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Serving Corps members,

Delta State School of Marine Technology,

Burutu LGA,
Delta state.
4th of march, 2021
The Rector,
Delta State School of Marine Technology, Burutu,
Burutu LGA,
Delta state.

The Head of Department,
Department of marine engineering.

The Head of Department,
Department of civil engineering.

Dear sir,
We wish to use this medium to appreciate this great institution for the way matters concerning
we the corpers have been treated since our arrival up until this time. We are confident that the
institution is doing its possible best to create an enabling environment for us to perform our
duties properly, hereby we write to draw the attention of this great institution to the insufficiency
of the current monthly stipend given to us.
The cost of commodities in this region is on the high side, way above what we expected. This
kind of environment is new to many of us, needing our bodies to adapt; and so sometimes we
find ourselves spending on drugs to stay healthy.
Due to the fact that we were posted far away from land, we spend so much on our monthly
clearance. For example, we are to report at Kiagbodo on Tuesday for clearance, costing each of
us five thousand naira for the full journey. These challenges are distressful, bringing heavy losses
to our accounts rather than savings.
We would appreciate that you treat this as a necessity, as you have always done.

Yours sincerely,
Matthew Fortune Misimau ………………
Obasi Innocent Chukwuma ………………
Yerima Nenpomini Goyol ………………
Obido Charles ………………

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