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1.1. Globe
- Sclera: the outermost layer of the ocular globe. It is white and in its
frontal part becomes transparent forming the cornea.
- Iris: part of the eye that makes it have a colour.
- Pupil: little hole in the middle of the eye that opens or closes in order to
catch light
- Retina: innermost layer of the eye. Contains the cones and the rods
- Lens: transparent and elastic organ. There are two chambers, to separate
the first one there is aqueous humour and for the other vitreous humour
- Fovea: area of the retina that offers a best visibility. Abundance of cons
- Blind spot: part of the retina where the nerve ending exits. No sight here
- Optic nerve: group of nerve cell extensions that communicate with rods
and cones.

1.2. Accessory organs

- Ocular muscles: move the eye in order to direct the sight
- Lacrimal glands: secrete tears in order to avoid dryness
- Eyebrows: divert sweat coming from the forehead
- Eyelids: pieces of skin that protect the eye
- Eyelashes: hair situated on the edge of the eyelids that diffuse light.


- Astigmatism: defective curvature of the lens that produces a deformed
image of the objects on the retina
- Myopia: making you see blurry distant objects
- Hyperopia: making you see blurry nearby objects
- Presbyopia: gradual loss of the eye´s ability to focus and produce a clear
object in nearby objects.
- Colour blindness: congenital disease which makes you not recognising
- Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye as a result of
an allergy or infection
- Cataracts: lens become opaque, blocking the passage of light
- Glaucoma: caused by a pressure increase of aqueous humour in the
anterior chamber of the eye.

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