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Smeu Casandra-Ioana

Clasa a XII-a E

Colegiul National “Gheorghe Munteanu Murgoci” Braila

Profesori coordonatori: Gheorghiu Manuela și Mocanu Romeo

Why Physics?

I could certainly give you a scientific definition and a mechanical reason as for why physics is an
important subject to study and an amazing department to delve into and discover, but I would
rather give you my own explanation.
I was fascinated with the world around me growing up, as any child ever was, and I constantly
asked my parents “why this” and “why that”. Obviously, a technical definition was not the way
to go with a 5 year old, so they kept it simple. But they did say “it is physics that influences
everything we know, keeping it in motion. Think about it like the world’s own engine.”
And that caught my interest.
I do not think in numbers or formulas, I prefer words and metaphors, and that is why my
favorite “chapter” is astronomy. I find the Universe and all of its galaxies, planets and
constellations enrapturing and quite an inspiration. It probably has to do with the fact that I am a
dreamer, a daydreamer, actually, so when I had the opportunity of studying more about Cosmos,
I did, and enjoyed every second of it.
I guess what truly called to me was the unknown and the infinity of it all, instead of the science
and statistics. And I never minded that.
So, when asked “why physics?”, all I can say is this: it feels right.
It feels right to want to know more than just the basic definitions, it feels right to ask questions, it
feels right to try and make sense of the world surrounding us, it feels right to learn.
I believe that physics is a part of our daily lives and thus, a part of us. So why physics? Because
we would be lost without it.
Why physics?
Why not?

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