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Transform your Business using

Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a human-centered problem-solving technique that has the potential to
change the way you work and run your business.
Design Thinking is a powerful tool for addressing both internal and external difficulties in your

What does Design Thinking entail?

Design Thinking is a human-centered problem-solving method for moving from a broad problem
to a solution. In practical words, it's a set of tools and strategies for dealing with social and
business issues.

In this dynamic world of Globalisation, it is really important for a firm to innovate. It is the only
thing that ensures the success of an organisation. And an innovation process must give three
things to an organisation to be successful i.e. greater ideas, lower risk and change costs, and
employee buy-in. Over time, businessmen have evolved effective strategies for reaching those
goals. When it comes to putting ideas into practice, however, companies frequently run across
unexpected roadblocks and trade-offs.
Majorly 4 stage process called the Double Diamond is followed by the organisation to implement
Design Thinking in their organisation so as to innovate.

Discover: This phase is all about acquiring information. You investigate the subject, research
the problem, and empathize with end-users. This stage of the Double Diamond is focused on
gathering information and expanding your horizons.

Define: After that, you drill down, filter those insights, and choose an issue to fix that is in line
with your customers' demands and your company's overall objectives. You narrow your focus
and draught a proposal.

Develop: In this phase, you'll extend your horizons again and come up with new ideas. To
develop ideas, a varied collection of people should collaborate. You test and develop ideas
repeatedly in order to create a prototype.

Deliver: This is where you complete the final testing of your solutions and submit the solution as
well as a delivery plan. Some initiatives will be presented to your internal team, while others will
be released to the whole public.

Brands that have incorporated Design Thinking into their culture

– Airbnb first used iterative experimentation to boost profits in a week.
— To locate a new opportunity, Procter & Gamble pushed deep into the exploration phase. In
the 1990s, they famously revamped the Oil of Olay brand.

Design Thinking is a versatile method that may be used to a wide range of problems in almost
any industry. Different ways by which Design Thinking skills can transform your approach to
your work.

Finding Opportunities from challenges- When we face difficulties at work, we frequently seek
answers based on what we see and believe to be true. Design Thinking encourages us to look
beyond our immediate surroundings to understand what is possible.

Improve products, services, and experiences- Being human-centered is central to Design

Thinking. You spend time talking to your customers, planning out their journeys, and learning
about their problems and wants. After that, you may begin to develop solutions that actually
meet their requirements.
Co-creation may be crucial in this case. You can acquire real-time feedback and fine-tune your
offers to your users by involving users (and stakeholders) in the development of a new product
or service.
Spend less time creating solutions- Design Thinking can help companies get products to
market twice as quickly and save development time by 75%.
This is why: The design process includes key stakeholders and end-users, so critique is built in
from the outset. There will be less friction afterward if everyone who might have an issue with
your idea has been involved in the design process. Furthermore, by exposing your solution to
end-user feedback early on, you avoid wasting time on concepts that aren't solid.

Spend less- You will spend less time and effort producing undesirable or faulty solutions if you
take the time to empathise with and learn about your end-users. You will get your answer
evaluated, (perhaps) shredded, tweaked, and improved if you involve people throughout the
process. Less time and money are spent when things go wrong.

Learn how to come up with new ideas quickly- One of the most empowering stages of the
Design Thinking process is this one. Ideas flow quickly when the correct cues and strategies are
used. Collaborating with others who think differently has a multiplier effect on invention speed.
This period is entertaining, but it also reveals some of your most brilliant ideas.

Increase brand loyalty and equity- When you continually provide items that thrill your
customers, you gain a reputation as a company that "hits the mark." (Imagine an apple.)
You can also start operating in the area where your organization's values intersect with those of
your end customer.
You've taken the time to get to know them, and your company will begin to matter to them in
ways that go far beyond the functioning of your products or services.

Build a happier, more productive team

Everyone is a designer
Every day, no matter what your job title is or what industry you work in, you are designing
something through the decisions you make. You're making decisions with a specific goal in
mind when you establish a new marketing campaign, restructure your team, or launch a new
product. You're a designer. Although we are not all professionals, we are all designers in some
way. Sharpening and applying these abilities in your organisation (and even in your personal
life) can be quite beneficial.

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