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Table of Contents


GENERAL STATISTICS.........................................................................................................................2

LIGHTFM WEBSITE................................................................................................................................3
START TIME OF CAPTURE......................................................................................................................3
TOTAL NUMBER OF CAPTURED PACKETS....................................................................................................3
TOTAL NUMBER OF LOST PACKETS...........................................................................................................3
CLIENT AND SERVER IP ADDRESS.............................................................................................................4
IVIEW START TIME..............................................................................................................................4
TOTAL PACKETS..................................................................................................................................4
TOTAL NUMBER OF PACKET LOSS...........................................................................................................4
IP ADDRESS OF CLIENT AND SERVER.........................................................................................................4

NETWORK PERFORMANCE...............................................................................................................5

LIGHTFM WEBSITE..............................................................................................................................5
ROUND TRIP TIME..............................................................................................................................5
PACKET LOSS.....................................................................................................................................6
ROUND TRIP TIME..............................................................................................................................8
PACKET LOSS.....................................................................................................................................8




Wireshark is a tool that may be used to analyze the protocols of a network. It is the protocol
analyzer that is used the most, and its source code and availability are both free to the
public. There is a wide variety of tools at your disposal, some of which include deep protocol
examination, live uploads, and offline analysis [1]. It is also possible to use Wireshark on a
number of different operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and a great deal of
other systems. Through the utilization of filters and color rules, users are able to read live
data from a variety of networks, including Ethernet and PPP. In addition, the results can be
exported in either XML, CSV, or plain text format. Since Gerald Combs started creating

General Statistics
Wireshark in 1998, a wide variety of people, especially network specialists and other
hobbyists, have wish to contribute. Wireshark is now available for download. Wireshark is
utilised by a wide variety of businesses as well as educational establishments all around the
world. This is because it is an efficient tool for analyzing the structure of internet protocols,
and it can show how protocols are encased. Another reason for this is that it can explain
how protocols are enclosed. Using Wireshark, you are able to view every single byte of data
that is transmitted over a network. Components of the user interface include command
menus at the top of the door that can initiate the process of collecting packets and perform
a great many other actions [2]. There is a data pane that shows the gathered packets and
provides information about each packet, such as the time, source, goal, and protocol that
was used, among other things. ' The windows that hold the packet header statistics may be
found directly below the window that was just highlighted, and they offer a plethora of extra
information regarding the specific packet that was just chosen. The information that has
been provided contains details regarding each protocol that was used in the sending of the
In order for Wireshark to capture packets, it must first create a network card that is capable
of accepting each and every packet that is sent its way. The person who is capturing the
packets with Wireshark will be able to view all of the traffic that is going over the network.
Wireshark can be used either as a library for capturing packets or as a packet analyzer, which
displays the contents of all elements contained in a protocol message. Both of these uses are
viable. When these two components are used in conjunction with one another, Wireshark
can function as a packet sniffer [3].
Wireshark is a useful tool that makes troubleshooting blocked ports much simpler. It is also
an excellent instrument for tracing issues that arise with online apps and authentication
attempts that are unsuccessful. Wireshark is a tool for maintaining network security that can
monitor all of the data that is transmitted across the network. As a consequence of this,
packets are able to be validated, and IT experts are able to be assured that only the
necessary packets are presented. Furthermore, if there are unwanted packets, they are able
to identify the issue and rectify it if necessary. When it comes to diagnosing problems with a
computer network, having Wireshark on hand is a very helpful tool to have in your arsenal.

LightFM website
Start Time of capture
The start time of capture is given below as per the complete orientation about which the
complete implementation of service based information of packet trace checking about which
the complete information about which the complete analytical business modules based on
which the complete collaboration of index based analytics must be done with the start time
information [4].

The initiation and implications of complete detailed analysis about which the collaboration
of in depth functions must be applied with respect to the functional timing and analytics of
statistical domain.

Total number of captured packets

The total number of captured packets are “1111” so that the complete domain based on
which the detailed analysis about which the concerned with respect to the detailed packet
11111 13:55:53.612954 zte_d6:d2:5c Broadcast ARP 42 Who has Tell

Total Number of lost packets

Total number of packet losses are 503 about which the complete check of summary could be
done in order to set the complete information as per the initiation of packet transmission,
also the ping details could be applied with respect to the domain based evaluation of
The detailed information must be developed with the collaboration of service based
information being about which the controlled and developed model about which the
detailed modeling of in depth knowledge to collaborate with the initiation and planning of

Client and server IP address

The client-server IP is shown below based on which the highly significant model must be
oriented with respect to the in depth knowledge of interpretation as per the controlled
analysis and management of service based approaches about which the collaboration of well
managed instructions to have the complete details and analysis about which the
collaboration of managerial model must be developed with the strategic details [5].

Start Time

Total Packets

Total Number of Packet Loss

There is only 1 packet loss.

IP address of client and server

Network Performance
Network performance implementation of both websites has been done in this part in which
the complete information about throughput modeling and mitigation analysis must be done
in order to collaborate with the initiation and development of well planned structure being
applied and controlled with respect to the proper orientation and analytics of details being
specified with respect to the complete implemented modeling and measurements about
which the strategic implementation of packet trace analytics must be done with respect to
the core flow of execution about having the complete initialized results [6].

LightFM website

Round Trip Time

Packet Loss

Round Trip Time

Packet Loss

Wireshark is a tool that may be utilized in order to perform an analysis of the protocols that
are utilized by a network. The protocol analyzer is the tool that gets the most use, and the
public has unrestricted access to both the source code and the availability of this tool. You
have access to a wide range of tools, some of which include things like offline analysis, live
uploads, and deep protocol inspections. It is also possible to utilize Wireshark on a variety of
different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and a large number of other
software platforms [7]. Users are able to read live data from a variety of networks, including
Ethernet and PPP, thanks to the utilization of filters and cooler rules in the graphical user
interface (GUI). Additionally, the findings can be exported in XML, CSV, or plain text format,
depending on your preference. Since Gerald Combs began developing Wireshark in 1998, a
wide variety of individuals, particularly network specialists and many other amateurs, have
shown a desire to contribute to the project. Downloads of Wireshark are now being made
accessible. A vast range of companies and organizations, including educational institutions,
from all around the world make use of the programme known as Wireshark. This is due to
the fact that it is an effective instrument for examining the structure of internet protocols,
and it is able to demonstrate how protocols are encapsulated. This is important for a
number of reasons, one of which is that it explains how protocols are encapsulated. When
using Wireshark, you will have the ability to inspect each and every byte of data that is sent
across a network. The user interface includes command menus at the top of the door that
can start the process of collecting packets and perform a great many other activities. These
menus can also be used to accomplish a great many additional functions. There is a data
window that displays the collected packets and provides information about each packet,
including, among other things, the time, source, goal, and protocol that was used. ' You can
locate the windows that carry the packet header statistics just below the window that was
just highlighted. These windows provide a wealth of additional information pertaining to the
particular packet that was just selected as the focus of attention. The information that has
been provided includes specifics about each protocol that was utilized during the
transmission of the packet.
In order for Wireshark to be able to record packets, it must first build a network card that is
capable of acknowledging and processing each and every packet that is directed toward it.
The individual who is using Wireshark to capture the packets will have the ability to view all
of the traffic that is going over the network at the same time. Either as a library for capturing
packets or as a packet analyzer, which displays the contents of all elements contained in a
protocol message, Wireshark can function in either of these capacities depending on the
user's needs. Both of these applications are reasonable options. Wireshark is able to
perform the role of a packet sniffer when these two components are utilized together in
combination with one another. Wireshark is a helpful tool that significantly simplifies the
process of diagnosing blocked ports. It is also a fantastic device for tracing issues that
develop with online programmed and for analyzing unsuccessful authentication attempts.
Wireshark is a tool that can monitor all of the data that is transmitted across a network in
order to maintain the network's security and keep an eye on any suspicious activity. As a
result of this, packets are able to be authenticated, and IT professionals are able to obtain
the peace of mind that comes from knowing that only the required packets are provided. In
addition, if there are undesired packets, they are able to detect the problem and, if
necessary, correct it. When it comes to determining the cause of issues that are occurring on
a computer network, having Wireshark on hand is a very important tool to have in your
collection of tools and resources. As per the complete orientation regarding which the
complete implementation of service-based information of packet trace checking regarding
which the complete information regarding which the complete analytical business modules
based on which the complete collaboration of index-based analytics must be done with the
start time information, the start time of capture has been provided.The controlled and
developed model must be about which the controlled and developed model about which
the detailed modelling of in-depth knowledge must collaborate with the initiation and
planning of results. The detailed information must be developed with the collaboration of
service-based information.

The client-server IP is shown below; based on this, the highly significant model needs to be
oriented with respect to the in-depth knowledge of interpretation as per the controlled
analysis and management of service-based approaches; this is about which the collaboration
of well-managed instructions needs to have the complete details and analysis; this is also
about which the collaboration of managerial model needs to be developed with the strategic
details. Network performance implementation of both websites has been completed in this
section, in which the comprehensive information about throughput modelling and
mitigation analysis must be carried out in order to collaborate with the initiation and
development of a well-planned structure that is being applied and controlled with respect to
the proper orientation and analytics of details being specified with respect to the fully
implemented modelling and measurements about which the strategic implementation is
being carried out.

It is concluded that both websites Wireshark trace has been shared with respect to the
complete orientation and implications of well-planned results so that the implementation
and validation of complete web based parameter testing could be done. The network
performance evaluation has also been completed in order to process the complete
development of well managed instructions by using in depth knowledge of Wireshark.

[1] C. Fragouli, Wireless network coding: Opportunities & challenges. In MILCOM 2007-IEEE
Military Communications Conference, 2007.
[2] M. K. Lee, "Understanding perception of algorithmic decisions: Fairness, trust, and
emotion in response to algorithmic management.," 2018.
[3] Y. A. L. Liang, "Fear of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence: Evidence from
national representative data with probability sampling," 2017.
[4] S. Russell, "Should we fear supersmart robots?. Scientific American," 2016.
[5] S. Sachan, "An explainable AI decision-support-system to automate loan underwriting.,"
[6] A. Shmeleva, "Manufacturing planning information system development. In 2018 IEEE
Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering," 2018.
[7] E. P. Thelisson, "Regulatory mechanisms and algorithms towards trust in AI/ML.," 2017.

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