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Bible Context _______________________

(11 – 02) Name

What problems did Tiberius face almost immediately after he was made emperor of

Revolt among Roman forces, who wanted Germanicus.

Quiet, gloomy personality.

When did John the Baptist begin his ministry? Why was he beheaded?

15th year of Tiberius – hence 27 or 28 A.D. Antipas married Herodius, wife of his half
brother Philip.

Why is the Triumphal Entry called by that name? What did Jesus do immediately after
his entry into Jerusalem? Why did he do that?

It was his triumph, in anticipation of his war. Went to the temple – an inspection or
visitation. Supposed to be house of prayer for the nations.

What were the “trials” of Jesus after he was arrested?

Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod, Pilate

What legends have been associated with Pontius Pilate relating to his career after the
crucifixion of Jesus?

Suicide. Thrown into the Tiber. Washing hands.

Who were the first people to discover the empty tomb of Jesus? What did they do?

Mary Magdalene and other women. Told the disciples.

What was the response of the Sanhedrin when the apostles appeared before them? What
counsel did Gamaliel give to the group?

Don’t preach. Leave them alone.

What did Paul do for the next few years after his conversion?

Stayed in Damascus, studying. Then returned to Jerusalem. There 15 days, then

to Tarsus.

What were the circumstances that led up to the stoning of Stephen?

Stephen chosen as a Deacon. Did miracles. Preached. Brought to Sanhedrin.

Preached and stoned, under the supervision of Saul.

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