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1a A SONG OF AUTUMN. Herbstlied. Worps ny ADAM LINDSAY GORDON. Deutsche Worle ren Ba, Sachs. ‘Music BY EDWARD ELGAR , Poco Allegretto. | poco rit, a tempo ee = ‘ E ea f & am x = sy ae 4s {= PSF =, eae ne i y a t “Where shall we go for our gars lands glad At the Wo soll. ich pflii - chen den Blu . men - strauss, Wenn der AAL£O.1ta. 0517 415 “ we SS SS] fall - - - tng of the yor sae When the Herbst___________zteht in das Let ae Wenn die ——— burnt - up yel- low and sad When the dir - ren Bit ~ ter gelb sind und kraus, Und der dim. are yel - low and sere? sche Grin ver sohwand? rit, boughs are. yl - Tow and sere? Bit = sche Griin ver - schwand? cola voce, Aid 0. Led. 417 vif.a tombe, = \ 2 2 ies Ese the old ones that once we had sind die_emst __scluniichien un - ser Haus, Und when are the new ones_—near?__ wann sind die neu — aur Hand? Leantavite vai. = ——— SSE ee | oO What = shall we do for our gar - lands glad ‘At the Wo soll ick pfli - chen den Blu - men-strauss, Wenn der se ing, At the aieht, Wenn der AH € 0.U84.4517 fall - - * ing of the year? Herbst zielt in das Land? a tempo wo ata ———— = & = SS Ee = “Child! can T tell where the gar - ‘lands go? Can I Kind! kann ith sa - gen wo Bla - men blih’n? Wo - hin 22 @ eee, SSS = tho lost__ leaves hin Bie - te ALHLA C.Ltd. 4517 13 a> = fi r burnt banks, when the wild winds blow When they ten un - ter der Sow’ - ne Glith'n, Ob die ffetlarzando jar 5 ean a f= f= 2 = e fs = drift thro? the dead - wood drear? When they Win sie _strew ten ins Land? Ob aer ae es the wold dead stron ppcolia parte Dh —s ee = aiffa tempo Girl! when the gar - lands of next year glow Fri - ling bringt Blu - men fitr dich, mein Kind, crese. molto Avi. @ 140, 4517 = = = ay at eaten ts You may gath-er & - gain, Pfli-cke sie mit der weis— - ten igh, tohwer-de ralrn, wo die Bat - fi largamente e cantabile com age ee a = pire i eS 1, Sea 3 = “ — T- gowherethe last year’s lost At the fall- ing of the ter sind,Wenn der Herbs! zicht in os Kk Fine + Sffeclia voce year, Laitd,— At the fall Wenn der Herbst e ing of ziehi im ig tempo Se ATL é 0.14 4517

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