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Communicating securely

How can we protect our emails?

We configure our email server and our email clients in a way that all
emails are transferred via transport encryption (e.g. SSL). This can be
done in the settings of our email program. Most of them use SMTPS and
IMAPS. For end-to-end encryption of our emails, we use PGP. To get
support with the installation of the end-to-end encryption, we contact
Busco en internet.

Should we use Instant Messaging Apps or are they unsecure?

For our communication, we also use WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram.

How can we protect ourselves when we surf the web?

To best encrypt our connections while browsing the internet, we aim to
have a so-called transport encryption. This means that the connection is
secure, while the other side of the connection still has access to the data.
To achieve this, we install the tool "uBlock Origin" on every browser we

21.05.2022 | This poster was created with by DW


Illustration: ©DW

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