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a Genesis speaks of the beginnings of the world, of human beings and society, of families and of nations. Genesis EVERYTHI THE IMPORTANCE OF GENESIS The rest of the Bible would make very little sense but for the book of Genesis. tt answers the ‘big’ questions, such as why are we here and where did we come from? Genesis speaks of the beginning of the world, of human beings and society, of families and of nations, of sin and salvation. In particular, it speaks of the start of the Hebrew race. THE STYLE OF GENESIS 4. Genesis teaches truth by telling stories rather than by setting out the lessons in a more formal way. 2. The stories are very human. There is no attempt at any ‘cover-up’. Even the greatest heroes are palnted ‘warts and 3. All the stories are majestically and movingly told. By any standards Genesis is brilliantly written THE AUTHOR OF GENESIS Genesis is anonymous, but the New ‘Testament implies that it was written by Moses and this belief was unquestioned by the church until recent times. We do not know how the book was written, but it is reasonable to see Mases as an editar wha put tngether a great number of stories and facts, some of which would have already been in wide circulation before his, time. THE VALUE OF GENESIS Many suppose that modem science and history have undermined the value of Genesis. We can however read Genesis with confidence in its reliability for two reasons: 1. For every scientific or historical argument which questions the accuracy of Genesis there is more than one in support of it. 2. Much of the debate is not about truth itself so much as modern ways of approaching truth. Whether or not Genesis is truth as we would express it in a way which is fashionable today, it remains truth. Above all itis truth made known by God about himself, ourselves and the world in which we live 4, THE STORY OF MANKIND. 4:1—11:30 ‘The creation of the world The fall of man The story of Cain and Abel The story of Noah The family of Noah The tower of Babel 14:31—25:18 11:31—12:9 Abraham stars his journey 1210-20 Abraham faces famine and Egypt ‘Abraham separates from Lot ‘Abraham rescues Lot ‘Abraham meets with God ‘Abraham lies to Abimelech Abraham faces problems Abraham faces a severe test Abraham buries his wife Abraham in his final days Itis not always easy to pin-point the teaching of Genesis in particular verses and those given below are merely examples 1. What Genesis teaches about God * He is eternal and has life in himself. 1 ‘He is the creator and life-giver. 11-23 © He is personal and desires a relationship with men and women. 1:26-2:25; 3:8; 15:1-16 + He is holy and will judge the sinful 3:8-24; 65-8; 11:1-9; 18:16—19:29 * He is merciful even in judgement. 3:21; 4:15; 6:8; 18:32 * He is patient in dealing with his The creation of man and woman 264-35, Potted histories - Adam to Noah ——— 25:19—27:40 25:19-34 Isaac has sons 27:41—37: 3. THE STORY OF ISAAC Isaac has problems 271-40 Isaac is deceived 4. THE STORY OF JACOB Potted histories - Shem to Abram 2. THE STORY OF ABRAHAM Jacob leaves home in a hurry Jacob meets God at Bethel Jacob serves Laban for years Jacob goes home at last Jacob has trouble with Shechem Jacob meets God at Bethel again ‘Abraham has a son — his way Abraham meets with God again ‘Abraham receives heavenly visitors Jacob's family 37:2—50:26 ‘Abraham has ason-God's way 42;7—45:28 Joseph and his needy brothers 46:1—50:3 Joseph and his aged father 50:4-26 Joseph and his final years ‘Abraham plans for the future followers, as the story of Abraham and of Jacob demonstrates. * He is sovereign over every power. 18:14; 26:12-16; 50:20 2. What Genesis teaches about humans * We are bom in the image of God, and so have worth and creative ability. 1:27-30 «We are self.willed, and go our own sinful way without God. 3:1-7 * Our sin is deeply ingrained in our make-up, as even Abraham shows. 20:1-18 * We need fellowship with our maker, as the life of Abraham teaches. # We are capable of being remade by 5. THE STORY OF JOSEPH Joseph and his childhood dreams Joseph and his unkind brothers Judah and Tamar Joseph's undeserved imprisonment Joseph and his unexpected release 17 Nomadic Bedouin farmers at the Beersheba camel market. Abraham family were ds who settled in Canaan. God, as the life of Jacob shows. * We are under the providential care of God, as the life of Joseph demonstrates. 3. What Genesis teaches about society * Humans were created as social beings, not as an isolated individuals 2:18 ‘The message of Genesis applies to three areas of relationship: 1. To our life with God * Obey him. Itis always best to do it God's way. * Believe him. it's right, even when it seems unreasonable to do so. * Trust him. He really does care for you. * Talk with him, He must be asked about problems and decisions. * Let him work. He can change even a twisted life into a life of beauty. 2. To our family life * Be honest with each other. * Don't have favourites. + Examples abound of the difficulties people face living with each other. © The basic unit in the structure of society is marriage. 2:24 * Law and government are also needed to help humans live in a fallen world, ‘* Watch out for jealousy. * Be faithful, even in difficult times. * Live by God's rules, not your own, 3. To our life in the world * Develop and use the world's resources responsibly. + Remember all men have the same Creator and are made in his image. * Note that God is concerned with international affairs, not just personal, spiritual issues. * Live a life of honesty, and so be a good witness. 4. Election Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph are all called by God and chosen for their place in the history of God's people. Sometimes, as in the case of Jacob, the choice flies in the face of traditional ways of doing things. Read again the story of their calls and write down what you can learn about the way God elects people. 2. Salvation As soon as man committed sin, God made it plain that he was concerned to rescue him. 3:15; 4:4; 22:8 may all refer to the work Christ was one day to do What other teaching about salvation do you find in this book? 3. Work Even before the fall man had a task to do in the world (1:28). Man was made to work. After the fall it became less enjoyable (3:17~19). What does this have to teach about work in today's world? 4. Rest The idea of one day in seven being a rest day comes from these earliest The imprassive Cave of Machpelah dominates the modern city of Hebron, and is believed to house the tombs of the Patriarchs. chapters of the Bible (2:2, 3). It is not just one of the ten commandments but a basic instruction of our Maker ‘What has this to say to our own society? 5. Satan Read again the story of the fall @:1-7), and see what it teaches about Satan and his technique. 6. Death Death is threatened (3:3), overcome (6:24) and often encountered (eg. 49:1—50:3). What can we learn from this? 7. Morality Throughout the book there is a concern for moral living. What are the chief features of morality outlined here? 8. Marriage What does 2:18-25 have to teach us about the purpose of marriage? 9. Worship ‘What does Genesis teach us about how we should worship God (eg, 4:1-7; 28:10-22)? 19

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