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Year & Course: BSTM-4A

Topic: Gender-Based Sexual Harassment (R.A. 11313)

Speaker: Mrs. Virginia Pinca Atutubo

Date & Time: February 16, 2022, 8:30am-12nn

I – Introduction:

This is a Gender and Development (GAD) related topic. In this webinar, the gender-based sexual

harassment are discussed. It further explains the Republic Act no. 11313 or the Gender-based Streets and

Public Spaces Sexual Harassment.

II – Knowledge/Learning Acquired:

For a society to be gender sensitive and gender neutral, everyone has a role to play for its

achievement and a better character we should portray. It is not only between the perpetrator and the

victims but also to all employees or employer, to an institution or authorities and of course even to the

simplest or normal relationship we have to others and to our community. This is because, unfortunately,

harassment and gender-based violations can happen everywhere in both expected and unexpected time. It

can happen at streets, at home, at school, at work setting, in vicinity of common carriers as well as at

online, especially these days wherein different social media platforms are 24/7 active and available. This

just means that we should all be more careful on what we do and what we say. Assess our actions as well
as your words. By doing so, we are being human because we act as human being, as quoted by our

speaker Mrs. Virginia Pinca. Committing gender-based violations or gender-based harassment, it is sure

that liabilities and offenses are not only the one you have to face but also the long-list of long-term

consequences in yourself and for your future.

III- Observation:

During the webinar, especially during the open forum wherein questions and clarification about the lecture

is encouraged, I observed that there are actually many questions that are being asked by my fellow

participants. All are situational questions and leads to the “is it right to report this situation?” or “is the

situation can be considered as sexual harassment?”. With that observation, I can say that maybe many of

us had already experience sexual harassment, and we either know that it is harassment or not. So, through

this webinar we understand more and be knowledgeable more in case we experience violence. We will be

able to take actions and know what to do in case.

IV- Recommendations/Suggestions:

Gender and Development office in schools should be more active in activities that promote better

awareness when it comes to the social responsibilities of youths about gender and development.
V. Documentation:

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