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Seth Gabriel Barbarin | 2021107845 | Page 1 of 4

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Why did you choose the course Civil Engineering?

When I was a young kid, my grandfather and father are working on a construction
company. My grandpa was a foreman, and my father works as his assistant and during those
times, my dad would tell me stories on how these civil engineers earn a lot of money by just
writing signatures. Even in the beginning, I doubted that it was that easy to become an engineer,
then when I grew up and get to know what the gist of what civil engineers do, I became
fascinated by it.
Even though I thought of it to be more complicated or complex, I still want to become
a civil engineer because I want to build structures that can improve the lives of all the people
that I can see. I chose this course because I want to challenge myself, I want to create a legacy
that improves the lives of other people.
But my main reason before why I chose to be a civil engineer is because of the salary,
for me now, it is not the reason for my choice. The reason I chose to pursue this career is to
contribute to society. I know for a fact that there are other more high-paying jobs there is than
being a civil engineer, that’s why I don’t consider the salary being the reason why I endure in
pursuing this career. I also want to practice my creativity in creating structures and I believe
that this career can help me elevate my skills.
I really believe that Civil Engineering is the career that is for me, that’s why I chose
this course and that there is no other branch of engineering more suited for me.

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