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Student B: Hi, excuse me, I’m from Quevedo and I need help. Are you from here Manta?

Student A: Hi, of course, yes I’m a local person. My name is Patrick, what’s your name? Do you
study at the university here?

Student B: Oh no, I’m studying chemical engineering in the Faculty of natural sciences and
mathematics of the ESPOL. My name is Angie.

Student A: Amazing! I study at the same university the audit major, in the Faculty….

Student B: Wow, It’s fantastic

Student A: Yes, but what is your question? how can I help you?

Student B: Well, things in this city are a little more... complicated. I mean, my little brothers had a
lot of friends in our town but here everyone is so far away.

Student A: I understand, but not everything is as bad as you think, in Manta you have many places
to go: the mall, the Quadra, the beach of course.

Student B: I don’t deny that there are good things, but for an elderly couple, for example, it is not
very useful, they want tranquility and Quevedo is the perfect place.

Student A: Definitely, but what would a place be without good music, movies, hundreds of

Student B: Well, you have a point, maybe for teenagers who enjoy films or adventure, Manta
would be a good option.

Student A: You can also meet nice people here, we may not know all each other, but some of us
are very close.

Student B: That's great, you have friends to go to paintball for example, or play soccer. But it's not
the same, in my small town we all know each other and feel safe.

Student A: Quevedo has its advantages, as well as its disadvantages. In Manta, for example, there
are so many cars on the streets or activities that there is too much noise.

Student B: Well in Quevedo sometimes there are not many places to go.

Student A: I guess both cities have their advantages.

Student B: Yes, it's just a little hard to get used to.

Student A: Don’t worry, you will soon love this city. And your little brothers, they'll have a lot of

Student B: I really hope so. Well, it was nice meeting you Patrick.

Student A: Nice to meet you too, I hope to see you soon at the university.

Student B: Of course, take care.

Student A: Bye.

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