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Hallo , everyone !

First , let me introduce my friend, Her name is neza indriani.

You can call her neza. She was born in jakarta, march 15th
2006. She live in inner highway. About the hobby, she really
like to watch kdrama. Her favorite food is meatballs, while
her favorite drink is orange juice. Her future goal is to be a
doctor. Oh yeah, her favorite movie is miracle in cell no 7,
and also her favorite song is dandelions because it’s a very
cool song to listen to when you’re sad and happy. Well, i
think thats enough for the information about my friends.
Thank you very much !

Hallo, everyone
let me introduce my friend, his name is kevin troy. you can
call his kevin. He was born in jakarta, july 28th 2006. He live
in cakung. about the hobby, he really like listening to music
and watching korean drama. His favorite food is kwetiau,
while his favorite drink is Coca-Cola. His future goal is to be
a petroleum engineer. oh yeah, His favorite film is end game
and also His favorite song is next level because its so catchy
and easy listening. well i think thats enough for the
information about my friend. thank you!!

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