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Buenas tardes, hoy vengo a hablarles de los demostrativos esto, estos, eso y esos

Voy a empezar con las oraciones con este y estos

en segundo lugar, eso y esos

y tercer lugar oraciones negativas

Aprecio su tiempo y atención gracias

English project

Good afternoon, today I am here to talk to you about the demonstratives, this, these, that and

I’ll start with this and these

Secondly that and those

And thirdly negative sentences

I appreciate your time and attention thank you.

This isn’t a marker

This was a pencil

This is a building

This is my hair

Is this an English class? Yes, this is

These were apartments

These aren’t erasers

These are glasses

These are bracelets

Are these pencils? No, these aren’t

That is a computer

That was a fan

That isn’t a table

That is a tree

Is that a boar? Yes, that is

Those are curtains

Those are windows

Those aren’t colored pencils

Are those office supplies? Yes, those are

Those are chairs

This isn’t a sharpener

These aren’t red shoes

That isn’t a music teacher

Those aren’t wooden windows

This isn’t an arts class

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