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Reflective Journal

I chose to use a Horseshoe Desks, I chose this layout because I think facilitate the
students to pay attention to the teacher or if any classmate is making an exposition is
going to be easier for the students paying attention, because all the tables are settled
in the manner that students can not see the back of their classmates, for this reason
student don’t distracted themselves with things that could happen to their classmates
during the class, another reason why I chose this layout is that help shy students to
face their classmates when they are doing oral presentation, it helps to improve their
self-confidence but I will sit shy students with students that can encourage their
personality to talk more and another reason why this layout is a really good option, is
that allows the teacher to see all the students and it helps to see which students are
not paying attention, this characteristic is very helpful to keep the discipline in the
whole classroom.
I felt that to make this layout more effective, students must be change their position
every so often, because this layout allows to concentrate mostly in the class, for this
reason the interaction between classmates could be hard to develop, therefore change
the position of the students can allow the students interact with most of their
classmates and not only with a certain group of them.
This classroom layout also allows to the teacher to have a lot space in the middle of
the classroom to develop activities like actuations, dynamics or even present a video if
there are the possibility to have one in the classroom.
As a teacher with this classroom layout, I can use a small ball for the students to play
the popular tingo tingo tango, so when I have to make a question for the students, we
can play that game and the students are going to pay attention the whole class
because the participation is also interactive, and it is going to be easy for the pass the
ball because all the tables are next to them.
Finally, I will decorate this classroom with posters of things that the students like but in
English, for example if they like an anime or cartoon, I am going to put pictures of the
characters of the series, so it is going to be easier to remember for them.

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