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J: Have you ever thought what would have happened if the pandemic hadn’t happened and what our lives
would be like now?

K: Yes, believe me, I've thought about it in many opportunities.

J: What would you be doing now or where would you be?

K: Well…I remember that before the pandemic I had many projects that I was going to do with some friends.
They were plans that excited me a lot and not only in the labor aspect also we had planned a holiday trip,
but in the end we couldn’t carry them out and unfortunately I lost contact with them. I recall we were going
to start a small accounting and financial services company but due to the economic crisis everyone had to
keep their own jobs and clearly that wasn’t a good time to invest and take risk creating a new company.

J: I see that…in other words, you mean if the pandemic hadn’t happened, you and your friends would be in
contact nowadays.

K: Yes, also if the borders hadn’t closed, we could have travelled on our planned vacation trip. I think it's a
pity, but that’s it. And what about you? How did the pandemic affect you?

J: I remember that I was starting the sixth cycle of my degree and I decided to travel to Spain to continue my
studies. I was starting to do paperwork and suddenly I watched TV. The president declared a state of
emergency, so I was unable to travel to Spain. I had to continue my studies in our country.

K: I understand…. If the pandemic hadn’t happened, you would have continued your studies in Spain.

J: Yes, I have family in Spain so in the best case if I had studied there, I would have lived, worked and
travelled in all Europe.

K: I see…although we cannot change what happened, positive things also happened in this situation for sure.

J: Definitely, there were more opportunities to spend time with family and have a good rest more than in a
normal situation.

K: Yes, you’re right. Perhaps if we had continued with that fast style of life and we hadn’t stopped for a
moment, we wouldn’t have had enough time to spend with our family and for ourselves.

J: Sure, many things happened but let's always try to look on the bright side.

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