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MY TESTIMONY I was 4 years old, when I was awakened by deafening screams of my mother. It was dark and I woke up scared.

My father was drunk chasing her with a knife to kill her. I screamed with all the strength of my but nobody hear me, that happened continuously, it was all my life until when I was 15 years old. I Do not know if it was that day or another, My father forced her to ride his bike and, she came back a few days after of the clinic with more than 27 points in his head. Had crashed into a wall and she had been hurt. That was my childhood, except for a short period of time when there was peace in my house. It was not very long back then. Due to their suffering my mother started to become addicted to painkillers. Almost always she was sleeping. Meanwhile I retreated into my studies and get to be the best student in my school. When was fifteen I saw a very painful thing that broke my heart, my dad was accompanied by a strange woman, and at home things were as usual, very bad. Throughout my life I had a restless sleep, could not sleep well ever, was always anxious. One day my mother told me, I want to leave your dad, you say you come with me or not? I said let's go! He was very violent and had panic reaction that would have. My mother had saved all his life and had enough money to support his three son for a year. We went to another city 12 hours fron we lived. I fell into the worst depression of my life crying day and night I was not comfort, could not sleep. That same year an aunt shared with me about Jesus loved me and had an abundant life for me: I am come that you may have life and have it abundantly. I said: Abundant Life! Ill can sleep?, Have peace? Well she said her experiences, make a prayer and tell Jesus to come into your heart, to come into your life, He says I'm looking at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door I will come in to. I said a simple prayer, Lord Jesus, I need you, I invite you into my life and receive You as my Lord and Savior. Take control of my life and make me the person that You want. Amen. It was about 10 pm when I made this prayer with faith. That was the best night of my life. I slept delicious peace, a calm that had never felt before came to rest on me. Since then the Lord has been with me, I'm happy. When I wad 19, I went as a missionary to several cities in Colombia, sharing God's love to all kinds of people, from military to indigenous people. I've seen through my life many homes restored, new and happy lives. There are many who in their time were desperate and without horizon and today they are shepherds who are leading others to know the Lord. Only Jesus makes a new man. I'm happy, I am delighted to have dedicated my life to share. While in the ways of the Lord met Manuel Castro Caicedo, he was already shared Jesus missionary to university students and young people. We married and have two wonderful

children who love God with all your heart. Each day more and more I want to know God, learn to listen to His will and do it. My father has now also received the Lord in his life, my mother at the same time received the Lord in his heart, he left the drugs studied painting at the University and French, is now a very happy woman. She is a woman of faith, has a cell at home and is testimony to the love of Jesus to many. My two younger brothers also love the Lord and are faithful to Him Together with my husband serve through the web, sharing Jesus and teaching the Word to those in need. We arent agree with the new organization of most churches, we see the Great Whore there, Christians are drunk to the world of love and money, I like what you claim back to the early church, return to field. For now I want to know more about you and share the love of Jesus and the early church.
Thanks for your help, let me know. Go Bless you Diana Cristina

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