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Child Rearing Patterns o Authoritarian Parenting:  has a strong focus on discipline and setting limits with less emphasis

on expressions of parental love  High in demandingness and low in responsiveness  Uses blame, shame, coercion and punishment these tactics are necessary to teach a lesson  Effects on children: y More socially and instrumentally competent y Tend to perform moderately well in school y Uninvolved in problem behaviour y Poorer social skills y Lower self-esteem y Higher levels of depression Indulgent homes/non-authoritarian/part-time/quasi-parenting  Whoever(father or mother) contributes to the parenting functions will affect the values and attitudes of the child  Decline in parental authority Increase in peer group influences (source of child s values and attitudes  High in responsiveness, low in demandingness  Effects on Children: y More likely to be involved in problem behaviour and perform less in school y Higher self-esteem y Better social skills y Lower levels of depression y Not as socially and instrumentally competent compared to children from authoritative parents Influences on child-rearing:  Age y Child-rearing patterns vary as the child ages y Privileges, responsibility and accountability gradually increases as child ages.  Birth Order y Eldest child: o Bears greatest demand and expectations from everyone o Parental surrogate o Has the authority over younger ones o Receives special attention and privileges

o Given preference in education and inheritance y Youngest child: o Pampered  Because nobody comes after him and parents are liberal at this time Residence and Social Class y Urban poor o rigid child-rearing o diminished attention to moral guidance y Socially well-off/educated o less authoritarian disciplining o more conscious of children s rights Gender y Boys: o Expected to acquire skills in earning a living o Should be strong and healthy o Allowed to stay out late y Girls: o Raised to be wives and mothers o Should be modest and refined o Expected to stay at home most of the time o Behaviour is more restricted (BOOOO!)

Authority of Elders Traditionally: Authority in the family goes vertically downwards (on the basis of age) Today: The younger and better-educated is the real decision maker and manager o Due to:  More educational, economic,, and political opportunities for individual advancement o Can cause depression in the elderly o Influenced by modern individualistic ideas and values through mass media The obligation to take care of the aged is the responsibility of the family members, as the social unity of society.

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