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Range 2s+s/2iv fe Duration —_Iminylv Casting Time 1 Action BIE By ereatre inthe arcs when the sel cat must ako accel Reflex seo al ‘Neveu can walk within o ough he re of ‘ease at half somal ped with» DC 10 Acrobat hook. Fare means ean move that ound ond ‘net hen makes Reflcave ofa), we fre by 5 ormore means ial Sonsidre fe Sote, REDUCE PERSON Lv1 Range _2sfeestvalw Duration | iminvty "This decrease changes the creature's size ‘stepory tothe net smaller one and divides its weight by 8. “The tanger gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity aty to Strength (toa minimum ‘bons om attack roils and AC Soe tots reduced size, ‘This spell doesn't change dhe trge's sped. All equipment worn or suried by a creature is ‘Silay reluce by the spell. RYU ces Range woottofuiy Duration W@W troundly 4 smmon a weapon that deals dB Tyce dma Tago ahs 8 ait, rand strikes as ie doesn't ast Flanking Bonus: sg Moye Action you can redirect It toa new target. Check Database for more Info Macic MIssILE —oLv1 Range 100+ 1081 Duration @ Instant sored The mise srs uring, ven te argc in siden iog sit tae acne For every to ease evel eyo Is yo gin an {nina mile =o a el lee ie a 3 {Surat th andthe ma of fe nes teh Sct ii go shot et you Seva cat Range 2sR+s2iv Duration 10 minute Casting Time 1 Action’ Sv ‘You instill courage in the subject ranting it +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 10 minutes If the subject is under the inuence of a fearelfect when receiving the spel hat cffect i suppressed forthe duration of the Spel Remove fear counters and dispels cause fear. BUS Personal 2Round Range Duration, You gain temporary intuitive insight in ened fate dunng Your Your next single atack roll iit js made before the end ofthe next round) guns. +720 insight boaus. Additionally, you are not affected by the ‘iss chance that applies to attackers tying to aeike a Range 2545/21 fe Duration @ Instant ‘Atay of freezing air and ice projects fom ‘your pointing finger. You mus succeed on a ranged touch attack ‘eit the ray t deal damage co a target, "The ray deals 143 points of cold damage. Range Personal Duration @ 1min/tv (Casting Time 1 Action Gv ‘Shield creates an invisible shield of Jorce that hovers in front of You Iehegates magic missile atacks directed ar you. ‘The disk'aleg provides a +4 shield gonuy vo ACP is bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since itis Bore effect. The shield has no rmor check penalty or arcane spell fiffure chance UNBREAKABLE HEART 2s+snv2Wv @ trounav Range Duration The target creature gins a-+4 morale bonus con saving throws against mind-affecting fffeets that ely on negative emotions or that ‘would force im to harm analy. the caret already under such an effect when receting this spell that effects Suppressed for he duration of this spe Irfemakes new saving teow agains that effect it taro twice and take the better result Calm emotions counters and dispels nbreskable hare

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