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1. No students in my class can speak English as fluently as Lan does.

Lan speaks__________________________________________________.
2. Most people think Schumacher is the best racing driver in the world.
Schumacher is considered______________________________________.
3. Someone broke into John’s flat last week.
John’s flat___________________________________________________.
4. His latest play has been a great success, and it was well reviewed by the critics.
His latest play, which __________________________________________.
5. The girl got married to Peter. What’s her name?
What’s the name_______________________________________________?
6. That girl’s mother used to work with mine.
That is the girl_________________________________________________.
7. He is said to have been in the army.
8. People say he is a famous writer.
It is _________________________________________________________.
9. Tom doesn’t play tennis as well as he used to.
Tom used to___________________________________________________.
10. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.
I was ________________________________________________________.
11. School uniform must be worn at all times by young pupils.
Young pupils__________________________________________________.
12. I’ve never met a more dependable person than Tom.
Tom is _______________________________________________________.
13. People say that he has been all over the world.
He is _________________________________________________________.
14. I know this reporter’s background well and he is absolutely honest.
This reporter, __________________________________________________.
15. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees.
It’s ___________________________________________________________.
16. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train.
It takes________________________________________________________.
17. Jane cooks better than her sister.
Jane’s sister_____________________________________________________.
18. Jack is younger than he looks.
Jack isn’t_______________________________________________________.
19. The problem has been discussed in class. We are very interested in it.
We are very interested in__________________________________________.
20. Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
Many diseases __________________________________________________

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