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‘Ann, For. Sei, $7 (2000) 747-754 747 © INRA, EDP Sciences Original article Simulation and comparison of silvicultural alternatives for even-aged Pinus pinaster Ait stands in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) Roque Rodriguez Soalleiro*”, Juan Gabriel Alvarez Gonzalez* and Jorg Schrdder? Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Campus Universitario S/N, 27002 Lugo, S » Georg-August-Universitit Gottingen, Institut flr Forsteinichtung und Ertagskunde, Bisgenweg 5, 37077 Gottingen, Gem (Received 30 November 1999; accepted 19 April 2000) Abstract ~ Three silvicultural alternatives for pure, even-aged stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait) grown in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) ate simulated and compared. First, each silvicultural alternative is described by'a specific combination of inti Stand-densty, pre-commercial teatment, thinning patter, and rotation age. The development ofeach silvicultural alternative is sim ulated using a regional growth and yield projection system based on a dynamic stand growth simulator anda size class model for rep resentative tees, Different timber grades associated with each alternative are predicted and estimates of costs and selling prices are tused to predict a eash flow pattern for each of the simulated altematives. Finally, he alternatives are ranked using the criteria net present salue of an infinite series of like rotations and internal rate of return. For the present market conditions, the most intensive silvicultural altemative is the most desirable one if profit maximization isthe objective of forest management, Pinus pinaster Ait silviculture / Galicia / growth and yield modelling [Résumé — Simulation et comparaison de régimes sylvicoles pour des foréts réguligres de Pinus pinaster Ait, en Galicke (Nord ‘Ouest de I Espagne) Trois alternatives de sylviculture pour peuplements purs et réguliers de pin maritime (Pins pinaster Ait) en Galicie (NO de I'Espagne) sont simulées et comparées. Chaque alternative est formulée comme une combinaison spécifique de den- sité initial, depressages, régime d'éclairces et durée de la revolution, Le développement du peuplement & chaque alternative est ‘ves un modéle régional de projection de Ia croissance et production, basé sur un des modeles dynamiques de croissance en. surface tereigre et sur des modeles de distribution des classes de diametres. Pour chaque allemative on a obtent Ia production totale de bois par catégories de dimension, les cots de gestion, les prix de Vente et un bilan économique complet, Les alternatives sont classdes en employint le bingfice actualise sur une infnité de revolutions identiques et le taux interme de rentabilité. Dans les condi- pilus intensive est intéressante si Pobjectif de lamnagement forester est la maximalistion dy reves eonomique direct. Pinus pinaster Ait sylviculture / Galicie/ modéle de croissance 1. INTRODUCTION continuity of forest management. For even-aged com- mercial stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait) in By describing the medium and long-term develop- Galicia, this important task was achieved until the later ment of a forest stand, silvicultural planning ensures __ sixties by using the classical yield tables developed * Correspondence and reprints ‘Tel (34) 982 252 303; Fax, (34) 982 241 835; e-mail: roquers@lugo uses 748, R. Rodriguez Soalleiro et al. by Echeverria and De Pedro [6]. In combination with a limited number of prescribed thinning types, the tables produce standard descriptions of future management activities in order to maximize the volume production for the pulpwood industry. The initial densities prescribed in the tables were up to 5000 stems per hectare, thinnings ‘were of moderate intensity and standard from below, and the rotation length was determined as a function of the culmination of the mean-annual volume increment (between 25 and 30 years depending on site productivi- ty). The practical utility of this simple planning tool was declining since more intensive silvicultural concepts were introduced in Northwestern Spain as a result of increasing harvesting costs and stagnating pulpwood prices. Nowadays, maritime pine stands in Galicia are ‘grown for a product mix dominated by timber for region- al sawlog production. The corresponding silvicultural concepts are characterised by reduced initial densities, selective mixed thinnings, emphasis on pruning, and longer rotations up to 35 years. Sometimes, even inten- sive soil preparation and fertilization techniques are applied and the use of genetically improved stock is beginning to emerge. The increased management intensi- ty has also increased the complexity of decision-makir and forest managers need new management guidelines, which can provide direction for practical planning pur- poses. A simple approach to draft an idealistic silvicul- tural concept is to specify a set of silvicultural alterna- tives, simulate the development of each alternative using a flexible growth-projection system, and select the best alternative using specified decision criteria [4]. In the present paper, we focus exclusively on three sil- vicultural alternatives, which represent the range of grad- uated management intensities applied at present in Galicia, First, each alternative is roughly outlined begin- ning with stand regeneration and ending with the final harvest of the mature tres. In a second step, the silvicul- tural alternatives are simulated using a growth projection system based on previous studies (1, 16, 23]. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the differences in ‘growth and yield generated for each alternative and to find out, which altemative is the most desired if profit ‘maximization is the objective. 2. SILVICULTURAL ALTERNATIVES, Alternative (1) is characterised by maintaining a high ddonsity during the entire rotation to produce a high quan- tity of timber volume. The rotation is 30 years and the initial planting density corresponds to a planting sched- ule of 2 * 2 meters (2500 stems per hectare). The thinning is systematic and early. It should be realised between ages of 10-12 years by site productivity. Afterwards, three more thinnings will be done, AUl thin- rings are standard from below and of moderate weight (Removal of 20 to 25% of the stem number before thin- ning). Pruning is realised to a height of 2.5 meters and the Hart-index! for advanced ages is between 0.16 and 07. Alternative (2) is generally characterised by lower densities. Loss in volume production as a result of lower stand densities is accepted to obtain higher individual tree dimensions. The basic product objective is quality sawn timber and only a small percentage of timber is destined to the fibre board industry. Although alternative (2) maintains a conservative tendency, itis the most common silvicultural concept applied today in Galicia. The rotation is 35 years and the initial stand density is 1670 stems per hectare corresponding to & planting schome of 3 * 2 meters. All together three thin- nings are planed. The thinnings are selective and the thinning weights are relatively high (removing 25 to 30 percent of stems before thinning). The trees, which are expected to reach rotation age are low and high pruned toa height of 5.5 meters. The value of the Hartindex for advanced ages is 0.22. Alternative (3) is one of the most intensive silvicul- tural alternatives applied today in Galicia.? It should always be associated to the application of genetically superior stock as the number of trees for selective thin- rings is considerably reduced. The initial density is 1100 stems per hectare (3 * 3m) and the rotation is 35 years. All together, only two thinning are carried out. Both thinning regimes are selective and the thinning ‘weights are rather high (33 to 40%). The first thinning is realised between a stand age of 16 and 18 years thus increasing the possiblity to obtain logs of considerable size to provide an early financial return, All trees, which are expected to reach rotation age, are low and high pruned to a height of 5.5 m, The Hart-index for advanced ages is 0.24. 1 The Hartindex of relative spacing index is a stand density measure, which is expressed by the fatio ofthe average distan- ce between the tees growing ina stand (m) and the dominant stand-beight (m). Commonly, the index has been used to control density in intensively managed plantations [15, 16} ? Plantations with even lower densities are commonly associa ted in Galicia to commercial grazing. This concept is, without doubt, a very interesting alternative, However, it as not consi ered in the present paper because the stand-growth simulator applied doesnot provide reliable predictions unr such exte- sie conditions Silvicultural alternatives for maritime pines 749 3. METHODS. 3.1. Growth simulation The growth and yield prediction system used to simmu- late the development of the three silvicultural alterna- tives is based on a stand growth simulator developed by Rodriguez (23] and the corresponding software applica- tion “PINASTER” implemented by Alvarez et al. [2] ‘The state variables of the stand considered in the model ‘were basal area, dominant height and density. Stand den- sity evolution is open to diverse silvicultural regimes depending to thinning application, No natural mortality function was considered, since very dense permanent plots didn’t show any density reduction. Dominant height evolution is obiained by using site index curves for the coastal area of Galicia, with a remarkable differ- ent guide than those forthe inland area [22]. One of the most important single elements of this stand growth-simulator is @ dynamic basal area incre- ‘ment function, Based on the siaie space approach pro- posed by Garcia [11, 12], itis assumed that the basal area increment for a stand can be determined indepen- dently from the specific treatment history using initial basal area and age as explanatory variables [10]. Thus, the simulator allows the evaluation of a relatively wide range of silvicultural alternatives. In the present paper, each of the three silvicultural altematives outlined above was simulated considering two different site qualities defined by the site index at a reference age of 20 years (SI,y). The relatively better site productivity was Sf, = 16 meters and the relatively poorer one Sf, = 13 meters, both corresponding to the geographical area “coastal area of Galicia” [22]. The diameter distributions of representative trees, which were used in this study as an indispensable pre-requisite to estimate single tree dimensions and product yields, are predicted by means of the two-parameter Weibull Func- tion: F(a) o where F/¢) is the probability-density-function for the breast height diameter of the representative tee (cm) and B and y are the Weibull parameters, which are esti- ‘mated as a function of the quadratic mean diameter D. and the mean diameter D,, The value of D, derives directly from the stand slate variables. To recover the value of D,, a simple linear regression from D, is used [1] B=-4.78+ 1.058 D, @ 0.0628 =2203-_ 0008 o ‘ In[Dy/D,) Based on the generated diameter distributions, the heights of the representative trees were estimated using the following generalised developed by Schrier and Alvarez [25} 3+(5172 13861-01370, +00276)e°%" «yy where the variables dominant stand height H7) (m), qua- dratic mean diameter D, (em), and basal area G (m? he" are derived using the PINASTER programme. Product yields were finally derived as a function of the generated diameter and height distributions using the generalised taper curves presented for maritime pine stands by Ruiz Dana [24], Considering 2.5 meter logs, the following timber grades were specified as a function of the thin-end diameter of each log: Grade: Logs with a thin-end diameter smaller than 22 cm, The destination of this product is basi- cally the fibre board production. Grade Ila: Branch-less logs with a thin-end diameter between 22 and 35 cm for producing high ‘quality sawn timber. Grade IIb: Logs with a thin-end diameter of 22 and 35 em containing dead branches to produce sawn timber. Grade Ill: Branch-less and error-free logs with a thin- end diameter larger than 35 cm for the pro- duction of veneer. 3 Economic evaluation The eriterion ner present value of an infinite series (NPIS) of like rotations [19] was used to determine for each silvicultural alternative, how much is the predicted promise of future income worth today. The NPVIS asso- ciated with a given cash flow sequence can be caleulat- ed, in continuous-time formulation, as wpvis=¥ cle") o ‘where C, = net cash flow in period f and /= discount rate [4, 19]. The basic discount rate considered in the present paper for calculating the NPVIS-values was 0.04 (4%). Discount rates of 0.03 and 0.05 were also used in order to analyse the effect of altering discount rates on the eco- rnomie results. We also used the criterion internal rate 750 ‘Table I. Generated stand development for fy, ~ 16 R. Rodriguez Soalleiro et al. Main Crop before thinning ‘Yield from thinnings Main erop after thinning Inerement Ae oH, ND GF NG VY, No GF Ml years m= stems har? enh om? har? mm? har? stems hart am? har? mar! am? far? stems bar? am? hat mm? ba! am? hat ALTERNATIVE 1 5 38 2500 56 63101 Ore 00800) 00) 250 607 100 20) 10 84 250 97 «185 659 = 800 24 BC B10 GST 66 IS 126 1700 151 304 1608 © 450, 3.2255 1280272. 2 160 1250 195 371 2506 250 «30-200 455 ©1000 M2 230538 25 188 1000 230 417 3295 200,33 264 719 = 80038340320 30 209 «800265 442 3901 «0D 800442 B0H1 1S ALTERNATIVE 2 Fe OH COW#00) 100). | 1670) 167 107 || 21 10 84 1671.2 ed 58S 0 0000001670 58S 1B 110 167 140 256 «8S 520, 4B RL B1_—11SO. 208 964 OL 18 147 1150 188 3181974 320,53 329 551 = 830265 odd 2 177 00 M4 272,250,265 106 SKO 282 210.7136 30 209 «580 «282-361-3191 Ds 58D 36:1 IDL 140 35 26 580 «209 «407 «38k4 =D 01S SRO 40.7 RRA 140 ALTERNATIVE 3 Si ag 1i00 | 99 aa te Ope ooseno 00) | lio | tae ile 2a 10 84 «1100 133 153542 00) 00) 00) 1100 isa) st2l 5a) 16 133 L100 191 315 1768 = 4009.2 S14 SLA T0224 125841 2 172 100 23 325 2356 © 30012808 1322 400214348130 25 188 «4002822491972 001322 gS 24891972132 30 209 400 «309-300-2610 D032. gO 300 65.132 3 26 40 331 343 3276 0 00 00 1322 400 343 3276 13 ‘Table IL Generated stand development for yy 13 m. ‘Main Crop before thinning ‘Yield from thinnings Main erop after thinning Increment fe io ier NG FY, NG. Mal years om stemsha coh m? sm! ar? stems hat m? hart am? hart mf“! stems ha? m? har! mm! bar! om? ha ALTERNATIVE | 5S BL 250 50 4964 OMe 00H 00) 00 2500) to oan 1) 12 83 2500 «100 195 680 = 700-2276 7.6 = 1800173 G57 17 114 1800 143 289 «1388 4002.6 1231991400 263 1264 86 2 140 1400-178 3482087200207 316 1200328 1930 102 27 160 1200 204 393 2655 00-26) 1T7«493— 1000 36.7 2478110 30 170 10 26 400 268 0 00 00 493 1000 400 2868 112 ALTERNATIVE 2 5 Bl 16 65 8572 0 00 00 «(00167 S572 i068 167 98 126 364 0 00 «00 «0016726364 3G 15 102 1670 141 259 is 470 44.sBB NBR «1200: 21S 92874 2 119 1200 I8t 308 1688 300 46253 441 = 900 26.2 1S 25° 48 900-216 «331-2125 200 4d 28 2S 70027 RKD_—103. 30 170 «700 «249 34024380 D0 STOKKE 35 184 7002643842082 S700 3842982106 ALTERNATIVE 3 S$ 31 1100 8664 O00 00) 00) 1100 6A) ha i 10 68 1100 119 122 0008 00 008 110 ag asa a Is 102 1100174254 0 00 00 00 1100254 09273, 1B 119 110019316 30-80 405 «405750235 118S 8B MMB 750 SD 20-86 Sh 946500231 30170-00277 300 0 00 00946 = 5003002155103, 35 184500296 343, 0 0000946) S00 34.3 266.2 103, Silvicultural alternatives for maritime pines 751 of return (IRR), which is defined as that discount rate, which makes the NPVIS-value of a silvicultural strategy equal to zero. In order to calculate the required cash flows, stumpage prices per m* were estimated for each of the above defined timber grades in accordance to the results of timber auctions realised by the forest administration of Galicia in the previous three years (Grade I = 18 €, Grade Ila = 60 €, Grade IIb = 36 €, Grade Ill = 90 €). Furthermore, it was assumed that the removal of logs with a mid-length diameter inferior to 10 cm would pro- vide a null financial benefit. The regeneration costs pet hectare were assumed 1 500 € for alternative (1), 1320 € for alternative (2), and 1200 € for alternative (3). The pruning costs were calculated respectively for each specified pruning schedule. For simplicity, the per hectare bare land value was not considered for the analy- sis and the annual management costs were generally assumed 15 € per hectare. All calculations were carried out for two cases, plan- tation and natural regeneration. In the case of natural regeneration, the regeneration costs were reduced to the expenditure corresponding to an early systematic thin- ning to reduce the initial densities to those ones consi ered for plantation. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis ‘was carried out for all calculations altering the prices for the timber grades Hla, IIb, and III by 20%, 4, RESULTS 4.1, Stand development and product yields The PINASTER programme was used to generate two Yield tables for each silvicultural alternative, one for Shy = 16m (Cable 1) and another one for Sly. = 13 m (able 11); N = number of stems per hectare, V = stand volume (m? ha~!), V,, = the accumulated volume removed by thinnings (in ha“), and MA7= mean annual increment (m'ha'). In the case of Sly = 16 m, the fist alternative shows 10% more total volume production than the second altr- native and 17% more than the third alternative. These percentages are reduced respectively to 5.8% and 8.6% if the poorer site productivity is considered (lable 1). For the better site productivity, the volume of the mean tree at clear cutting is 0.49, 0.67, and 0.82 m? for alternative (1), (2), and @) respectively. For the inferior site produe- tivity, values of 0.29, 0.43, and 0.53 m? are obtained. In the case ofthe better site productivity, the percentages of total volume production removed by successive thin- hings (P,) are 15.5, 20.7, and 28.7 m for the altema- tives (1°), and (3). For the inferior site productivity these values are 14,7, 19.5, and 26.2 m' indicating the increasing management intensity from alternative (1) over alternative (2) to alternative (3) The diameter distributions obtained for each altema- tive at clear cutting are presented in rable II Itis shown that the proportional accumulation of stems in the lower diameter classes is highest for alternative (1) and lowest for alternative (3). The number of stems in the lower diameter classes is generally higher in the case of the inferior site productivity. Table IV shows the proportion- al share of the four specified timber grades on the total yield harvested at clear cutting. The highest values of the timber grades Ila, IIb and IIL are obtained for the third altemative (61 to 69% all together after site productivity) whereas the first alternative produces basically industrial ‘wood (between 55 and 77% depending on site productiv- ity). An intermediate result is obtained for the second alternative. Table V lists the quadratic mean diameter of the trees removed in successive thinnings. It is shown thatthe third alternative provides generally superior indi- vidual stem dimensions. 4.2. Economic evaluation ‘The results of the economic evaluation are presented in table VI Independently from site index, the third alternative provides generally higher NPVIS-values and is, therefore, superior to both, the first and the second alternative. The second alternative provides intermediate results. This ranking remains generally constant even if| different discount rates i and different prices p for the timber grades Ila, Ib, and IT are assumed (ef, table V2, However, the differences between the NPVIS-values, decline if/ is increasing or if p is decreasing, following similar tendencies as those pointed by Calvet et al. [3] Taking natural regeneration as a stating point, gener- ally better economic results are obtained resulting in increased IRR-values for all three alternatives. This, shows the economical relevance of taking advantage of the high potential of maritime pine for natural regenera- tion. For the poorer site quality, the NPV/1S-values are generally reduced for al three alternatives. In the case of the first alternative, the value is even negative if discount rates of 4% or higher are considered, meaning that, in this case, the retums from the investment will not be suf- ficient to repay the capital invested. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. Usually, the objective of profit oriented forest man- agers is to obtain a present Value and an intemal rate 752 R. Rodriguez Soalleiro et al. ‘Table II, Diameter distributions obtained at clear cutting (5 em diameter-classes), Size class Sig = 16m Sy 13m em AltA ‘Al? AS Al “Alt 2 Al 1045 2 56 26 282 107 SI 15.20 162 &5 3 281 143 46 20.25 14 7 6 253 170 103 25.30 165 13 n 143 as 106 30.35, tol 99 4 50 2 83 35-40 8 6 56 10 36 4” 40-43 2B 2 3 1 10 a 45.50 2 8 16 0 3 7 50.55 6 4 9 0 0 4 Toval 800 $80 400 1.000 700 500 ‘Table IV. Proportional share of ifferent timber grades on the total harvest at elearcuting ‘Altemative and Gnade Grade la Grade Hb Grade site productivity % % % % Alt 1(SIgy= 16m) 35 2 u 2 Alt 2 (Sh = 16m) al 3 18 8 ‘Alt 3 (819 = 16m) 31 30 3 Is Alt L(SIy=13.m) n » 4 o Alt 2(Sh = 13m) 32 3 8 2 Alt 3 (SL = 13m) » 38 15 8 ‘Table V. Quadratic mean diameters of the tces removed by successive thinning. ‘Alternative and Quadkati mean diameter of the removed tees (em) site productivity 1st thinning 2ad thinning Sel thinning 4th thinning al 62 98 a3 14s Ale 108 145 17 ~ al im 27 . . Alt 63 90 2 ns alt 109 139 = alt 170 209 - of return as high as possible. Considering the results obtained for the three silvicultural alternatives simulated favoured for the applied criteria, In the first place, the superiority ofthe third altemative is a result of a relative high production of high-value timber products (cf. tableV). The relatively low total volume-production (tables I and I) is, on the other hand, economically not a disadvantage indicating that the current market condi- tions are generally favouring silvicultural concepts, which are characterised by low densities and intensive pre-commercial treatments. From a theoretical point of view, it would be a reveal- ing task to optimise the growth prediction system applied in the present paper using numerical algorithms (17, 18, 20, 27], Although a realistic treatment schedule would result from the optimization procedure, the practical use fulness of such a single stand result would be rather lim- ited in practical silvicultural planning. The reason is that for a specified cutting period, timber-yields and cash flows must commonly be stabilised or smoothed over time meaning that the optimum single-stand strategy is not necessarily the best approach to adopt on all stands of a forest property. Silvicultural alternatives for maritime pines, 753 ‘Table VI. Results of the economic analysis; NPVIS ~ net present value of an infinite series of ike rotations (€ ha); j= discount sate sturpage price for imber grades la, Mb TK 7 iateroa ae of return, “Alterative and NPY IRR site productivity i003 i= 004 p+0% P—20% p= O% P+ 20% Plantation alt 5319.7 26332 5385.1 1122.3 0.0628 alt 62680 317 4008 14974 0.0668 Ale oisa 37313 4605.1 19847 0.0733 AIL (SF ~ 13 m) 10811 306 214 6475 0.0396 Alt 2(Sfq— 13 m) 31688 12773 1809.9 2389 0.0533, Alt 3 (STq=13 m) 4685.7 23447 2962.7 1040.4 0.0643 ‘Natural regeneration: Alt 1 (Shy 16m) 69838 32986 40505 48024 2431 0.0987 Alt 245% ~ 16m) 7482.1 34196 4nd 51250, 25019 0.0975 Alt 3 (Sq = 16m) 79444 3733.2 4646.9 55208 28141 0.1051 AIL (Six, = 13 m) 249 11286 1386.7 1688.7 6532 0.0674 Alt. (SIs, 43828 1819.9 23525 2885.2 1243.8 0.0767 Alc snas, 26425, 32604 Sere 18097 6.0898 ‘An essential pre-requisite for developing a good plan combining stand level results and forest-wide constraints ‘would be to use the growth projection system applied in the present paper for simulating various acceptable man- agement regimes for each compartment of @ given forest property [9]. In this context, the third altemative could serve as reference concept to ensure that each manage- ‘ment regime is goal-oriented from a silvicultural point of view. Some of the harvesting schedules, which result from the specification of alternative management regimes would satisfy the forest wide constraints and some would not. Consequently, the forest-evel planning problem involved is to identify the most desired forest- ‘wide schedule and one of the methods which have been used with good success, and apply the algorithm present- ed by Hoganson and Rose [13]. The analysis carried out in the present paper focused only on economic criteria, However, multiple-use aspects such as protection, recreation, and nature conser vation are of increasing importance in Galicia. The third altemative shows clear advantages in this context. The relatively low stand density improves the possibility for recreation, favours the coexistence of deciduous tree species, and reduces the risk of forest fire. The evalua- tion of silvicultural altematives for such multi-objective situations could be carried out in the future using innova- tive methods, for example Saaty’s analytical hierarchy process approach [26] Another important task for future research in Galicia ‘would be to simulate and document the interaction of si -vicultural treatments with wood and fibre quality aspects like proportion of juvenile wood at harvest [5, 7, 14], ‘which will become one of the major concems in the for- est products industry throughout the world, Acknowledgements: The research reported in this paper was supported by the Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Autonomous Government of Galicia (Spain). This work is dedicated to the memory of Victor Fiménez, who as Forest Vice-Director promoted decided- ly the research. 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