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No. of Pages: 4 SC wn: & E APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSE FIRST SEMESTER M.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2018 Branch: Computer Science & Engineering Stream(s): Computer Science Course Code & Name: 01C86103 Topics in Database Technology Answer any two fill questions from each part Limit answers to the required points. Max. Marks: 60 Duration: 3 hours PART A. 1. a. Describe external sort merge algorithm. A file of 4096 blocks is to be sorted (5) with an available buffer space of 64 blocks. How many passes will be needed in the merge phase of external sort merge algorithm? b. Write possible transformation rules for the following cases of relational (4) plied on query trees. ++ = when hearistic optiezatiom {) Comnrauung select (6) with jor; Dd) ii) Commuting project (2) with join( Dy iii) Cascade of project (a) iv) Converting (o-, X) into join( ©. Can a non-dense be used in the implementation of an aggregate operator? (1.5) Why or why not? Discuss the system of propagation of privileges and the restraints imposed by (25) horizontal and vertical propagation limits as a mechanism to achieve access control b Compare thy “cferred and immediate modification versions cf log based @ in terms of implementation and overheed cost recovery se‘ien Consider the following statistics about a relational table, Employee(Eno, (4) Name, Salary, Projld, Gender). There are 10000 records, each of size 200 bytes and number of records stored per block is 5. Assume 60% of the employees are males. There are 10 different projects and distribution of employees are almost same in the projects. Assume the following indexes are available. i) A clustering index on ProjiD attribute with Xproio ii) A secondary index on attribute DNO with Xpxo = 2, and number of first level index blocks 3 iii) A secondary index on Gender with Xsw Estimate the minimum cost of the following query: (OPrayid > 5 and gender mae and sary = 50000 (Employee) 3. a. Discuss the cost components for a cost function that is used to estimate query (25) execution cost. Which cost components are used most often as the basis for cost function? b. Assume we have a Department file with 100 records stored in 10 blocks. There (4) + file, Employee with 5000 re: ords stored -vith a blocking factor of 5 Assume 7 blocks of memory is available as buffer space. Find the optimal cost, (excluding the cost for storing the results) to perform the following join operation using nested loop join: DEPARTMENT PX pyospxumer EMPLOYEE —— Write expressions for cost function when single loop join operation performed, assuming the following indexes are available in one of the relations 4) Secondary index ii) Primary index iii) Clustering index iv)Hash index PARTB 4. a. For each of the three partitioning techniques, namely round robin, hash (4) partitioning and range partitioning, give example of a query for which that partitioning technique would provide the fastest response b, Suppose that the data records are partitioned across 4 processors share-nothing system as follows: Disk record Keys Bo 10,5.17,9,21 Di ee BE W714, 29,5, 29 BE 3532 WT Show the snapshots Of sorting the data using parallel external sort merge approach ‘when all the four processors take part in sorting. Assume that partition vector [7, 18, and 25] is used in the merge phase and that each processor can apply external sorting independently. ©. How doa nearness query differ from a region query? Q a, Describe wait-for graph approach for deadlock detection in a distributed 3) environment, Explain how false cycle results in unnecessary rollbacks b. Explain how semi-join strategy improves join performance in a distributed (4) environment, Compute r & 5 for the relations given below: Is r % s necessarily equal tosic 1? al alc Se TE le aya 5 : ae le Ga a [3 ]2] a 2 |e Ts [2 oe eae T7273 Fig’- Relation instances (1) ©) ¢ Will functional dependencies be preserved if a relation is converted to a temporal (2) relation by adding a time attribute? How this problem is handled in temporal database? a, Explain 2 phase commit protocol in a distributed environment. What actions would (5) be taken to handle failure of« coordinator? b. Compare the spatial indexing data structure R-Trees with Quadtrees 4 PARTC 7. a. What primary characteristics should an OID possess? a5) b. Illustrate with suitable examples how type constructors are used to create (4) complex object structures ¢. Illustrate with examples about the collection data types in Informics 6 8. a. Differentiate between structured and unstructured complex objects (3) . Consider the following the entities: FACULTY entity with attributes ENO, NAME, (6) DOB, SALARY and DEPARTMENT entity with attributes DNO, DNAME, DLOCATION. PROJECT entity with PNO, PNAME and SITE, All attributes are predefined basic types, which you may suitably assume. ENO, DNO and PNO are the primary keys of FACULTY, DEPARTMENT and PROJECT entities. Assume a many to many relationship between the three entities, Write required declarations in ORACLE to represent entities and relation between them as objects using object references. © What is the difference between persistent and transient objects? List the (3) different approaches for object persistence in OCODB 9. a, How Object Relational System differ from Object Oriented Database System (1.5) b._ Briefly discuss the components and purpose of Document Type Definition ® © Use the DTD below to answer the following queries. Assume that all (5) undeclared elements are of type PCDATA: ‘ Pp i) Names of Malayalam movie (use XPath) ii) Names of movies by a director whose nick name is ‘SA’ (use XPath) iii) List names of movies and corresponding director (use XQuery)

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