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Present Continuous Positive - Test 2

am feeling (feel)
1. She doesn't know what I _____________!

am going back without you? (go)

2. Do you think I ___________

are bringing (bring)

3. It is a serious charge you _______________.

4. They ________________ to nature and to truth. (accord)

5. You _______________ to cover up the truth. (fight)

6. Don't you see you ______________ him? (kill)

7. She _____________ the blood from my heart. (suck)

8. I _____________ in a room in a dirty hotel. (sit)

9. I _____________ to you in all frankness. (talk)

10. You don't know whom you _______________ to! (speak)

11. He _______________ to take the world easily. (begin)

12. I _____________ an open hand with you. (play)

13. And now I _____________ for the news. (wait)

14. It ____________ a mean advantage of a fellow. (take)

15. And they _____________ through the hollow world. (rise)

16. But I ___________________ before my story. (again/get)

17. He _____________ me here against my will. (hold)

18. I know you are; but you ______________________ away from me.

19. They ___________________ for the rest of the crowd. (only/wait)

20. I _____________ in this hotel for a particular purpose. (stay)

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