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1. What’s the difference between Concentrated & Dilute Solutions?

- Concentrated solutions have a lot of solute dissolved
- Dilute solutions have little solute dissolved
2. What does Saturated mean?
- No more solute can be dissolved
3. How much solute can dissolve in a solvent is called?
- Concentration
4. What’s Solubility?
- A measure of how much solute can dissolved in a solvent at a
given temperature
5. Name 2 Factors that Affect Solubility.
a. Pressure
b. Type of solvent
6. How does Pressure affect Solubility?
- Solubility of a gas solute in a liquid solvent increases as
pressure increases
7. Is this inversely proportional?
- No, it isn’t
8. How do Solvents affect Solubility?
- Solutes won’t dissolve in solvents of different kinds

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