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Presented to: Daniela Plazas

Presented by: Maria Valentina Ramirez Rodriguez

Center for Management and Sustainable Development in South Colombia

Administrative Management Technologist

I.D 2067545

September of 2021 - Pitalito, Huila

Halloween (also known as All Hallows' Eve) is a holiday celebrated in the United States on
October 31 each year, regardless of what day of the week it falls on.
Prior to Halloween, many individuals carve a design into an orange pumpkin, or a solid,
durable vegetable. Once a personally satisfying design has been carved, a lighted candle is
often placed inside the pumpkin, thus making it a Jack-O-Lantern.
Only a few adults celebrate Halloween, and they usually do so by attending parties. In
contrast, the vast majority of children dress up in costumes (Halloween costumes can be
based on anything from the aforementioned supernatural creatures to current movie stars)
and go door-to-door looking for candy-a practice known as "trick-or-treating"-on
Halloween. After knocking on a door (houses participating in Halloween usually leave a
light on), one says "Trick or treat" and is given a piece of candy (or several!).


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