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of Hades
In a planet of paradise, named Earth, it may
not be full paradise, because of criminals, but
little did the world knew there were further
Evil. In the world named Earth there was a
teenager named Jordan that had a sister
named Esther, both lived together, and
always late for school, when they’re in school
the history teacher named Mr. Gilbertson
always is the first subject, and always talks
about the “Stronghold of Hades”, only
Jordan believed in Mr. Gilbertson, but in a
day of weekend Jordan paid a visit to Mr.
Gilbertson, and asked “Mr. Gilbertson?
Where would I find the Stronghold of
Hades?” Mr. Gilbertson Replied, “It is
unknown, but if you can understand this
map, you will find it…” Jordan Replied,
“Thank you Mr. Gilbertson”.
Jordan returned to his house and asked his
sister if she can read what the map says,
“Esther can you understand what these
symbols mean?” Esther replied “(gasp) Yes, I
do it says “Bla, Bla, Bla” Hahaha. Jordan,
that’s not a language at all” Jordan said
“Useless”. He read some words that are like
the words in his book, The language is
“Standard Galactic language”. When he saw
that he started translating it I says, “In the
infinite east”, at first Jordan didn’t know
what that meant, but he read it multiple
times whispering to himself repeatedly
“Infinite east, Infinite east, Infinite east” and
he got it from sometime, he said to himself
again “Going to the east!”, he packed some of
his items, like food, med kits and etc. And
said to his mom and sister “I will be away
from sometime”
When he used the compass to locate the east
he found a forest, so he continued to walk
and found that seems like an infinite ocean,
He bought a boat in the nearby fishing shop
and started sailing, in what seems like forever
sailing, but when he was about to give up he
saw a part of land lifted up to the air, and
saw more of those land, but when he found a
humongous ship in front of him, so he found
a ladder as well leading on top of it, when he
climbed up he found people wearing magical
robes and black faces that was the evil spirits,
so when Jordan climbed an evil spirit started
chasing after him and soon attacking him
with its bow and shot his left arm, making
him bleed, and he said to himself
“unwelcomed visit, huh good thing I brought
weapons”, and started using his shield to
block the arrows.

With it he soon attacked the evil spirits, but

he couldn’t even touch them, so he hides and
found a very long hole which is a Vis mine,
when he walked down the staircase, none of
the evil spirits noticed him but there he saw
all of the Divine Gems, shortcut as Vis
crystals, Jordan said “What! All the Vis
crystals are all in here?!”, and there he saw
many evil spirits mining for a scientist,
named “Scientist Eve”, so Jordan sneaked
through the evil spirits, and went into the
scientist’s lab, but Jordan still waited, for the
scientist to leave, so when the scientist left,
Jordan went into the lab and found a paper,
written “TS0010”, when he took the paper, a
vault started opening, and there he saw
another book on the ground titled
“TestSubject_10”, By scientist Eve, and he
read it saying “recipe to summon mind-
You will need a bottle of Vitimus Vis and
smelt it in the cubometer and it will burn to
ash of minds and place a bottle on the south
side of the cubometer to put the Vis waste in
there for the waste to not affect the true
power of the Vitimus to summon mind-

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