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Name: Raymond Michael A.

Gayatin Date: August 3, 2022

Crap design example

Create any Poster design using any graphic application and apply the different design studies learned.

Analyze and Explain the composition of your design in terms of :

A. Principles of Design
Contrast – Using red and yellow colors along with white produces contrasting colors that
compliments the elements and making them clear
Repetition – Repetition of font styles, colors, and effect are visible on the entire poster
Alignment – Align right was observed when designing this poster
Proximity – Elements are grouped(close) together based on their purpose on the design
a. “Try out the best burger” in town was close together for the are conveying a
single message.
b. The contact details are also cluttered closely for the they have different
purpose among other texts.
c. The object has also significant space between the fonts.

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