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Deliver some medicines from town A to town B (a succesful knowledge check will
reveal that those medicines are in fact magic crystals, another check will reveal that
those magic crystals are commonly used as bombs).
2. A wheel of the cart breaks and the horse is scary because of something (a succesful
survival check will reveal that wild animals hide in the area, a successful knowledge
check will reveal what type of animals and how to prevent their attacks, a succesful
craft check will repair the broken wheel, a succesful empaty check will calm the horse
and be ready for anything).
3. Bandits try to rob the cart (they speak in a combination of two languages).
4. A mysterious fog appears and strange things happen (survival checks to find the way
are constantly require. The fog creates illusions and modify memories).
5. An ogre block the way (a bridge) but is willing to negotiate (table of random results).
6. You arive to the town, someone is expecting you: two guys saying you should trust
him/her but not the other guy... adventure ends here.

Gustav. NPC that guide the party. Owner of the cart. Recovering from injuries. Man of few
words. A very good friend when he opens up to the party.

During the illusions, 2 Gustavs appear. Which one is the real Gustav?
A dire wolf (or other beast) appear, very aggressive. Kill the beast and Gustav start to laught, he
become smoke and disappear. The illusion fades, the beast was the real Gustav.

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