & nhigu trinh d6 khdc nhau tir mit géc dén co ban va nang cao. Hi vong, mén qua cudi nam nay sé giup céc em c6 nhiing chun bj tét hon trén con dudng chinh phue thir théch cita ban than. Moi thic mac cia cdc em can cé giai dap, c6 thé giti ve: Website: Facebook: Facebook cé nhan:,slow Hotline: 0983 66 22 16 Than, Ms. Van Anh Khong ai dét ngoai nga bam sinh Vinéu bids eich hoc, ai cing ob thé st dung ngoai ng binh thug. DUO COM NYO OCU G UT ee not PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Myc lye DAY 13-14. DAY 15 - 16.. DAY 17-18. DAY 19 - 20... DAY 21 - 22. DAY 23 - 24..... DAY 25 - 26.. DAY 27 - 30. TRUNG TAM ANH NGU ATHENA - Dare to change Structures & Basic Elements — Cu trac va thanh phan co ban Cac em s@ rit dé bit gap cdc cu hoi vé tir loai, ngit phap trong bai thi doc, do d6 dimg ngin ngai ma dan ra 1 ngay trong tong thdi gian On luyén dé hiéu va nam that chdc cae kién thire vé cu tric va cdc thanh phan trong cau. Vi co biét nhiéu em da co nhig kién thire vé danh tir, tinh tir, trang tir, tham chi la ménh dé trong céu, tuy nhign viée van dung céc hiéu biét dé vao lam céc bai tap vin chua dat dugc hiéu qua cao. Dé gidi quyét van dé nay, trong ngay thir 2 cac co ban Trong tiéng anh, mét cau cé thé rat don gidn cing cé thé rat phite tap, nhung ching cé mét diém chung ma mét cau bat bude phai cd va nhimg diém riéng dé mé rng thém y nghia cho cau. Ching ta c6 thé dé dang th4y duge ring thanh phan quan trong va khong thé khéng co trong mét cau chinh 1a d6ng tir. Néu mét cau khéng c6 dong tir, thi cau dé khéng dién ta cing nhu khéng néi lén duge diéu gi ca. Vay, dong tir li thanh phan bat buéc trong c4u nhung cac em ciing biét chdc chin phai c6 cdi gi dé hode ai d6 thu hign hanh ddng nay, va dé chinh la chit ngit Eg. Nam smokes. Nam chinh la ngudi thye hién hanh dong hat thude, c6 nhia 1a Nam chinh 1a chi ngit trong cau. Néu bé chit “Nam” ra, ngudi nghe sé khong hiéu ai hit thuéc. Bén canh dé, néu khéng c6 ddng tir hiit thuée ma chi co chit ngit “Nam” thi cdc em cing khéng thé hiéu cau muén dién ta gi vé Nam. Nhu vay, chi ngir va dOng tir ld 2 thanh phan khéng thé thiéu cia mét cau va cdc em co mot cau tric don gian dé 1a: > Cau tric 1: Chi ngir+ Dong tir Con dé cau tre nén phtte tap hon va dién ta duge nhiéu thng tin hon thi cdc cdu tric duéi day duge sir dung: DE Et oR Eee evan + Cu trac 2: Chi ngir + Déng tir + bé ngit cua chit ngit Eg. [am CEO + Cu trac 3: Chii ngir + Déng tir + Tac tir Eg. | forgot to lock the door + Céu tric 4: Chit ngir + Déng tir + Tac tir gidn tiép + tue tir true tiép Eg. He told me the secret + Cu tric 5: Chi ngt + Dong tir + Tac tir + bd ngit cia the tir Eg. We call him Anna - Ké ra mot bang biéu m6 ta tir loai day du tir chite nang, vi tri va dua ra nhimng vi du minh hoa cho tir loai dé. Cc em cé thé tao mét bang nhu sau: eon ER eee Tea Py Re OMe Cet ea TRU Re eno ‘Tir logi Dinh nghia Vi tri Vidy Dank ar ding a& chi ng, vi, not ~ Sau ci mao te cn, nm tinh cht. Bong vi to lim chil - Sau ee sé ht Construction willbe Dan w ng rong cu; Lam tin ng cia dg ti; lam | - Sau cfc a dink completed by next month, tin nin git trhoe Tim bo ng Suu fe git ~Dimg sau chiingit = Sau trang tir chi «i ‘Dong tir | La nhing ti chi hanh dong, trang théi ‘Oi tobe thi trang tr chi tin suai theo sau tobe) She is singing a song. Tinh tr fi ti b6 try cho dank tirhoge dai tie | - Tbe danh tie ‘The road is 10 kilometers ‘Tinh ti | Migu t ede dlc tinh ca sx vt, ign tuomg Sau dng te i nnd danh tr d6 dai dign. + Sau danh tr itt ~Trude dong ti thung Thave recently finished my ‘Trang tir Li tr ding dé b6 nghia cho dong ti, Pei ‘ A = Gitta tro dOng tir va d6ng tir | homework. tinh ti, m6t trang tir khée hay cho ca cu. Trang tir thuimg éi ki trong tir ding dé b6 nghia cho eum Z Pama = Sau ding tr tobe/seenvlook va : - Hinh dng xiy ra trong | khodng thi gian trong y ‘qua Khir, trade 1 mbe thi gian Khe Pen et kr a rar TAS OM Cea COE RU ere Lem LS OCCE TINCT NY Thi Chu tie Cich ding Diu higu nbn bide + Khang dinh $+ had + been + V_ing + Phi dint = Dig dat mt han dng dang xay rate mat | Trong edu c6 cdc tr until then, Past Perfect | + had + not + been V_ing | hinh dng trong qu kh (nn mana tn tip din) Continuous | + Nghi vin Dién dat hanh déng la nguyén nhan ea mbt eee 8 Ho ue before, after Had-+ S++ been+V_ing? | digu gi d6 trong qua kh. WH_+had ++ been + V_ing? Simple [Cb ef tang tr chi tha gia ef ey rong tong lai in + th gian; - : , tomorrow; Next + day/ + Phi dinh = Dign dat mot quyét dinh tai thei diém noi month Peper ‘week/month/year $+ will +not+V Dara lei yéu edu, d8 nghi, loi mii ii be = = C6 cde déng tir chi quan ne + Nehi vin Din dat dy doan khéng e6 efin et. F diém, ¥ kién: think/ believe/ Will +S+V? WIL+S+v? suppose = pethaps; probably Petr ek kre a TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY WH_+Will +S+have+ Vpp? Thi Gu trie Cie ding bu hig nh ibe Dang doi et mot han dong hay sy vee * King diah - or dang dif ra tg oth din xd dinh trong $+ will+be+ V_ing i ‘rong ce trang teh hb tong tai + Pho dinh : ian tong lai km theo thoi Ding dl didn td mpthinh dng, mots vide + will+not+ be +V_ing sian xde dink Future dang nay ath mt inh ding, vie Khe xen aa + Nghi vn an at this time! at his moment + Will +S be-+ Ving? as thai gian tong tong lis At = Hin dng ign av ko di in tue subt WH_+Will+s+be+ eid eu thé-+ thoi gin trong ee mt Khodng th gan & twong a fi eu = Hanh dng sé xay ta nhw mét phan trong ké 7 hae hod mat phn one tdi King dah by Bi gian wong wong S+will+have+Vpp |= Ding dé dign ta mot hinh ding hay su vige | ai + Phi din hon tinh trae mt thei diém trong tuong lai. |-by the end of + thoi gin peer [Sll-not* nave vp ]-Dingd ign mar hinh dng hay su vee | rong tong + Nahi vin hon thinh trade mt hanh dng hays vie kh |- by the time Will+S+have+vpp? | tong tuong ia = before + thi gian trong tong la Pen et kr a PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 N Thi Clu trite ‘Cich ding ‘Diu higu nbn biét “* Khing dink by then, by tis + thing, by 8+ will+have + been = the end ofthis Veing. ‘week/monthiyear; by the time + Phi din = bio imdt hn ding niy ava odin | EREMRAE OH don Future | + will + not + have + been + eta: Ving ‘tue dén mot thoi diém nao dé trong tuong lai = Ditng dé nhin mank tinh lién tye eda hah dng Continous | + Neh vin 0 V6i mot hanh déng Khde trong twomg fa Will + $+ have + been + V_ing? WH_+Will+$+have~ _ ‘been + V_ing? ~ Dent etka PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Luyén t§p 1, We ___ TV when it started to rain. (to watch) 2.1__ to visit you yesterday, but you were not at home. (to want) 3. Look! It___, so we can't go to the beach.(to rain) 4, There are a lot of clouds! It __soon.(to rain) 5. The sun ____ in the east. (to rise) 6. Since 2011 they _ their son every year.(to visit) 7. While the doctor _ Mr Jones this morning, his son was waiting outside.(to examine) 8.1_____ for my girlfriend for two hours. (to wait) 9. After Larry___ the film on TV, he decided to buy the book.(to see) 10.Wait a minute, 1__ this box for you.(to carry) 11. Look! We ___ to crash.(to go) 12. 1wishI___a better memory.(to have) 13. After he ___ his homework, he went out to play.(to finish) 14.1___ him for very long when we got married.(to know) 15.1____a lot of movies recently. (to watch) "Sé that dé dang néu nhw cac em chi ké bing céc ngi dung, hay lam khé phén nay voi cic bai tp van dung dé kién thite c6 thé di su va nhé thét liu Dap an luyén tp 4. is going to I.were watching 2. wanted 3. is raining 5. rises rain 6 have visited 7. was_—_—8. have been ; Hi 9.had seen 10. will carry » examining waiting (yg 13. finished 14. had 15. have been g 11. are going 12. had = Jhad finished known watching Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY The passive — Thé bi dong Sau 6 ngay hoe véi luong kién thite eding da tuong déi rdi nhi? Gid edie em va cO hay cing khéi dong ngay thit 7 véi cae kién thite Lién quan dén cau bi dong nao. = Cau bj dong duege ding trong trudng hop nao? Cu bi déng duge ding khi ta muén nhan manh vao hanh d6ng trong cau. = Clu trite cita cau bj dong ti céc thi khéc nhau ra sao? Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 be ro) PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRO Hig tgi don S+Vv+0 S+be+Vpp+by+0. ‘ign eg tiép dig S + islamfare+ V_ing +O $+ amisiate + being + Vp.p+ by +O ‘ign tg hoa thank $+ havefhas + Vpp +0 S++ havefhas + been + Vpp+ by +0 Qua kine don S+Ved+0 S++ wasiwere + Vpp + by +0 (Qua kit tiép digm + was/were + V_ing +O 'S + was/were + being + Vp.p + by +O (Qua knw hoan thank S+had=Vpp+0 S+ had +been + Vpp+by+0 ‘Twong lai don $+ will shall +V +0) $+ will +be + Vpp+by +0 ‘Twong lai hoan think $+ willshall + have + Vp.p+ 0. S++ will + have + been * Vp.p+by +0 ea $+ model verb +V +0 $+ model verb +be + Vpp +by +0 * $+ model verb + have + Vp.p $+ model verb + have been + Vp.p Dene rn Stead PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY = Céc uu y khi chuyén tie chi déng sang bi déng + Cae ndi dng tir khong duge diing 6 cau bi dong + Khi chit ngit chju tréch nhiém chinh cia hanh déng thi khong duge chuyén thanh cau bi dong - C6 ctich nao xtc dinh nhanh day la cdu bj dong khong? CAn ctr vao tan ngi dé xac dinh cau Tra loi va lam 16 duge 3 cau hoi trén la cdc em da hiéu va nm tron céc kién thite lién quan dén cau bi déng rdi 6. Luygn tap Chuyén cae cau sau tir chi déng sang bi dong 1. Emails are sent 2. Dinner is cooked every day 3. Mistakes were made 4, The Mona Lisa was painted 5. The presents have been bought 6.That man has been elected 7. Your application will be processed 8. A new book will be written 9. A new road is being planned near my house 10.This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather 11 By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed 12. The princess was eaten by the wolf 13. The computer will be repaired tomorrow 14. A new stadium is being built near the station 15. Mr Brown is loved by everybody Dap an luyén tap 1, Somebody sends emails 2. Somebody cooks dinner every day. 3. Somebody made mistakes Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 ett etd PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY 4, Somebody painted The Mona Lisa 5, Somebody has bought the presents 6. Somebody has elected that man. 7. Somebody will process your application 8, Somebody will write a new book. 9. The Government is planning a new road near my house 10. My grandfather built this house in 1943. LL. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal. 12. The wolf ate the princess. 13. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow 14, They are building a new stadium near the station, 15, Everybody loves Mr Brown. DECOR Pea yaa L} PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY oe Cae yéu t6 co ban trong cau va thi cée em vita hoc 6 hém trude, nén ng’y thir 8 cac em va c6 hay cing tim hiéu mdi lién hé gitra cac yéu t6 co ban nay. Mét van dé ma cdc em hoe tiéng Anh noi chung va TOEIC noi riéng thuong hay gap khé khan dé la vie chia dong tir. Vi ngit phap tiéng Anh duge chia thnh cae théi, thi khac nhau nén déng tir cing sé duge chia & cée dang khac nhau tuong img véi ngit canh. Nhu vay, phan nay cac em can phai tim ra cu tra Idi cho cau héi “ nguyén tite chia déng tic nh thé nao?” Nguyén tic cain ban nhat dé 1a cé chit tir thi déng tir chia thi, khéng cé cha tir thi d6ng tir khong chia thi ma chia dang. Cac em nén ap dung nguyén téc nay dé c6 thé trién khai lam cae bai chi tiét. Bén canh 6, cing c6 rat nhiéu cap tir giéng hét nhau & dang tinh tir va trang tir. Chang ta can biét nhimg cum tir nay dé tranh tinh trang nham lan khéng dang c6. Vi vay yéu cau ctia phan nay a “hay ké ra cdc cap tinh tir va trang tie giéng nhau”’. Early Som, trude do, giai doan = Far Xa Fast Nhanh, chic chin, c6 dinh Free Mien phi Hard Cig, ran, nghiém khac, chim chi, nd lye High Cao, dat Late Mu6n, giai doan sau Like Gidng, gidng nhu, twong tyr ‘Little = —S—=«s ik Truc tigp De CoM eRe yaa} PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Long Lau/dai Near Gan/ngan Only Duy nhat Right Hoan toan, ding, chinh xc Luyén tap Lya chon cau ma c6 su héa hop gitta chil ngét va d6ng tir 1. A) Every one of the shirts has a green collar. B) Every one of the shirts have a green collar. 2. A) This singer, along with a few others, play the harmonica on stage. B) This singer, along with a few others, plays the harmonica on stage. 3. A) Sandals and towels are essential gear for a trip to the beach. B) Sandals and towels is essential gear for a trip to the beach. 4. A) The president or the vice president are speaking today. B) The president or the vice president is speaking today. 5. A) Either Cassie or Marie pays the employees this afternoon. B) _ Either Cassie or Marie pay the employees this afternoon. 6. A) Either the sculpture or the paintings are in the museum today. B) _ Either the sculpture or the paintings is in the museum today. 7. A) The coat or the hats are in that closet. B) The coat or the hats is in that closet. 8.A) Neither she nor I is getting the lunch special. B) Neither she nor I am getting the lunch special. C) Neither she nor I are getting the lunch special. 9. A) Each of the dancers twirls brilliantly. B) Each of the dancers twirl brilliantly. c~ 10. A) Mustard greens are my favorite vegetable. B) Mustard greens is my favorite vegetable. 11. A) Everybody at the party was enjoying the food. Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 Leva PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY B) Everybody at the party were enjoying the food, 12. (A) Man and woman is complementary to each other. (B)Man and woman are complementary to each other. 13. (A) The leader as well as his brothers belong to the same tribe. (B) The leader as well as his brothers belongs to the same tribe. 14, (A) Cats and dogs do not get along. (B) Cats and dogs does not get along. 15. (A) A large sum of money was stolen. (B) A large sum of money were stolen. Dap 4n luyén tap LA 2B 3.4 4.B S.A 6A TA 8.B 9.8 10.4 ILA 12.B 13.B 14. A 15.4 Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 aa tte Ry PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU’ MAT GOC TRONG 30 NG? Ngay thir 9 that nhe nhang phai khOng cdc ban! 9 ngay rdi cae ban hay ngéi lai dé nhin lai hanh trinh minh vira trai qua va dy tai tinh than dé chuyén tiép sang giai doan tip theo thdi nao. Cau so sanh 1a mét phan ngér phap quan trong va rat dé bat gap trong khi lam bai thi TOEIC. Yéu cau dat ra cho cae ban trong ngay hém nay: ~ Céiu so sinh ta gi? So sanh la déi chiéu sw vat sy viée nay véi sy vat su viée khdc cé tinh tuong déng dé lam ting ste goi hinh va goi cam cho su dién dat. = Cée cu trie céu so sénh thudng gip trong bai thi? So sénh hon S + tobe + more + adj + than + $+ tobe + adj +er + than Noun/Pronoun + Noun/Pronoun ‘So snh nhat Sto be + the most + adj + S + to be + the + adj + Noun/ Pronoun est + Noun/ Pronoun So saénh bang S, + tobe + as + Adj + as + S) + tobe/O_ Bén canh dé, cdc ban cing can tim hiéu vé phan d6ng tir nhu: - Dinh nghia ctia phan d6ng tit Phan dong tit li tir do déng tir tao ra va né ¢6 dic tinh nhur mét tinh tir, - Cae dang ctia phan dong tte + Hién tai phan tir con duge goi 1a danh dong tir, duge thanh lap bing cach thém ”_ing” vao sau dng tir. + Qua khir phan tir c6 dang "V_ed” (d6i voi cac d6ng tir c6 quy tic) © va cae d6ng tir nim 6 cét thir 3 trong bang liét ké cdc déng tir bat quy tic. - Chite nding ctia phan dong tir + Ding Lim tinh tir trong cau. Eg. Sleeping boy i + Dung lam trang tir. Eg. It is easy to find a more charming Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 eT a RRS PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY + Dong tir tiép dién sau “tobe”. Eg. I am reading a novel +Ding sau ddng tir vé tri gide nhu: see, hear, feel, ete... thay cho dng tir nguyén miu dé chi viée dang dién tiép. Eg. I hear doctors talking + Chi mét viée déng thoi xay ra véi déng tir chinh. Eg. She came running to the school to see her teacher. + Chi mét vige cing xay ra hoe ngay truée viée khae. Eg. He stood outside the door, talking with my friends Luyén tip Hoan thanh cau véi dang ding cia tinh tir so sinh 1, Janet cooks __ (good) than my mom. 2. My cat is___ (fat) than my dog. 3. Mr Gordon is __ (thin) than his son. 4. Madona is ___(popular) than my favourite singer. 5. Pam's car is__(expensive)than my car. 6. 'm reading a__(wonderful) book now. 7.1t’s really !Dad’s food always is__(ugly) than my mother’s . 8. Yesterday I bought a__(large) sweater for Tommy 9.1 can’t believe it! You're ___ (big) than last year. 10. Sophie has got __ (beautiful) hair than Jasmine. 11. He was sitting in an armchair ___(read) a magazine. 12. __ (have work) in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything. 13. The cup ___(fill) with milk stood on the table. 14, _ (have seen) each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about. 15. __ (born) into a rich family, she got everything she wished for. 16. _(Be)the child of poor people, he often went to bed hungry. 17,__ (Regret) his words, he apologised. 18, Well __(do), we are very proud of you. 19, __ (Have park) the car, he went to a restaurant. Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 etary PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY 20. _ (Have watch) the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by heart. Dap An luyén tap 1. better 2. fatter 3. thinner 4. more 5. more popular expensive 6. more 7. uglier 8. large 9. bigger 10. more wonderful beautiful 11. reading 12. Having 13. filled 14. Not 15. Born worked having seen 16. Being 17. Regretting 18. done 19. Having 20. Having parked watched + 4“ Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU’ MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Lién tir Trong tiéng Anh la mét trong nhing cha diém ngir phap thudng xuyén duge sir dung. Dung nhuw tén goi, lién tir c6 chtre nding ding dé lién két cae cum tit, cde cau va cée doan vin. Vay cau hoi dat ra la: - C6 bao nhiéu loai lién tie? Nhu cae ban da biét, lign tir la cde tir diing dé néi cdc tir, nh6m tir, edie cum tir hay ede cu lai véi nhau. Lign tir €6 3 loai dé 1a: lign tir két hop, tuong lién tir va lign tir phy thude. - Chie ning, vj tri ctta lién tir Diing dé noi c nhém tit, cum tirciing ——_-Ditng gitta 2 tir hoc 2 loai, néi cdc ménh dé_——_ménh dé ma né lién két ngang hang nhau. Lién tir két hop ding dé lién két edie eum tir hoc ménh dé cé chire Tuong lign tir nang tuong duong nhau vé mat ngit phip ding dé néi nh6m tir hode ménh dé cé chive —- Thudng dimg diu ménh nang khac nhau trong — dé phu thude cfu. Lién tir phy thude = Meo ghi nhé cdc lien tie + Doi voi lign tir két hop duge sir dung phé bién 46 1a: and, or, but, for, yet, nor. Cach ghi nhé don gian nhat la hay ghép chit cai dau cita cac tir nay lai, ta dugc tir “FANBOYS”. Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 eta PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY + Tuong lién ti ban thudng bit gap nhat la both..and, either..or, neither...nor, not only...but also...,céch ghi nhé duy nhat la hiéu nghia cia cum tir. + Con lién tir phy thudc, hay viét ra tat ca cae tir va nghia cua ching va dat cu théi nao. Ngoai lién tir thi gidi tir ciing xudt hién 6 hdu hét cdc cAundi tiéng Anh, bat ké la tiéng Anh giao tiép hay hoc thuat. Ngoai ra, gidi tir 1a tir hod nhom tir thong duge diing truée danh tir hoc dai tir d& chi sur lién hé gitra danh tir hoe dai tir nay voi cac thanh phan khac trong cau. Vay déi voi phan nay cac ban can xée dinh: - Dinh nghia, vj tri ctia gidi tie? Gidi tir la tir hofe nhém tir thudng duge ding truée danh tir hode dai tir dé chi su lign hé gita danh tir hode dai tir nay voi cae thanh phan khdc trong cau. Sau dng tir tobe, truée danh tir The pen is on the desk Sau dong tir I live in Ha Noi city Sau tinh tir She is not happy with you = Phan logi giéi tie ra sao? Can cit vao chtte niing, gidi tir duge phan thanh céc loai sau aa Parry 7 a ‘At, in, on, during, for, since,, GiGi tir chi thai gian by, until, before, after, AL, in, on. Above, below, over, under, GiGi tir chi noi chén inside, outside, in front of, behind, near, by, beside, next tom, between To, from, across, along, about, into, GiGi tir chi chuyén dong out of, up, down, through, towards, round, Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 bet PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NG/ GiGi tir khae: = Chi mye dich hoac chite ning For, to, in order to, so as to - Nguyén nhan For, because of, owning to + Ving/N - Tc nhfn hay phurong tin By, with - Sudo luong, sé Iuong By ~ Su tuong tir Like - Su ign két hoae déng hanh With hiru cach With, of - Cach thite By, with, without = Mot sd sai lam throng gap khi sit dung gidi tir Suy lug tir céch ding a gap trude 46 Khong nbd ra la gigi tir hay déi vi théy cing ‘mot dank tir Bi tgng Vigt anh hung Day chinh la 3 16i cc ban thudng gap trong khi sir dung gidi tir. Vi vay, cdc ban hay cé ging luyén tap dé cé thé loai bo nhig dap n sai khéng nén c6. ny! DE Et oR eRe yaa PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Luygn tap Dién cae lién tir thich hop méi cau 1. 1 like sugar in my tea,___I don't like milk in it 2. Listen to the story___ answer the questions in complete sentences. 3. Is it Thursday___ Friday today? 4 He was late____ the bus didn't come. 5. We were very tired _ happy after our flight to Sydney. 6. They climbed the mountain __ it was very windy. 7.__Lenny was watching the planes his wife was reading in the car. 8. I'll text you__ I have arrived in Toronto. 9. Neither my brother___my sister own a car. 10. The sun was warm, __ the wind was a bit too cool. Dién cée gidi tir thich hop cho cée cau dudi day 11. She was born _ 2004. 12. They are waiting ___ the bus. 13. Don't forget to bring some flowers __ you. 14. [haven't smoked __ ages. 15. You can look up the word _a dictionary. 16. She is allergic __ insect stings. 17.1'm looking ___ my keys. Have you found them? 18. The song was written _ Madonna. 19. He likes to travel Spain in summer. 20. The police car chased the robbers ____ the streets. Dap An luyén tip I. but 2.and 3.or 4. because 5, but aa 6.although 7. While 8.after 9.nor —*10. yet eos : Lin 12. for 13. with 14. for 15. in 4 16. to 17. for 20. through a Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 Tad PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Trong tiéng Anh c6 mét vin pham rat quan trong duge sit dung khi ching ta muén dua ra mot diéu kién, hay mét su gid dinh nao d6, duoc goi la Cau diéu kién. Vay cu diéu kign c6 cu trie nhu nao? va cach sir dung né ra sao? Co lwu ¥ gi trong qua trinh lam dang bai nay khong? Nhu cfc ban da biét, cau digu kign duge ding dé dua ra mot gia thidt ve mot sur vige ¢6 thé xy ra trong hign tai, qua khit hode twong lai. Cau didu kign 6 5 cau tric: i If+$+V(,S+ | If she doesn’t eat, she get hién nhiéi V(s,es)/ménh lénh_ | hungry két qua ti xay ra Dién ta su vie If +S+V(s,es),S+ | If you come into my house, | c6 thé xay ra & will/can/shall...+.V__ | my dog will bite you hign tai hoge tuong lai Chi mot uée If+S+V_ed,S+ muén, gid thiét im If Thad a million USD, 1 2 would/could/might...+ trai nguge voi would buy that villa. v thyc trang hign tal 3 Chi mang tinh ude muén trong If+S+had+ Vpp,$ | If Thadn’t been absent qué khir, mét gia a +would/could/might... | yesterday, I would have : . thiét trai nguge +have+Vp.p met Son Tung MTP. v6i thye trang 6 qua khit Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 yaa PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Dién ta mét gidi thiét trai nguge If+S+Vpp,S+ | If She had worked harder voi qué khir would/could/ may/ | at school, She would have 7 i nhung két qua might + V a better job now. 7 i trai ngugce voi Digu kign hign tai. két hop Dign ta mét giai thiét trai nguoc If+S+V_ed,S+ | Ifthey didn’t trust him, fi voi hign tai, két would/could...thave + | they would have sacked eee - poet qua thi trai jim mont pp “ee. nguoe voi qué Khir, ‘Déi vi dang bai nay, cae ban chi can xée dinh dung céu ndi thude diéu kién loai may 1a c6 thé 4p dung cdu trie dé hoan thanh. Tuy nhién, trong cau digu kign con tén tai cae cau trie bién thé cua cde cau diéu kién, vi vay cde ban cdn hoe va nam that ving cdu tric cau dé cé thé hoan thanh bai tap dang nay voi théi gian nhanh nhat. Ngoai ra, ménh dé cing duoc xem 1a mOt chi diém quan trong, can nim viing trong qua trinh hoc tap va 6n luyén TOEIC. Cac kién thite can nim cho dang bai nay bao gdm: - Dinh nghia ménh dé? Ménh dé la mét nh6m eée tir chita ca chui tir va mét déng tir da chia nhung Kh6ng phai Ide nao cing duge coi li mét cau cé ngit phap day dit. C6 2 loai ménh dé do la: + Ménh dé dc lap: Ménh dé dc lap 1a ménh dé ma ¥ nghia cia né khong phu thuéc vao mét ménh dé khic trong cing mét cau. Trong mét cau, co thé co hai hoac nhiéu ménh dé déc lap. Ching durge néi véi nhau bing lién tir két hop + Ménh dé phu thugc: La ménh dé khéng thé dimg riéng m6t minh. Y nghia cua né phu thude vao ménh dé chinh. Ci» Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 4 ere PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY - Dai tir quan hé la gi? Chic cae ban ching con xa la gi v6i céc dai tir quan hé trong tiéng Anh niva nhi? Bai tir quan hé céc ban biét bao gdm: who, whom, which, that, whose. Cac dai tir nay c6 3 chite nang chinh trong cau dé la: + Thay cho mét danh tir ngay trude nd + Lam mét nhiém vu trong ménh dé (clause) theo sau, + Lin két ménh dé véi nhau. - Dinh nghia, phan logi, céch rit gon ménh dé quan hé nhue thé néo? Ménh dé quan hé la mt ménh dé phu duc ding dé bé nghia cho danh tir dig trude n6. Ménh dé quan hé duge phan thanh 2 loai dé 14: ménh dé quan hé xée dinh (la ménh dé can thiét vi tién ngtt chua xc dinh) va ménh dé khéng xae dinh (la ménh dé kh6ng can thiét vi tien ngir da duge xae dinh). Dé rit gon ménh dé quan hé, cdc ban cé thé sir dung cdch: The man who is sitting there A Dung cho ménh dé chit B Dung ym V_ing a is my sister => The man 2 sitting there is my sister ‘The novels which were written . Ding cho déng tir thé bi by Colleen are interesting => Ding cum V_ed ‘ dong The novels written by Colleen are interesting. T have much homework Ding khi danh tr dig 6 +t must do => Ihave 6 cée tir bé nghia nhu: the only, the first,... the last, so sinh nhat, mye dich Dang to infinitive many homework to do Ding khi ménh dé quanhé —_Do you like the novel which > 4) Diing cym danh tir tinh tir co dang: S+ be+danh_ is on the desk?=> Do you | “8 tir /cum danh tir/cum gidi tir like the novel on the desk? Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 Page | 42 PHA DAO TOEIC 900+ TU MAT GOC TRONG 30 NGAY Luyén t§p Hoan thanh cée cau diéu kién dui day: L.Ifyou (go) __ out with your friends tonight, I (watch) ___ the football match on TV. 2.1(eam) __a lot of money if I (get) _ that job. 3. Ifshe (hurry /not)___, we (miss) __ the bus. 4. Ifhe (try) harder, he (reach) __ his goals. 5.1 (buy) ____ these shoes if they (fit) __. 6. It (surprise /not)__me if he (know /not)___ the answer. 7. If we (listen) __ to the radio, we (hear) ___ the news. 8. If you (switch) ___on the lights, you (fall / not) __ over the chair. 9. She (come) __ to our party if she (be / not) _ on holiday. 10. If (be) ___stronger, I'd help you carry the piano. 11. If we'd seen you, we ___(stop). s 12. If we (meet)__ him tomorrow, welll say hello. 13, He would have repaired the car himself if he __(have) the tools. 14, If you drop the vase, it (break) __. 15. If T hadn't studied, I (pass) ___ the exam . I wouldn't go to school by bus if I (have)__a driving licence. a3 aa 17. If she (see)__him every day, she'd be lovesick. 18. I (travel) _ to London if I don't get a cheap flight. ‘Xac dinh cdc loai ménh dé duge sir dung trong cau dui day: 19. The jury believed that the man was guilty. A. Adjective clause ge BN %S 3 foun clause e So C. Adverb clause % Ve 20. Come when you like. SS” bea ‘A. Noun clause % B. Adjective clause ‘ Alt C. Adverb clause 25 OPE Tatar TW yrs cop ; Cp nhGt Wang] An updated version oF he sity improving Ws design pEeeaaly ae ese) web will make it more attractive to users. “upgrade v apgrerd/ nang cap It's very simple to upgrade the indexing software. ; Twill upload all the photos on Facebook so that you eee Raa (eos ES will be able to find them. ‘tafe increse | N | Peete kris’ | eng hr thing | Tans 0 our analyst, we managedto ge an intresting ‘Typing error N_|/‘tarpmy ‘era(ry Ii dinh may | Next time be careful with typing errors because 1 Derren St ke ad rar CeO Cer a nL ee ONCE INCA (Po) ound foo many i your last project Useful information [| zs mfo mej | Hon ints |For ficient analytes, we need o sad weil TOPIC: PURCHASES AND SALES Tir Phign am Dich nghia Vidy ‘When you Rave a new product, first work on it pitch (ales) pitch pn! bin hing a a iz before anything else bid Tid swiragia | Tmade a bid of $150 forthe painting a thik nhin | To attract new customers, they will have a brand new brand new desiga Jorend! mic mi design soon. |__| The company decided to arrange for a charter plane 10 miy bay diéu charter plane {fosto(r) lem rE transfer its employees from one place to another forall cf official purposes ‘consignment kan’ saxnmont Thang The most recent consignment of cloth was Tau ‘consumer kan’ sjuma(ey/ hich hing | What kind of customers would you ike to target? hig mua | Jennifer Rates queuing behind someone who has coupon "kupon! m SHE hang coupons to give to the eashier dealer Paulo) ‘gui budn | Belinda has always been interested in antiques Dre rn Steera ra TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY bain therefore she became a dealer five years ago. They usually give you a discount i you buy multiple discount diskawm! idm gia edeeerat atts Pee Peeceet copies display ‘ar splev ‘rumg biy | The company had a good display of its items on sale. This is only a ough draft ofthe lems the compan drat ‘ara: ft ban ahap Neuree or plans to introduce next month Torry Fon! xe til Ken got a job driving lorries across the country. malfunction at tank seo The product T bought malfunctions 7 The director chose a different marketing vehicle to marketing vehicle /'mackityy ‘viakl) | xe tip thi have a higher impact, ' ; The courier facility has just delivered a package for package pakidy/ 261 Pas Thad to sign forthe parcel when I collected it from the parcel pars buukign ae post office A Al the points of purchase of the brand will be point of purchase fpomt av ‘paifas/ | diém mua hang evaluated ‘Shane loves this movie so much that he went to the priya xem trade preview preview Derren Stk ad ar) CeO Cer a nL ee ONCE INCA promotional code ‘pra! mauanl kaod! ‘ma khuyén mai ‘Thanks to the promotional code, she paid 20% less than the original price. purchasing state of mind ‘p> tfssip stort av The environment and musie can put clients into a mand / | purchasing state of mind a are sane we ga | TH eimpany made quition wor Tallon Tribe c i iso BH | pew services to be offered rebate ibe giim gif |The salesman offered Karen a rebate on her new cr. Make sare you ae given a receipe for everyting you receipt msi bien at ptr es buy. ‘nail Ging | We recommend that valuable tems be seat by registered mail Lretgsted ‘mer |™ y registered mail 7 eonied leer isthe method of abuaning proot that centified letter /satind let)’ | thu xde nh | you have officially notified someone of a matter that may have a legal oxtoome. Retailers have reported that consumer spending Fell retailer /visell(ey bane i ae over the last 12 months chin Sich ban | The sales policy demanded brands to pay a cerain sales policy seit "poasi hing pereentage of profits tothe government Dre rn Steera Cra) TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY ‘A shipment of urgent medical supplies is expected to shipment fipmant hing aurive very soon. Shopping mall/ shopping |/"Jopi moil///'Jopiy | tung tim mua | There's litle shopping center next door with a bank center senta(ny/ sim anda dry-cleaning place showcase 7 fookew ‘rung biy | The showease seduced many clients aia ee aa Took a monthly subscription fo Find out after a month subscription sab skry a ote if | wanted to renew it ia thi tg takeover bid Meiksova(s) ba | ? |-The company sid it would considera takeover bid quin hich hing 66 | Valued customers are cherished by he sales valued customer (valu: “kastomo(e)/ sid ti department Thave almost a decade of experience in the wholesale wholesaler hoolseratey ngubi bin si | - clothing industry Twant fo rent a ear to Uber drivers under an LUC, and feet of vehicles ‘Mit av ‘viakl/ dire eventually grow toa fleet of vehicles chign dich | On Fasebook, an ad campaign is spending money to ad campaign fksem' pein } Pee eee quing eo | reach users auction Tokar bin diu gig [Tha record month Tor New Vork aft auctions, one Derren Stk ad aT CeO Cer a nL ‘Standout was an all-white work that sold for S15 7 Tnput eredit means atthe time of paying tax on output, input ‘mpas div vio | ‘you can reduce the tax you have already paid on inputs, Here Pm giving some of the options for vegelarians to intake Pmterk! thong hoi inerease their protein intake Generally, an invoice has to be paid within 30 days snvars! ha dom (legally o in the UK) unless otherwise noted Te intended to-do lot of shopping but eventual item aston) mue are a ended up buying just one item, Tam til waiting for an order that I made last week order oxda(ny soi mon with Amazon. imi don dit | you don't even have to worry about engaging an expert order form odo fom! cea Bee Oe hing programmer to ereate web order forms The responsibilities for this job include communication Billing buy thanh toan ‘ith clients, billing, and filing documents. Charges ‘fads Ghiphi “The rent was inclusive ofall charges. ‘Commodity Tha mdati Tling héa | The country's most valuable commodities include Dre rn Steera Par TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY diamonds Delivery Tar vari” chuyen We get two deliveries of mail a day, For sale Rao ban Tm sory, i's not for sale rmign phi vin Free shipping, ‘tis fipny ra sellers offer five shipping not Aliexpress wuyén Merriam-Webster tells me that “handling” in the Handling haendliy xirly context of “shipping and handling” ri The brand decided to sell the items in bulk and finish In bulk Poslk s6 luong lon. the old stock. dt hang qua ail order (sale) ‘meil a:da(r) i Mail-order bride is an outdated concept 1 Onsale dang bin Tickets are on sale from the booking office. ‘You will be notified by email if any part of your onder Out of stock hét hang is out of stock, Packaging is one of the key step during the process of Packaging Fpwekdst0/ bao bi ie eee ee onder processing. My app gets 100k downloads and makes around $3-4k Purchases patfos! ‘mua hang tee ina month from 30-40 in-app purchases Derren Stk ad ras) CeO Cer a nL Sales sellings bin hang US car sales got off fo a hot start in January Sales representative dai dign bin | IP's actually very difficult to pinpoint the single trait / setlz repr zentatv/ (sales rep) hing that would make a great sales representative Selling price selin pra! ia ban Theoretically, any number “might” be the selling price. ‘Spending power / ‘spendiy ‘pawa(ny purchasing power pe tfasiy pasa(r) quyén chi tigu Chelsea’ ‘Spending power’ hasn't exactly decreased rather spending has decreased ‘The amount Taimaont! sien Ttdoes not decrease the amount of sleep needed The mailman (US)/—_|/"melmen gui gi thu, iva 7 The mailman will come to you when he comes to you postman (GB) ppavstman! neue da thir ‘The retail sales Titel loan s& ban Te | Retail sales fel 0.3% in Fanuary ‘You want all areas of the house to be clean so if this ‘The storage room /sto:nds run! phong fuu tr storage room looks terrible ‘To buy / to purchase Tpstias! 7 Twant to buy this shirt but its too small for me. ‘mua v6is5 | Ifyou are buying in bulk, you are carrying all the ‘To buy in bulk folk _ - oe Iugng tin | upfront risk To catch the customer's attention thu hit sucha Yeti khaich hing Marketing analyzes and improves the way to catch the customers’ attention Dre rn Steera rar) TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY The bank charged commission to change my traveller's To charge ads see ign cheques. The bank charged commission to change my traveller's ‘To charge for tinh phi cho a camel cheques To convert into Than vst mio chuyén ddi | A good sales representative manages to convert the purchasing pots thiah mua | liens wst into purchasing T he fas already delivered today, there will not bea To deliver sav vate) sino hing later delivery Dispatcher i a trm used in a Model-View-Controller ‘To dispatch (a parcel { ‘au'spa! dng vin | (MVC) software architectural pattem for front-end web an order) development “To get receive (aleiter, iS G ahgn He went to the shop to get some milk. parcel) aE hi RE BS To layout d Tent drzam’ | The editors also in charge of laying out designs They went fo Calais to load wp their ears with chew To load ov! ti aa o "To pay in Ful thanh toan diy |T was happy to pay the invoive in full and be free oF Derren Stk ad Pe SORE a AUS COLONEL LOY di debi ‘arly dom ft | Teed to process an order asap Tora customer who has ‘To process an order | "prauses! if foes i hang been waiting for a weok for it to be delivered. To sell sel ban ee wanted to sell the ear to me for $1000. To send ‘send ai Could you send a reply to them as quickly as possible? : xEphing | The company decided to ship the orders by plane as it ‘To ship fip! F sxuéng iu | is more time saving a "| What are the best pictures that showcase love and To showease 1 fookers! 6 thiga i To unload Tan oo dhang iow do hedge funds unload a big positon? To really understand packed and unpacked we must To unpack an'peek! hi a bs ae first understand BCD To wrap rep! un She wrapped the present and ted it with ribbon. The country’s trade in manufactured goods has ‘Trade ‘trerd! buén bin ne 7 expanded inthe last ten years Ifyou send out invoices that are due upon receipt, then /a'pon n'si:tov | Upon receipt ofinvoice | °°" nin héa don | you should make sure you offer an easy way so that eet clients can pay immediately such as PayPal Dre rn Steera rar TRS OM COSCO CREO LO CCE TINGED NY Tes lot easier to stay wealthy and get even wealthier Wealthy weld! sidu 06 than it is to get there inthe first place ‘A whopping new 200 global-players join our website Whopping opi 16, to freee eee every single day! ‘TOPIC: TRAFFIC AND DRIVING : rn Tove the self irony ofthis road sign of Puolanka, A (road) sign sau bién bio _| Tove the sefip s 5 The front wheels ofthese vehicles are exclusively Afour-wheel drive |/,fo:wil'éraw/ | xe 2 edu pete Abonnethood (GB) | "bont/ she! nipeabd | Bonnet is also called hood in US and canada Disc and drum brake almost same concept of braking A brake re bore, fone pat the difference is its working saa relbapat ce ‘Many times when is aplastic bumper lightly obunee barratry cai canxe | sideswipes another plastic bumper usually pes ae a met cab driver returning back to home at amin the night. ‘Acar crash (ka: kr dung xe ve only ever been in one car eras, when I was 12 ary aay a ee eee ay deh wae ho |ABIBE cet ewsng i nth oval ches of ‘crosswalk (US)/a zebra | "kroswaki// zebro | dudng dink 7 eer ane ee eee ee crossing (GB) krosin/ cho ngudi di_| dow" know the exact circuitry of crosswalk syste Derren Stk ad rat TAS OM Cea COE RU ere Lem LS OCCE TINCT NY bar : bang diéu | Dashboards easily become junk drawers of data, with ieleeateni ers eign unrelated pieces of information mixed together Adoor mirrorifender | 42.0) 290% | sung sta, ‘mirror/ outside rea szuong fender, | How much does it cost to get molds made for a car's “mira(t) aot’ sada vu mercy aan | gg chiéu "| door mitror ‘view mirror/side (view) mirror/ wing mirror | hi, ‘A driver's license aati ideshar in The status of your driver's license ean fall under the (Us)idriving licence (GB) | / A bing laixe | following categories, Men a Dudma li xe | Would it be against the law to take a hammer to someone's ear parked in my driveway? Tah elm lai | Can I represent myself in court? lam a disabled driver A ing ban drarvin been! on wa pet! ving a? Adrvnginsrecor — [Péraw m'stokiooy | MEine [taking tino your ely oan he schie ‘fla dct fa, hat tiv | He gta ks fr parking whore wasn allowed an] One copes sir esi te Bain tee A footbrake tok! nharhckin [Ome smIERDI aw A front ror fm’ | guongnie | US double dane ou are scing om ie me a ths) Get ae commonly wl a Tr ananiting torque,power from engine in all types of automobiles A gear lever/a ‘1 hivatey, Landing gear lever is one of the largest switches found gearsticlW/a gearshitt | "giostiki, "gi in the cockpit Athandbrake haendbreik! phanh tay | When parking an automatic car should you apply the Dare to change! 0983 66 22 16 Cet cin si hip si Re OMCs Cet eat RLU Ree Oe ES ase sare valaw seohe [because eight cannot move fase fom he er and A headlight pat Ben ph so can never leave the headlights. “A highway (US)freeway | /‘harwer/,/fri:weu 4. | Lcan confirm that the UK most definitely does have (US)/motorway (GB) /mantawev ee ce highways ; aes Switching of ike that makes i mach Rarer forthe ‘Ahit and run Iut ota tbe Switching of ik hat makes vara a Tdamg [IBC be fr png, tT EI ‘license platefiag (US) |Tatsns ple, ew, | ya it you were issued 3 License plates for your vetiele, you number plate (GB) mambo pleit! iba SO are required by law to attach them to your vehicle a ace A motorbike/bike /maovtabaik/, /baik/ | xe may because of the lack of protection compared to modem Bp, WAYS ondy thin tape fsa oe way set because weave Acnesway street ‘wan werstiy | 488 MG |e privy to whats going on beneath the ven this Camoufiage universe idm aba | Pt and rie scheme? Thre ia lotto do, depending Aparkand-ide scheme |/,pak on ‘rad skim | #2 cathe politcal wil and of course onthe population's ett perceptions of the problem 'A parking lot pak ov tai dtuxe | You meet adookey in parking ot ; 3 ra Te been backing into parking spaves since Tf eae ect! eos) Jearned to drive when I was eight years old All epoting we have on aso fr indicates that twas [Apedestrian (po destrion! nguii did |lessa car running overa podestran and more a pedsstran stepping in front of «ear Derren Stk ad ary CeO Cer a nL ee ONCE INCA dung dh - Mow do you creat private map with new pedestan A poten retinas’ Srogands | Senn A petrol gnuge pil getds nidy do xing | Where is the fase for a et gauge in regions located? = ‘vu dim nhau | Here in Wisconsin, the eause of multi-car pile-ups is AD cele iia xe 05, typically fog : : ca it gad | was Cling tank ata gas ion when saw a A police officer pals wfiso(ey/ thong police officer watching me. can if iad) What are our as when we ae pled ve? by @ trate cop thane tac cop nea? BR, [te age formed to our vow rer will evaysbe Arear(vien) mirror |/nyjus mrtey |B HB, | is dined naire ensures coverage ck. ree tai nan giao To prevent road accidents, First, we need to understand: noes es thong the reasons behind road accidents ‘A raf circle (US) | ai Fe wil Wiese for waltoy signs ter bere tere rae roundabout (UK) raendabacst/ 8 circles. Arathor (USE 401,55 a an nly hour omarond am 1 10:08 hour (GB) ava() a J wa | As offer write fave indicted, seat bes area Aweatbelt becchated betes significant contributor to survival of a crash = BES

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