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A - CHINESE AND ENGLISH VOCABULARY, IN TOE TIB-CHIUVU DIALECT. wed BY JOSIAH GODDARD.’ 7 SECOND EDITION. SHANGHAI: AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS. 1883. ¥ INTRODUCTION. HE following work, compiled originally to meet the wants of the writer, is offered to the public, simply with the desire that it may afford assistance in the studies of those who desire to make known the unsearchable riches of Christ to the numerous and interesting people who speak the dialect for which it is prepared. It is designed to embrace most of the words in common use, arranged according to their sounds and tones, with brief definitions, and thus form a convenient manual dictionary sufficient for the common purposes .of the student. A large Dictionary must, of course, be at hand for reference in difficult and important cases. But a complete Dictionary in each of the Chinese dialects cannot be expected. ‘ The most that can be sought is a complete Dictionary in the Court dialect, and a convenient vocabulary in each of the several dialects which claim the attention of missionaries; and the earlier such a Vocabulary can be prepared the greater will be the saving of time and labor. It is believed that at least one third of the time and labor of acquiring a good knowledge of such a dialect as the Tie Chiu, with only a large Dictionary in the Court dialect, might be saved by the help of such a Vocabulary. 2. The Orthography employed in this work is intended to corre- * spond with that in most common use, except where the peculiarities of the dialect require a difference. It is briefly exhibited in the following table :— SOUNDS OF THE VowELS, &c. as in far. . the same sound shortened and approaching w in but. nearly as in man; intermediate between a in hat and in far. as in they; before a consonant it is shortened. 49 93 machine; somewhat shortened before a consonant. ~ 99 99 NO; note. 99 99 Cord; north. a 99 Tule; put. go ay turn. BOOM Oo OE & iv INTRODUCTION, w as coo in wood; or as teu; each letter being sounded short. ai ,, in aisle. au ,, ow in nov, iu ,, ew in new. oi ,, in going. = small above the line represents the nasal sound. a ” ra) 7 the indistinct sound of « in but. ‘ the apostrophe denotes the aspirate sounds. The third sound of a occurs in all those cases and those only in which it is preceded by i and followed by ng as lidng. The sound of e in they and in men is usually regarded as the same in nature, differing only in length ; it is not therefore marked in this work but is ascertained by its position. The i shortened before a consonant is intermediate between its longest sound in machine and its shortest in pin, seldom becoming as short as in the latter. The sound of o in not which has commonly been represented by the unmarked 0 never occurs in this dialect; the unmarked 0 is there- fore used for the sound in note. The termination ou, which has been employed by some, is not used. in this work, as the sound which it represents does not seem to differ from the sound of o in no; if it has any u sound it is only the neces- sary turn of the voice in pronouncing the final o. The ¢ in iv has a more distinct sound than the e in nev, and the 4 has the same sound as in muse. The to retains both the consonant and vowel power. Its consonant power, however, is often very weak, sometimes scarely perceptible. Y is used in but few words, and even concerning these it may be doubtful whether i would not be equally proper. It may also be re- marked that many of the words under the initial ¢ are sometimes spoken as if they commenced with y, especially in rapid pronuncia- tion; as iong like yong. It is to be observed that no attempt is made to mark the length of the vowels, but only the nature of their sounds; their length will. vary in the same word according to the one; and therefore if the word is pronounced correctly according to its toue, the length of the { + ‘TRTRODUCTION. v +vowel will of course be correct. Hence, except in the case of e and ‘¢ mentioned in the table as shortened before consonants, the length jof the vowels may be said to be governed by the tones. This may ‘easily be seen by pronouncing such words as cham, che, kan, kidng, ; in each of the different tones. ' The Tie Chin dialect never exhibits the following jinitials, viz; a, | a. d, f,7, 0, @ and s; ¢, is used only in ch, and q is supplanted by k. The following terminations are never found ; d 6, d, f, g except in ng, h, J; 8,0, cand 2; ¢, g, and y are not used as finals, their sounds being otherwise represented. With these exceptions all the vowel sounds exhibited in the table, and all the consonants with their usual English sounds are found both as initials and finals. 8. Hight varieties of rong are marked in this work. This chief peculiarity is that the high and Jow, in the even goiny and entering are precisely the reverse of what they are called by the Chinese, and also of what thay have usually been marked by writers on other dialects. Yet the least observation will show that what the Chinese call the low is, in this dialect, really the high, and what they call the high is really the low tone. This peculiarity is, however, less manifest in the reading than in the common sound of the words, which often differ only in tone; the reading being more:conformable to the tone as designated by the Chinese, whether high orlow. But as the following work is designed to exhibit the common rather than the reading sounds, the really high is distinguished by a straight mark over the tonal semicircle the following table :— TONES, J] Even high "FA E pte.” co» low £ A Chie pte. | Hich tone EO Siang sia. [> Gowe high FH Ek’ Po» medium 3 WE Ku sita. ro» low £4 Chrie ka. |; Enrenma Ligh FA Ejip. a) low EA Chie jip. The Jow zven, or ch"ie pe, is strictly an even tone, being pro- | mounced with a natural even voice and easy cadence at the close. vi INTRODUCTION. , | i The Aigh even is usually found more difficult of utterance ; vae sound | is high and somewhat prolonged, resembling a circumflex higher in i the middle than at either end. The peculiarity of the H1aH tone consists in a strong emphasis of the voice at the beginning of ,a word leaving the end to die away obscurely. Words in this tone are usually pronounced much shorter than in the even ; but when followed by another word which is coupled to it and to be pronounced in connection with it, the sound is prolonged, rising, but not increasing in strength, to the close. In such cases it somewhat resembles the high Going. The high cote consists in a prolongation of sound continually rising to the end. The medium eorna comprises a class of words which Tie Chin men commonly read in an even tone, somewhat lower than the /Jow EvEN. The Jow Goina tone consists in a pro- longation of the sound, very low but increasing in str ength or emphasis to the close. The ENTERING tone consists in an abrupt ending, and the high and Jow differ in the same manner as the high and low EvEN. all words ending in i, p, or ¢ are of this class, and these are the only consonants which form the termination ; when the vowels form the termination, they are pronounced as if a consonant was about to be added but is suddenly cut off. It is sometimes represented by adding a final h; but as the abruptness results from the nature of the tone, if the tonal mark is used the 4 is not necessary. The use of 4 also inter- rupts the uniformity of the orthogrophy, as words of this tone belong in the same class with others which do not end with 4, and from which their sound differs only in tone. This may be seen by pronouncing such syllables as chi, ti, fe, in each of the tones. Though the preceding remarks may help to explain the nature of the tones in this dialect, yet the learner will need the assistance of a teacher with the living voice to enable him attain a perfectly correct use of them ; and the earlier he learns to distinguish and pronounce them correctly the greater will be the saving of his future labor and the more accurate his use of the language. 4. We may here notice some varieties in the usage of persons who speak the Tie Chiu dialect. INTRODUCTION. vii Ch at the beginning of words is sometimes pronounced és; and still more frequently intermediate-between ch and ds. The i in such words as sin, fit, is by some pronounced like ¢ as sen, tet. : The termination ie is pronounced by many io, the o being some- what short: as bie, bio; ie io; chie chio. The termination io is often pronounced iau: as lio, liau; mio, miau. The oi in such words as choi, noi, ¢"0i, o"i is pronounced by many nearly like ai; as chai, nai, i*ai, ai. . The initial / and n in such words as lam, lan; nam, nan are often interchanged ; i.e. some persons will usually say /am Jan, others usually nam, nan, without seeming to perceive any difference. The terminations », and ng, in such words as kwan, kwang; tien, tiang, are confounded by some who do not seem to notice any differ- ence between them. Such persons will also usually confound the terminations ef and ak, as siet, siak. The a in such words as jf, $, /u,-ku is sometimes pronounced u ; as Ju, ku, Algo @ in such words as f€, $§ ta ku is often prononunced 6; as #0, kd; and it may be remarked that when the @ sound is given in this class of words it is a more open sound than when it occurs in the class just before mentioned ; the difference is easily perceptible, but does not seem capable of being represented by Roman letters. The @ in such words as tn, ngin is sometimes pronounced i; as in, ngin; by others it is pronounced e, and the n changed to ng; as eng, ngeng. The nasal sounds are used much more by some persons than by others. The words in which it is universally used are mostly those . which in the Court dialect and also in the Tie Chiu reading sound end in n or ng; these terminations, in common usage, are often dropped, and the nasal sound inserted before the preceding’ vowel, which is also often changed to suit the new form of the word; as Cheng, Che; Chiang, Chrie; Chien, Chtua; Hiong, Hria. 5. The Tie Chiu, like most other dialects, has what is called a reading and also a common sound to the words. The common sound, however, to a considerable extent accords with the reading. There are also a large number of words whose reading and common sounds are used interchangeably both in reading and in conversation, viii, INTRODUCTION. But in other cases the reading sound is used only in chanting the classics. Neither teachers nor common readers, in reading a com- mon book, ever think of using any other than the common sound; nor do hearers expect any other. Hence reading in the Tie Chiu dialect corresponds, more than in some other dialects, with reading in other languages. The hearer is expected to understand the words as they are read, and whatever explanations are made are rather of the thought than of the words. It is therefore the common sound of the words which it is important for missionaries to know ; it is well to acquire a knowledge of the reading sounds in order to trace analogies and make comparisons; but for the purpose of mak- ing known the Gospel it is of but little use. Hence in the following work the words are arranged according to the common sound; and where words have several sounds or tones with different meanings they are usually repeated under each respective sound or'tone. In the second part or Index to the work, however, the reading sound will be found along with the common, where they differ from each other. : : 6. As the printing of this work has been performed under many disadvantages, it is presumed that severe criticism will be spared. If the work is capable of being, in the least degree, serviceable for the end designed let it be so used; and whatever can be done by any individual to render a future edition more useful will promote the great object of man’s salvation. There will be different opinions among Chinese teachers as to the sound, and of course the colloca- tion of many words. Instances have occured in which four different teachers have given as many different sounds to a word; hence it would not be strange if some words should be arranged incorrectly. It is hoped however, that, as much care has been taken, with the assistance of several native teachers, it will be found essentially correct, and will lead those who follow it to such a use of the language as will cause them to be readily understood, and will render them extensively useful to the people. + 0 eS Ss VOCABULARY. A! AH A’. Inferior; an appellation of common men. Branches of a tree. A crow; @ raven. A duck. A‘h. To dispute, wrangle. Ali. Painful feelings ; pity. Dust; sand. Spoiled food ; corrupt. Shady ; luxuriant. ' A breathing; a tone of dis- approbation. A‘T ea 2g ei a a i at ae he i ag St A'K A'M Cloudy ; obscure. Kind feeling ; love. To wish for ; desire; covet; a sign of the fature. A’k. A kind of bamboo. Wicked ; sin, A'n. A small thatched cottage; a small monastery. Retired ; sombre. Well acquainted with; to remember. The neck. Obscure; dark. ro Nt SE wee ie SE 2H) giz AN ANG A'P A'T AU BAI BA'K A’n. Rest; tranquility. ‘A saddle. According to; to try; to lay the band on. A bench ; a case in law. Serene, cloudiess and mild; harmony. A feast ; banquet; repose. A species of quail. Alng. Red. A deluge; great; abundant. A jar. A'p. A small box. A cage. A cover; a platter or dish ; to cover over. To escort; control: collect. Too familiar with ; to make light of. Us To forbid; hinder; cause to desist ; to press down. To press down; cause to stop: an interrogative par- ticle. Au. The throat. To spit out; vomit. ‘An earthen cup; bowl. To sieze and drag with the hand ; to break ; obstinate ; perverse. To vomit $ to nauseate ; to spit. To strike or beat; to wran- gle; beat unjustly. After; behind. Obscure ; deep. Indignant ; vexed; avari- cious. Bai. The eyebrows. Eaves of a house; the cross beam over a door. Bak. ° Wood. Ink; black. BA'T BAU BE BI BIE BIO BIT BO BO’ BOI 8 Bat. ae Secret ; silent. 5 Bau. A horary character, from 5 to 7 o’clock A.M. = Si The name of a constella- 1 tion. Be. wi A horse. ony BE Wheat. > Bi. SK Rice. A horary character, from 1 to 3 o’clock P.M. Taste; scent; relish. To float on the surface of water ; to swim, Reeds for making baskets. Bie. Sprouts; grain growing; off-spring. ns To sketch or draw pictures. -. BSE BOS o A temple. Bio. Delicate; small; excellent. Bit. a Honey. 5 Bo. “wl, The Chinese acre of land. Wh A fomale. ‘HE The male of animals. An astronomical character; flourishing. De Bo. i No; not. Ww Do not; a prohibitative particle: A cap or hat. ji A millstone, BE A mother. Anaged widow ; a school- mistress ; a midwife. ‘I The female of cattle. Boi. ‘ B To buy. ES? To sell. Hi - =e a ie BT ee 4 BS WR S BU BUA BUAN BUANG BUE Bu. Bua. A sorcerer or enchanter; To rub or grind ; to oppress. magic. To deceive ; accuse falsely ; superstitious. A shade; porch; a vacant house. Flesh dried without bones; fat; beautiful. Overgrown with weeds or wood; shady; dirty. Neglect; disrespect. Affection ; love; also used for contempt. To soothe ; to hold ; to keep down with the hand. Affection ; love. Dancing ; sleight of hand ; tricks. Warlike ; military ; a foot- step. Name of a valuable stone. A bird that can talk; 9 parrot. To apply the mind and strength to any object; effort. A widow who does not marry again. To run with haste and pre- cipitation; violent. Mist; fog: vapor. + Si Fe a WE i Et + 35 SaRt To rub or brush in order to cleanse. To spread ont; select; disperse ; expel or reject. To blot out, rub out. Buan. Ten thousand; all. Buang. Lost; destroyed ; dead. To forget; disregard. A net; impeded; to deceive. A water sprite or demon. False ; confused ; extrava- gant. Fall moon. Bue. A small tree. Name of a fruit; a prune. A mediator in marriage -affairs. Coals; collection of soot. Fe ot - Bh Ra FE SS EM oe -—m —s ~ ae Bim st BUN The tail; termination of. Not; not yet. Stockings. Bun. Literature; letters; orna- mental; ornament. An autumnal sk; sive; telancholy, Confusion. Name of a river, A flea ; small insect. To touch with the hand; feel; to lay hold of; to shake. To hear. Grief; grieved. A Particle added to nouns and pronouns to form the plu Ché. Fuel; to collect. To sigh ; lament; a tone of sorrow or surprise. To hew wood; pare ; to fell. CHA’ a n~ Sean asus & BR Ot aie hi ~ SER CHta’ Settlings; dregs. A net for rabbits. Formerly ; in former times. Yesterday ; recently. Morning ; early; speedily. A kind of insect. Suddenly ;. unexpectedly ; for a short time. To rub in the hand. Ashamed; to blush. How? why? False; deceitful. A wine press. Rough tone. Chis. Error; erroneous; differing. i slip; transgress; miss ; slow. To fry; cook in a pan with lard or water. A gate at the, head of .a > street or in a narrow pass. CHAI CHtal CHA'K OCH‘Aa'K core e Asai" Se en Ay Be tht RE Sb EB ES {Wt Be A railing; palisades. To pierce; insert; stick into. Chai. Tho navel; umbilical cord. To know. Great calamities; divine jadgments. To clear land; to level a road to cut open; rend. An interrogative superla- tive exclamation. To plant. Calamities; divine judg- ments. To rule; a ruler; to kill and dress animals. Dregs; feces. A year. A certain ravenous animal. Again. To contain ; what is con- tained, as in a ship. Say s Be 555 35 5 Be SF TH re Chiai. Talent ; ability. Materials ; fit for use. Wealth; property. A species of wolf. A sting in the tail o scorpion. . Dislike; to suspect; to doubt ; conjecture. To cut clothes; cut; tear. Adorned with a variety of colors. To pluck with the hand ; to take. Colored silk ; assemblago of every color. Just now ; just then. Edible plants. Chak. Narrow; compressed ;- a quiver: a punishment. To act; make; do; begin. Chik. A chisel; to bore or dig into, CHA'M CH‘a'M CHAN CHta‘N 7 Chém. strument. BIS A pin of metal or wood to fasten the hair. A needle; a, surgeon's probe; to probe. To cut asunder; decapitate. To revile; slanderous speech. Ch‘ém. Irregular; rapid. A bill; a rocky, dangerous summit. To calumniate; to flatter those present and slander the absent. Ashamed ; to blush. fee oS = a To mix together; to seo; advise with ; to give advice to a sovereign against in- ferior officers. Blended ; three horses to one carriage. his Painful feelings; distress of mind. Chan. J An upper room or loft; a degree. js Mountains rising due above z another. = A fishing net. an A needle ; any pointed in- ; Wa 3 ~ a ag ay i Be To present to; give; be- stow. ‘A scaffold ; upper loft; a tent; stable; a railing. To see ; toenter; discover} praise. To continue on in succes- sion. A kind of sceptre ; a vessel to contain wine. ‘To praiso ; assist. To stand up ; erect. Chitin. A field. To rob; plunder; mangle ; spoiled ; killed; cruel. A sheepcote ; stable. A meal of food. Weak ; embarrassed ; sigh- ing. To see; to manifest ; pre- pare. Name of & tree and fruit; a mattress. A plane ; to plane or level. A meal; to eat; many; excellent; to examine. Clear ; luminous. o CHA'NG CHta'NG CHA'P CHA'T CHAT Ching. A numeral of trees ; a tree; bush. A kind of hatchet; to wound with a hatchet. to begin; lay the founda- Ft 3 S06 a StF RSS EES Bi A wound made by a knife ; Good; faithful; generous. tion ; make first ; invent. Chép. To go round; perform the circuit of; revolve. Sedate ; stern; rigid. Name of a treo. =e A mixture of colors or ingredients ; mixed; con- fused. Small; trees with small branches. a eal on a horse’s neck ; ‘An important. pass with a : inilitary station; a guard house. a The viscera of the animal body. To receive bribes ; unjust gain ; stolen goods ; booty. Ten Juice; gravy; thick liquor Large ; strong ; affluent ; manhood. A board or tablet to write on. 7 Chiang. : . To hide ; conceal ; store up. efstt To bind ; pluck up; eradi- cate. Chét. A limit ; a joint; period of time; temperance ; chastity, A comb. Green color; a vegetable. A wounded heart; grief. Green ; 5 abundant. ba ad a To tie or bind together. To step short and quick as in respect; fencing. Chit. Name of a plant. To rob; plunder; kill; a robber. The sound of tones, bells To investigate; examitie; to ete. ; notes of birds. judge; to manifest; careful. = i CHAU CH'AU CHE 9 a Os A te Sis i Ad ae (a = i FE a To examine with the hand; to feel; to rub. Resin; varnish; lacker. The varnish tree. Chau. To meet with; to occur; to happen; a time. Grain from which spirits have been distilled ; dregs. To walk; go; ran. Inferiors; police runners. To make; do; commence. Commiseration ; fo pity. A fishing basket; to cover over; to shade; a shade. To move; agitate; shake; to rectify. To give information to the emperor; to advisc him. A furnace ; fire place. To surpags, superior. Chtan. A nest for birds or thieves; a lurking place. A court or board of officers 5 a class; used to form the plural. The whole; one complete Aw round. ey Noise; clamor. z H To fatigue; trouble; véx ; © light; active. LY) To cut off; exterminate. fa To grasp; hold fast; also ¢ the thing held. a) To take or seize; to trans- © cribe; to stir up. « a Plants, grass, é&c. — the running hand character ; < yop careless. ¢ A water plant; elegant composition; joy. BE Vexatious; anxiety; sorrow. Be wash; bathe. IPG? Fiercenoss of fire. ae Noise; clamor; disturbance. ee Precipitation; haste; fierce; to disturb. RE To act heartily and sin- cerely. Ie oa A strong smell 5 stink; to smell. Che. To fast; cleanse the heart; abstinence ; respect. - ° CH'E CHE CHE SS ok he a wat Te Sv = a ie ty 0 BH Ia This, Red earth ; carnation color. An older sister. A camp; barracks; a sheep- fold.. To bear a burden ; to be in debt; a debt. To control; manage; the control of ; care of. To reprove; chastise 5 to be wrong; to inquire; to sustain an office. Meritorious service. To cry out aloud; a tumul- tuous noise ; a hissing. Mats; reeda; to collect. Work performed s business; affair; meritorious deeds. Stooping; oblique. To descend ; afternoon. Narrow ; contracted. To soak, to steep. Chie. To examine jntos inquire ; | a float or raft. To send a messenger; a messenger. & A fork. 2 To cleanse and put in order; a place which needs cleans- ing ; a privy ; filthy. A list; schedule; a book ; a plan; to contrive. A device; stratagem; to scheme ; & switch. Chre. Clear sky after rain. eee To strive ; wrangle. aeee A well; spring; order; land divided into parts. A pit; ditch ; to fall into a pit. To judge; to be silent; quiet ; stillness. = Chie, A light green ; azure ; pale. rs Name of an insect. = ah A star. ° a Raw meat ; fut. A kind of plant and flower. Fear; a tranquil, intelligent mind. To awaken or arouse, ag from sleep, intoxication or stupidity. Bee CHEK CH'EK CHENG 11 Chek. Cheng. —+ © One; the first. 5 y Marshy ; wet; softened ; 5 enriched. x An uncle ; a common ap- NWA, pellation of Chinese ; Mr. iI, Then; therefore; in that case; a rule; pattern. ie To cry out aloud; tumultu- ons; wrangling. ry Lo drench ; dye; stecp. > Fi To accumulates hoard up}; PEQ> gather together. Best grain; the god of PE grain; the officer who pre- > sides ovor grain. 1G A candle. a Ch'ek. Paddy; a small grain used > for distillation. K To brenk ; lay open ; expel ; 2d reprove; many. ABI By thie side of; obliques . > depraved ; perverted. Hi) Acute pain. d YH To mensare or fathom ; > pure; clear. Monurnful; sorry; angry; > relations ; friends. - Grief ; mourning. ies The knees. > To go; to subjugate; con- quer; punish. Awino vessel; to collect ; heavy. A bell; a musical bell; tones of music. Chaste; pure; uncorrupted; a term in divination. som So SS To inquiros to spy; a spy. Name of a wood. wr A favorable omen. = Fine; thin; subtilo; un- mixed ; spiritual ; essence 5 semen, hy Tho pupil of the eye. Es To heat; or boil; to send a multitude. 3 3 J To ascend as vapor; & warm or hot vapor. A. particle denoting that anything is already past or done. Budhist priests. To add; increase; many. To dislike ; to hate. Hes aa To taste; try; assay; al- ready dono; past. B To beat as with a pestle s to pound. 12 CH'ENG CHI ae a8 ae ot BSS hae Ey it SSE eS BA is EH Pt SS =F To beat; to rush against. Aclub or weapon; to strike; hit; to drive into the ground. A musical instrament made of reeds. To swell; a swellings in- flated. To plant; sow. To wash ; clean; pure. To stare with displeasure ; look with anger. To remonstrate ; dissuade. Intense cold. Clean ; fine; careful thought; to regulate; plan; order. The multitude; many. Government ; laws; to rule. Sickness; a diseased state of body. To remonstrate ; to prove; testify ; substantinto. To testify; bear witness; evidence. Seed ; sort; class. Chieng. The passions ; temper; dis- one $ position ; circumstances. BS ah ia ¥ 25 Se coh i Se aS ol Be Gi Sa OY Sh Se ~ Name of a tree; the orange tree. Pure; clear; tranquil. To measure; weigh; adjust; to denominate ; to praise. Hollowed or bored ; a gun; cannon. Good ; excellent ; beautiful; instead of. A title or appellation. Chi. To ascend ; climb a rugged hill, ‘A loud laugh; laughing. A vessel to measure food or drink ; a wine vessel. The limbs of the body. Fat animals; fatty sub- stance ; bones; to grease, To embroider, adorn. To confer upon; bestow ; supply ; to store up. Excellent; the meaning or import of; will, purpose or ‘decree. To point with the finger ; to refer to. To go in person. Variety of herbs blended together ; broken; in con- fusion. CE a 13 To stop; only. A flame of fire; brights apt splendor. Foundation. HeP2 An inscription; epitaph; to Ri remember. To pull or tear with the 2 To stumble. hand; drag; pull open. Happiness ; felicity. The will; purpose. Gh Lt S| ‘A fragrant medicinal plant- Historical annals; to re- member, A foundation; the toes. To grasp with the hand; to hart; to offer a present. Only; singly; this and no more ; merely. To sew; tie or fasten to- gether. ot 1 EE ET ae HwESH A thorny wood of which hedges are made. The ancient cnbit, eight tenths of the present. A nankin color; red; brown. An older sister; & mistress. A horary character, from 9 to 11 o'clock A.M. Sweet taste; excellent. To lick with the tongue. To ent and form; adjust; regulate; rule; make. To hinder; embarrass. To make; fashion; regu- late ; decide. A banner; pendant; to attach to. SG Bh Sag ~ TH cet SE Wee A present made on being introduced to a superior. To go or come to; arrive at ; extreme; best. To carry human affairs be- fore the gods; to sacrifice. A limit ; 9 place where two things meot ; interval. To pare and clip; adjust ; blend in duo proportion. To push; press upon ; pat in order. Name of a river; to resist 5 help. To stop raining ; fair sky after rain. Clear ; bright. A disease of children. The tongue; tongue of a” bell, etc, CHL To pull or break open o« in pieces; to diminish ; to decide; reprove. To split wood ; to divide ; discriminate. To wash rice; name of a river and province. To fold up; to destroy; a document sent to the Emperor. Chi. Hesitation; embarrassment; irresolute. Even; regular; complete ; to adjust; regulate; all to- gether. Name of a place. ‘Bamboo said to grow 1000 cubits high. Wounded skin. Vestibule in front of a hall; a path to the hall. Slow ; dilatory. A pool ; pond ; ditch. Degrees rising one above another; to advance. To run at full speed; gallop; to propel. Alarmed ; apprehensive ; to judge; intend. A wife; an equal. \ ( \ & © Intense cold. Sorrow ; commiseration ; anger; indignation. That on which a bird rests 5 a roost; a residence; to perch. Exuberance of foliage. Foolish; deranged. Much grieved; sorry; angry. Birds perched on trees; a roost; to rest; desist. A certain bird. A certain insect; a shell fish: residence for tors; an inn; at the bottom; fundamental. A worm; ugly; ignorant. A worthless woman; ugly and lewd; foolish. To be ashamed; shame. Large; profuse; prodigal. Teeth; the upper teeth. Market place ; street. To feed; nourish. To murder a superior. CHI CHT CHIA CHA 15 4 ke Mt St ej a = HSH RS MG 3 To try; test; examine; compare. A device; stratagem. To give to wife; to marry. Chri. Wealth ; money. copper coin; Disease ; contagious dis- temper. A branch; to branch out ; to measure; the 12 divisions of time, of 2 hours each. A carpet for a floor. Cloth or felt made of hair. Young grain; young; emall; tender. To push ; to press upon; to pat in’ order. An arrow; small bamboo. Chri, Fresh ; not tainted nor salted. Chia. To cover over; to screcn. A particle placed after verbs to denote the agent of the action. Carnation color ; red earth. A list; register; book; to register. To rely on; avail one’s self of; to assist. a ae if ie a ua 7 To apply fire to; to broil; to dry; to approach near. To drag; to draw iuto notice. Sugar cane. A partridge. - A species of mulberry. Lower part of the leg. ra To eat or drink; to retract ; toendure an insult or injury. Single ; a numeral of things > which are single. A footstep; to tread in the > footsteps of. A trace; footstep; work of; examples.for imitation. SS He Chtia, A carriage. Affluent ; prodigal; waste- ful. To sell on credit; slow; remiss. And; then; also. bn 55 CH*IA CHIAK CHAK CHIAM . CHTAM To invite; inquire after. Naked; fleshjcolor; reddish; vermilion. Chia. Bright ; luminous. i EE A fabled bird of joy. Slow; leisurely. Chiam. Taporing ; pointed; sharp 3 clever. Be FH Ba ~ FH a ea = Y at ~ za BS To rectify ; put in order ; to rule ; execute laws; just at a given point of time. Verbose ; to examine into and give directions about. 3 BS SOR To look up to with reve- rence. A curtain, cover or screen 3 garments which hang down and cover the knees. To repair; put in order; to adorn. Upright ; correct. Plentiful ; to give; bestow Chiak. on the poor. A drinking cup; nobility; name of an office. To arrange ; spread out in order; ranks; army. To bite ; gnaw ; chew. ‘A short time; suddenly. Gradually ; to moisten; to To take out with a spoon ; dye; saturate. @ spoon. To prognosticate ; divine ; A mediator in marriage. cast lots; to usurp. tr To burn; to illumine. To see; look at; to usurp. = ar ‘A medicine. ta To sit ov stand still ; stiff 5 dignified. To consult; deliberate. Chtiam. To ford or pass through water ; to enter deeply into. All; all united ; the multi- tude. A bridle halter. 33 Sep me Chiiak. A sparrow ; small birds. Slips of bamboo for draw- ing lots; tosign or subscribe. ing BS TS BEWES a on Sa wr Bal + Ho ae CHIA'NG To repent; feel contrition. Slips of bamboo for drawing lots; used also as a permit or order. Pointed ; sharp; clever. Erronvotis} to overpass one’s duty or sphere; to assume ; usurp. Chiang. Take and do; to receive; a sign of the future. A husband's parents; to make obeisance to thom. Elegant composition; to manifest; exhibit. Clear and bright. Name of a stream. Akkind of sceptre made of chrysoprasus; a play thing. A small species of deer. To increase by growth ; to extend. A measure of ten cubits; an aged man. ‘Weapons of war—as sword, Bpear, lance. A staff; a ondgel: to lean upon ; hold; to beat with a staff ; iron bar. A mechanic; artificer. an ae Se EB w ie D0 int ine SE ee Th ie a ies iB CHMA'NG 17 A distor r caused by pestilential vapors; a h Toveriah disearse A separating dike ; to se rate; divide, A general; captain. To asgist; praise; encour- age. Madly; blindly; to fall down. Regret ; disappointment. Chiang. Intestines; bowels; the seat of the affections. Female officers dynasty of Han. in the Long .in time or space; a senior ; superior. Name of a plant. Elegant; suitable; affluent; increasing. A prostitute. Wild and frightened; mad. A water plant; sedge. An open shed. A bird’s wing; a garuicnt made of feathers. A showy person ; singing girl; seducer; to ticcord with. _ ao CH'IAP CHIE CH'IE CHIE CHIE = um ob a Bent gH Se OBR oS B aE wre ae IN Fe B To recite ; sing. Chiap. To obtain a victory ; over- come; to complete; in haste. To blend with; instill gradu- ally ; to extend ; saturated. To receive $ ‘connect ; tome in succession ; to unite. Chtiap. A concubine; an inferior wife. To steal; private; one’s pri- vate opinion ; to assume. Chie. To beckon; call by motion of the hand; to assump; confess. Fuel; a woodcutter. A plantain ; banana. Pepper. To illumine ; take care of ; according to ; liké as. To censure ; blame ; to rid- icule. To burn incense or victims & pour out oblations ; to com- plete ; to invite to take wine. A stone. To borrow or lend ; to pre- . tend ; suppose. The substantial part of ; sincere ; to realize ; to sub- stantiate. t { \ Chiie. x To laugh ; deride. 3 A mat or carpet; large. 3 A chapter ; a prize essay; a complete piece. The camphor tree. Syrup; thick liquid; pus. The palm of the hand ; to strike with the hand; to rule; to grasp. An oar; @ short oar. be a ee SRE To ascend ; go up; high. To itch; the itch. A kind of pickle; a mode of preserving meat, rice, é&c. Bs ie Chie. A wall; that which de- fends. A spear; lance; a tripod ; @ Wine vossel. A mechanic ; artificer. sa Fil $5} BE Se To seize by violence; to. plander. CHIEN CHIEN CHIET CHET CHIM CHIM 19 HUN ERSURES B 4 2 Set Mek Be SE ae = An elephant. Chien. Trembling with cold; the head inclined to one side. A certain bird of prey. To note down memoranda. To end; terminate; destroy. A dike that serves as a path and a division of fields ; to terminate; to announce. A disease that breaks out in pustules with fever; pox. Bent; perverse; to twist; single garments. A black garment; single raiment; garments with flowers. To examine ; try or verify. To walk briskly up ta;. to embrace an opportunity. Shallow ; thin; thin metal. To tread upon; to walk in a certain path. To present with food: or drink; to make a present. To cut with scissors ; shear. Even and regular; scissors; to cut with scissors. The residue of what is.con, sumed by fire ; aghes. we ww = a BES = Y, “Bh ea = de A rapid purtarbed current. To fight ; war; battle; to be struck with fear. Chtien, To remove from one place to another ; to change. Rope swinging for amuse- ment. A road running north and south; a road throngh the fields; luxuriant. Shallow ; superficial ; easy. To open; spread out; man- ifest. Chiet. That is; then; forthwith ; urgent. Chiiet. To cut; urgent; pressing ; important ; sincere ; to spell words; the chief or impor- tant part of a thing in the whole. Chim. To pour ont or into; to add ; to deliberate. A post or block to fasten cattle or horses to. To soak into; to soak. To water; to drench; to saturate; gradually Chtim. To advance gradually; t invade secretly ; to seek fc to plunder. XJ ° dy ali a SS a So BS Sk SHE SH Be BD Sf at Sa a i i CHIN To search for. To take hold of; to draw. Deep—as water, color, &.; very ; extremely. To sleep; to rest; a sleeping room. Chin. True; sincere; genuine ; trath. A ford or ferry; a creek; to ford ; to moisten. Fuel; brambles; to collect fuel. Trees ; brushwood ; a small fruit like a chestnut. Affinence ; at ease ; many ; @ multitude. Exuberant foliage ; a great accumulation ; many. To extend to the utmost limit ; highest degree. To insert ; attach to; to introduce ; to take. To deliver; draw out. Boys from ten to twelve years of age; good. To be pregnant; motion of the child in the womb. To shake; excite; adjust; repair. Rich ; to enrich; to supply the wants of; give to. at { oe es so ~ ma OR PK FA Rm HS ARE AE To shake; agitate; begin. To exhaust; finish ; entire- ly ; the extreme point. To advance; to introduce; recommend, exert one’s self. To introduce ; recommend ; pasture ; grass. Grass ; vegetables ; pasture; to continue still as before. To increase ; attach to; name of a Chinese dynasty. To attach to one; wrap around ; carnation color ; silk. Chiin. One who serves another ; an officer under the Emperor. Title of the first universal monarch of China. Affection for ; one’s own; near relations ; to kiss. To confer upon; bestow. Inner garments ; to give to; bestow a largess. Chio. Bright; splendid ; light ; to illamine. Burned ; seared ; vexatious; anxiety ; distress. Clear discernment ; having examined fully. To eat; chew; a hurried tone of yoice) CH1IO CHIP CHIP CHIT CHIT CHIU 21 « a & an ao v Bu an } 2) oy _ em Ss as 8 Lean from hunger and dis- tress of mind. A bludgeon; club ; hammer; mallet. Distant; to exert strength. Morning; to wait on the em- peror or other high officers. A bird ; fowl. To declare; promulgate ; teach ; a proclamation. Chiio. Court; a dynasty. Mournfal ; anxious; pri- vately. In a small quantity; rather ; gradually ; a granary ; the royal domains. Vexation; anxiety; distress. To laugh ; jest; ridicule. Chip. To collect; to mix. To take hold of; grasp; apprehend ; persecute. To tie; bind; fasten. Chtip. To store up and lay aside weapons; puta stop to war. Trees in a forest ; an oar. Se BE IG oe BS a Sz He, si < v . 3 cr To follow in close succes- sion ; come often. To unite harmoniously ; concord. Chit. Urgent; vehement; to envy; to hate ; disease ; sick. Jealous; envy. A medicinal plant. To weave. The spine; back; ridge of & house or mountain. Lean ; poor ; ‘to restrict. A species of bird. To split wood ; to divide; to discriminate. Chit. Seven. To dusts wipe; rub; cleanse. Chiu. To provide for ; to perform a circle; to complete’; sur- round; a curve; circle. To bestow charity; relieve. To turn or go round; cir- culate. 22 CHIU CH'O I HH Bo Ras « Sit Zeek ” A province; a district. An island. A boat or vessel ; to trans- fer. A certain pole in the fore part of a carriage. Wine; spirituous liquor. The fore arm ; elbow; th® muscles of the legs and arms To go to; approach ; imme” diately ; then ; to complete. To curse; to rail. Chtiu. To confine; imprison; a prison ; a prisoner. To oppose; to return like for like ; an enemy; a rival. To sell; pay for. To wrangle; to hate; an enemy ; hatred. A white cow; a cow lowing. To oppose ; retaliate ; hate ; an enemy. To return the pledge or compliment in drinking ; to recompense. Convalescent; sudden re- moval of disease. Autumn; a 3 nn e wale mee To seize; grasp; gather in the hand. Disconsolate; to change the countenance. A wheel to sit on and turn round; @ Chinese amuse- ment. 7 The beard. A tree. The hand. Deformed; hateful ; shame; to hate ; abhor. Cho. Grain paid as tax; tax; rent, Dark red color; dipped in red dye three times and then in black once. Name of a country, where Confucius lived. Name of a country. Ancestors; grandparents ; to begin; the beginning. Swift; fleet ; urgent; press- ing. Cho. Mournful; grieved. Coarse ; vulgar; large. Same as the last; also to be afraid of aud guard against. CHO’ CcH'O CHOI CHOI CH’SOL 23 Vinegar; sour wine. Concurrence of circum- stances; to collectand make up. : Ché. A manger; a drain where liquor is run off; a place where wine is sold. A small boat ; a junk. Dates; a species of canna- rium. The left hand or side; a second or assistant; de- praved ; to degrade. To hindvr; stop; prevent. A block on which meat is cut} a feast. To sit. > ‘To assist; an assistant, To assist ; succor; dissis- tance. A seat; a throns. To make; to do; to be. To break off; suspend ; put an end to; a small quantity. Chis. To trim off; chop to pieces; a mode of punishment. ~ 2 Bee Bie Be y Das FE To push down; break in pieces ; maltreat. m2 eS Minced meat; minute ; small bits. A hoe or iron instrament for turning up the ground. The first ; beginning ; to begin. Bratubles; a cluster of trees; sharp 5 painful. The stone base of a pillar. To rab and polish. Copper coin ; money. A file to rnb. Mixed ; confused ; errone- ous; mistaken. A lump; small quantity. To take with the fingers; to snatch; a small quantity. A bundle of reeds; to eprin- kle wine in sacrifice, small. Choi, To cut off ; cut'up ; to trim, A festival; a set time. Choi. Formerly ; before. Choi. Silkworms: i<} = CHOK CH'OK CHONG CH'ONG a wo . S [5 So Bo SE SR SF OB Re eu Fe A thousand ; very many. A scrabber for cleaning rice; a broom. Chok. A kindred ; family; clan; @ class; a sort. Lururiant plants; the metal point of an arrow. Pointed ; the point of an arrow. The foot; enough ; satisfied; complete. To bless; praise. A bamboo. Ch'ok. Near ; close; urgent. To seize ; grasp. Gnashing or grinding of the teeth ; embarrassment. Pressed upon; impelled ; | embarrassed ; anxious. To expel the voice or breath ; to taste ; to lick. Pressed upon; embarrass- ed ; anxious. Upright ; equal; equity ; Bpright equity 5 Footsteps; stamping with the foot. = a n _ BHBh ee BS FS aE aS SI Be To gore; bit against; offend; oppose. To stamp with a seal; a seal ; to stab. Chong. Ancestors ; an ancestral temple; a whole kindred or clan. Transverse threads in weav- ing ; to collect together. The end; termination; to end or terminate ; to die. A species of locust. A footstep ; a trac’: All united together ; the whole j general ; altogether. The heel of the foot; to tread in the footateps of. To follow ; comply with. A disease ; pain in the mus- cles and bones} riéumatism: Remiss ; to connive at; al- thongh allowing it. Chtong. Crowded together } mixed assemblage j woody. Lofty ; honorable ; noble; to honor. By ; from; with ; to follow. cHU 25 y Delicate ; young; same as YH Water flowing into a pond, the next. ec to pverpass; to stop; injare. < yh To agitate ; shake; ascend; JH ‘A deep sated old sore. ¢ concord ; deep; hollow. , | ¢ HL } Sorrowful ; grieved. EA Silk fringe; silk cords to « aM bind the fake . To fill; to carry to the ut- most extent ; sufficient ; ex- ry Female hemp; the vegetable cellent ; long ; high. c used in the soles of shoes. Just and right; sincerity ; . =, moral rectitude ; the heart,| py Plante which grow in the mind ; the center; inner marshes. ¢ garments. aH Tmprecations ; to announce Quickness of hearing and|cPiLb before tho gode. perception ; discernment. HH To walk with difficulty ; Agitation ; hurry. q having some impediment. = To take advice; to consult ; to give information. A corner or angle, as of a BRR wall; to collect together and reside in. A lord; master ; to rule. wi To excite; sudden motion ; @ path ; a war chariot. Chu. Carnation or vermilion color. A pearl ; necklace ; the ball of the eye. > To stop ; to dwell; halt. Red oxide ; vermilion. The light or wick of a lamp. Name of a medicine. To stop and rest ; a tempo- An ancient coin ; @ small rary residence, E 4 Ke iE an is ie We Wie To assemble; to collect; to Several ; all; in; at; from. dwell; a crowd. fe Wealth ; happiness; divine To receive into the mouth blessings ; posterity. and suck or taste. 44. To go} persévere ; presttve. 7 . ba To spy out; look. = tRRRS SH 8 5 To offer flesh in sacrifice ; offerings ; to reward; bless- ings. Nanie of an insect and of @ fish. CHU a To return the pledge in drinking wine ; to repay. The steps or mat appropri- ated to the chief person in sacrifices. To lead; fix; that to which the mind is directed; record. An insect which destroys wood. Pe 3” BS To definesexplain;illustrate; a definition ; commentary. Outward appearance; abun- dance. To melt metals ; to coin; to cast. An insect that breeds in wood and books; a moth. Cha. Leisurely ; tardy ; slow; steady ; tranquil. a my RE NA OS A species of frog. The space inside the door but outside the screen; to remove, as disease, evil, &., besides ; to leave out. Plants ; grass: to cut grass. To go in haste. Young fowls; chickens. a iS fe To run swiftly ; fleet. a Name of a bird. SSLaLRESS sim a SE 4 (Se a 2 Ty De CHU’ To take; receive; assume; to approve; to be sought after. To take a wife; to marry. A place; dwelling; to dwell; to place; decide; award. To place; to put; a large coarse stone. To place; arrange; em- ploy ; a place. Celerity ; quick ; agreeable- ness; accommodating. Cha The potato genus. To write ; a book or letter. To deliberate ; consult i ablic documents; to sight; lament. Flattering ; elegant; gait inanner. Grain; a cake. Goods 3 things necessary for one’s own use. To plan; scheme; to ask questions To walk with difficulty s to make little progress. This; here; now. To bear or produce ; ardent affection for; diligence. Name of @ water bird, u CHU’ CHUA CHUA a7 {Dark colored silk. HY ark col 8 ont. Bee Name of an ancient coin e- Be Love ; compassion ; kind ; qual to eight Chineseonnces. | ?4U4¥ compassionate. Wealth; property; money; a a and good ; a fresh a fine; to redeem with money. Sign of the possessive case; of; him ; it; them ; to go. The budding forth of plants; a plant said to be incor- ruptible used as an emblem of happiness. Sincere attachment to ; dil- igent. To sew garments; to seam. A child ; son; sages; an honorable appellation; a diminutive. To sustain or attend to the duties devolving on one. To weed ; pluck out weeds. a DARA HSS MN aR To boil; cook. a inf Oh Name of a valuable wood 3 to cut characters in wood. From; self ; one’s self; of itself ; naturally ; of course. Soup; a thick substance used in sacrifices. To increase; overflow; rich; to enrich ; confused. % “ Intrigue ; levity ; lewdness; profligate. . ra A preparation of meat cut end minced. = Disease ; fault of temper ; contracted feeling. Name of a stone. To slander; dislike; ani mosity; licentiouss to think. The female of birds and fowls. Sei ES A dignified walk; leisurely; tranquil ; sedate. an. SHES This; these; here; now. A mouse; rat, Second to; next in order; inferior; a place; an inn. Thatch ; thorns ; to collect ; accumulate. ~ Chua. A serpent; snake; viper. Paper. Ch'ua. An heir; to inherit; to suc- ceed. ‘i Se 28 CHUA CH®UA CHUAK CHUAN CHUAN ‘Be Aslant ; distorted ; deprav- To turn; revolve; to turn ¢ ed ; incorrect. ie abont. Bs Plants or herbs ; © proper ee Modulations of voice ; > name. © a chirping: To arrange ; prepare ; Chua. make ; compose. | re A fountain or spring of wa- 7. To make, write or compose ter ; source ; origin. . @ book. A small cup for wine, oil Food ; to eat and drink. be. To collect; assemble ; to Mean; low; cheap. cover @ coffin without in- ag a Se terring. Ch®ua. Ch'uan. 2 To shut; bar a door; to Complete ; entire; to finish. SJ fasten. z A bullock without blemish for sacrifice. Chuak. BS AE AE RB > Name of an insect resembl- 5 ing a silk worm. +3] Mnddy ; foul water. To cure disease; convales- cent; cured. A bamboo instrament for catching fish. A fat, sleek: appearance ; to To weigh; discriminate and _ wash. select; to examine. i Chuan. A stream; flowing ; to flow. One; single; oneness of pursuit; to assume ; usurp. ~ = To bore through; perforates to put on clothes. a By Se Se dat uy Mi eh Se The head or commence- To pant; breathe short, as ment; a hollow vessel. in asthma. A narrow passage for water; rapids; to flow against. To regulate ; direct; to pay close attention ; correct ; eminent. Haste ; speed ; to go and re- turn with speed. \ \ To run away and hides pusi- lanimous; to seduce to vice. To connect as beads; to con- spire ; unite as accomplices. To rebel and sieze by vio- lence; to neurp, ia CHUANG CH'UANG CHUAT CH'UAT CHUE CH'UE CHUI 29 Es Hse Bt a 8 & A furnace ; fireplace; to eat. Chuang. To bind round or up; to dress; to put into a box. From ; fashion ; to accuse ; a letter ; petition ; a bed. Chuang. To strike or hit against ; to bolt out or in. Chuat. Mutual . conversation ; to rail or laugh at. Unskillfal ; stupid. To bud forth. Starmering ; to talk slow- ly. To weep and sob ; incessant talking; to taste. Monrnful; grieved. To sieze ; plunder. To sip; swill down ‘soup. Ch'uat. ‘To desist ; stop. Chue. Crime ; sin; to criminate. 2 To give a pledge ; addition; repetition ; tautology. To eat with greediness ; ma- ny eating all at once. Important in the highest degree ; superlative. Ch'ue. To breathe ; to blow. To boil or dress food by fire. Marrow inside of bones ; brains. Chui. A heap of earth; # pile ; to accumalate ; promiscuous, A bludgeon ; club ; to strike; blunt; stupid. An awl; sharp point. Protuberant; jatting out; convex ; a hillock. Water ; tide. Calamities ; il} omens. Grief visible in the counte- nance. Abrupt; fierce ; impetuous 3 Labor ; toil; pain ; disease. To collect ; a rustling sound, as of leaves. MEGGGReRS BE Eo Be 2 CH'UI To vilify ; rail at ; reprove ; accuse : to interrogate. Intoxicated; stupified; ligh- ly fascinated. Chtui. To push ; impel; lead on; trace out; investigate; to overcome; excuse; to put off. Te stare ; look angrily. Lofty and large; mountain- ous. To urge ; importune ; impel. Mournfal ; grief; difficulties. To measure; try; essay; to put away. Far; down; a certain cap or crown ; delicate. The lips; mouth ; beak ofa bird ; a snout. To rub or grind; break to pieces ; small fragments. Unmixed ; pura ; complete ; to rgb or grind. Name of a bird with green feathers. Chun. A ship; jank ; boat; to follow the stream. To honor; res; ; honora- bles vonerable A prond attitude; to sit in * reclining posture ; to col- lect. a ER a RES ~ Be NSS RS a5 a8 CHUN To follow; obey; comply with ; obedience. A wine vessel ; luxuriant to desist ; stop. to refuse. To approve; grant; allow; | To retire back abashed ; to decide. To eqnaliso; adjust; weigh 5 measure. To adjust; direct ; pnt in order ; restrain. Superior talent; a high degree of excellence. Illustrious; high; danger-- ous, Name of a wood. Deep water ; profound. A husbandman; an officer who presides over land. To, complete one’s work ; to finish ; retire and stand still. Hot food; the remains of food. A fine horse ; dignified ; il- lustrious ; elegant. © Beautiful ; fine ; good ; fat To carve; engrave; cat letters or words. CHUN CH°NG CHYNG CHUT CH'UT E 81 ~ LS tS Ht Ft BS &=, S&S SS Chun. To watch over and take care of; to preserve ; retain. The season of epring. A bird of the quail species. : Simple ; foolish; to move ; crawl. To consider ; reckon; con- jecture ; surmise. Confused ; mixed ; errone-|- ous ; to oppose. A Chinese inch. Ch'ng. A farm-honse; cottage; a country village. Ornamented + painted face; dowry ; a lady's toilet. Grave ; stern ; firm ; sedate. Dressed ; ornamented ; face painted ; dowry. Brick; tile; square earthern ware. To declare; accuse; a let- ter; petition. To bore into; search out; an instrument to bore with. To inter the dead ; bury. JK B A i, Hh, AB “Wis Ch"ng. A bed or couch; to rest 5 eight cubits. A granary ; storehouse ; the overseer. An ulcer; sore. A hamlet ; a village. piers stab; to repre- hen satirixe ; to work with a needle; embroider. Chut. A certain grain ; a viscous substance made from grain. Name of a particular kind of rice. Soldiers ; lictors ; to cease 5 finish ; die ; haste ; sudden ; urgent. To ussiat; an assistant off- cer} hundred men. To lead j direct; to follow » sudden ; prompt. A cricket. Chtut. To go eject. out; to put outj E: An interrogative particle: Dumb ; the noise of langh- ing 3 the voice of birds. EY EK ENG Dumb; the back of the neck. Under the arm; arm-pit; the side; near to one. | An arrow with a string at- tached to it; to seize upon ; to take possession of. | A chess-boad; to play chess, large; extensive; of long = Knots of trees; to cypress; to be ill used; in distress. To seize with the hand ; grasp; to pull. ya ‘A yok continuance. | a Change; alteration ; trans- 3. mutation. Es, The wings of a fowl. A post; pillar; support ; 3 rafters. Eng. Great talent and virtue; ex- cellent; luxuriant ; flourish- ing ; English, England. | . The sound of a bell. Ek. Pleased ; gratified. so 4 to destroy; put To opani ro arattowi-pat en A sucking child; a female end to, ; s 7 infant ; to add; to bind. To arrange; stat Iain; ‘o arrange; state or explain; stow: proceed in order ; to end. eb o t: late 5 ion. To: translate; 6 translation To take hold of with the . fingers. A hnndred thousand 5 an immense, indefinite number. Name ofa fruit; a cherry. eae To remember ; to ider- . emember ; to consider A swelling in the neck. - abe ee The breast; full; swelled : : 5 ont; puffed up. Strings or tessels; cap | strings. To overflow ; inundate; 4 certain measure. Name of & bird; a parrot. | A certain quantity or ; weight; 20 or BU curves. The breast ;. near related to; to sustain ; to receive. To support or lead by the arm ; the arm-pit. The eagle; hawk; falcon. | Saliva or secretion from the A certain bird ; variegate nose ; droge. Tee feathers. 2c GAI GAU GE GEK GI GIA GO G'0 GOI GU GU' 83 (F_ ‘To rise or bubble up as wa-| ; ter from a spring. Gia. Y Pregnant ; the fetus. An interjection ; tone of a- larm. WW To use; employ; by; with. &, To deem strange; express surprise; to receive a visitor. To go forth to meet; to de- MR ! je Right; proper; ought; to’ nad answer ; correspond to. ie scend to. ° . _ Gai. Go. HR To talk loud; boast; a pro- € To impede; hinder ; oppose; it per name. uae A species of centipede. BE an impediment. « 7 Gau. Deceitful ; false; erroneous ; . to err ; fail ; deceive ; tolead ahs Instrumental music. astray. . > : | Ge. Go. HF A tooth ; the incisor teeth. : fe A. goose. Q . t Ff To bud forth; to begin ; a tA§ bud; a germ. 8 Hungry; hunger; famine. Bi A civil or military court ;® . e government office. Goi. « A An appellation of small chil- el A roman affecting protty, Age dren ; to benefit ; a limit. " , Business or occupation of Gek. ay life; any art or craft ; the polite arts. A gem; a precious stone. =k, ane Gu. . ARR. A prison ; jail. +e A cow; the bovine species. 5 eb. Gi. Ga. To doubt ; suspect ; dislike ; FS Words; speech ; discourse ; « = doubt; suspicion. 7 FB to speak ; tell ; discuss: 34 GUA GUB Ha’ E HA'K HAM ; To drive a horse and car- riage ; whatever is done by the emperor is designated ;by this word. gay To oppose; hinder; cause dh A to stop ; to sacrifice. 3 A horse keeper or driver; @ charioteer. Gua. > External ; outside; over and above. Gue. The moon; a month. ? Ha. To join; accord with ; suit; E55 united ; agreeable to. WK Hai. To cough; laughing of an infant; an infant. FR A small child, & To belch from the stomach ; cough; to call out alond. The great toe; to prepare. dy = Bi The bones of the body ; the body. To pair with; agree ; har- mony; peace. The sea; an arm of the sea. Minced meat preserved in some liquor. si wt SR Wee Se mg 3 & s Suddenly alarmed, agitated; surprised;tosound analarm. ‘Weapons—as lanco, spear, &c.; manacles, The last of the 12 horary characters, from 9to11 P.M. The heart loose and inatten- tive; remiss ; careless. To meet without appoint- ment; accidentally; plensed. To injure; be injurious; hurtful; calamitous. Hak. To learn; receive instruc- tion ; to practice; a school. A ditch ; valley ; creek ; bed of a torrent; a pit. A ditch for water in a field; moat round a city ; to over flow. Dried up; exhausted. Haim. All; the whole number; completely. “ Union; karmony ; sincere; cordiality ; to excite. To contain ; enfold ; an en- velope; a letter. To steep or soak in water; to contain. To contain or carry in the mouth ; to sustain ; receive. To contain in the mouths horae’s bit; to guide; control. HAN HA'NG HA'P 35 4 & 2S ap S = Ba ~ = # 4 a a a = = mh A” i To hold in the mouth ; to restrain ; endure ; forbear. The jaws ; chin. ‘Name of an insect. Excited by wine but not |" drunken ; cheerful. To feel indignation, resent- ment or regret. To fall down; sink; to be ruined ; to ruin or injure. To call aloud. To shake; to move. Han. Cold ; winter; poor; soli- tary. ‘Wings of a bird; ornaments; & pencil; quill; high; white. A wall round a well; name of an ancient state. A shield; to shield; keep off ; oppose; desist. Infrequent; rare; seldom. A door or gate; a lane; to shut or close. A martial, commanding ap- pearance. To watch; look after. Ardent disposition; energy; fierce, To grasp; lift up; shake; to drive away ; resist. Stubble ; straw ; dry stalks of grain. Dronght ; want of rain. . To pursue after. To lead or drag along by force ; to oppose. To impede; to limit; to eet a time ; a limit. Name of an ancient Chinese dynasty ; name of a river. Hang, A street; a factory; a store- house; a kind or sort. To yield; submit; be con- quered. Name of a place. A boat or ship; to sail in 9 boat or ship. The back of the neck; large; asort; species; item. A public path, lane or street. Hap. Why ? why not? Shortness of breath ; disease of the throat ; lameness. Sleepy ; desire to sleep. oo 6, HA'T HE ~ Pht ah Light and splendor of the sky; vast; numerous; happy. Hat. Why ? why not ? to intimi- | ¢ we Calling ont; a loud ery; date, as by'a sharp question. at ofanimais, | LL! roar of animals, To thirst ; a guttural sound; 8 The voice of any animal. an angry exclamation. v Hair cloth; coarse cloth ; | ¢ ye poor i To state ; to declare ; to pe- | ¢¥ tition ; to visit a suporior. we ie = a IC Le # To roar like a tiger; to in- timidate. A deluge of water; vast; abundant ; overflowing. An interrogative particle ; T ; ine: who? what? why P 'o compare ; examine; a public school. v Blind ; ignorant. To imitate; to regard as 8 law or rule, Noise of wheels ; the iron at the end of an azle; to rule; regulate; authority. To wait for ; to inquire ; ex- pect. The king crab. A valley ; enlarge; liberal ; to open and expand. Hau. BS ce oe OM Su Zu Se DO To apply one’s strength in obedience tosomeorder or in imitation ofa pattern; toaim. Like ; to learn of ; imitate; effort ; merit ; efficacious. A small hair or down; small; very little. To desire. Filial regard, obedience and service from children to pa- rents, Eminent talents and virtues great superiority ; chief. A ditch round a city wall; name ofariverand province. et He. a WS SE 53 A038 Appearance of summer; brilliant. Name of a bird, not eatable and of unpleasant note. The noise of weeping and crying ; the roar of a tiger. Gluttonous; gree cious. 3 Tapa. JR ABE x > Lobsters ; prawns ; shrimps the cancer species. Hoarseness; change of voice. Summer; name of an an- cient Chinese dynasty. A piazza; side apartment of a house. v L 30 tS a RwRe =) f = 4 a 8 da HEK Hek. Black dark. Manifest ; plain ; clear ; red hot;,to burn ; anger. To threaten; the tone or voice of threatening. The seed or kernel in frnit or grain; the xincleus. To investigate ; put aside all glosses and ascertain the fact. Heng. Panishment ; to punish; a law. To mould; mould; pat- tern ; example. Form ; figure ; bodily shape; that which is visible. Constant; perpetual; un- changing. To act ; do; perform. To rise ; flourish ; prosper ; to set up; exalt; high. The breast ; mind. Pervading ; going through with ; success. Odors or spices; perfume, Anger; veration ; very. Fortunate; lucky; happy. a a iat at Se SH SB SH 3k HI 87 To be urtremitting in the pursuit of gain. Actions; conduct. A sour plum; an almond tree. Hi. How ? why P a servant. To wait; stop with expec- tation. To hope ; expect ; few ; sel- dom ; to stop ; scatter, To put on an honest face, when the heart is dishonest. To sigh or moan without shedding tears; to pant; snore. To aob ; timid ; snoring. Careless ; remiss; fow ; scat. tered ; apart. A species of hemp or flax, or the cloth made from it. Name of the founder of the Chinese empire. Victims for sacrifice ; pure ; spotless. The sound of social plea- sure; laughing; a sigh; alas! Handsome ; to ramble for pleasure. The joyful light of the stars; to burn ; purify ; illumine. To apply fire to; to heat hot ; pervading as light. ~ © HL HIA HAXNIA HIAM Si o} SS oa BE “ iS SR 4% HERE & Felicitous; happy; to an- nounce or pray to the gods. A tone of interrogation or admiration. The chin; side of the mouth; to feed ; nourish ; deep. Light; splendor; increas- ing ; flourishing ; to dry. Sour. To be pleased ; rejoice; to give joy to; to desire. To lead by the hand; to take up. To connect ay be connected: |- to follow in succession ; rela ted to; to bind or tie. Is 3am; to bind ; connect ; succeed to. To trail; an easy, leisurely gait ; to drag the heel. To lead ; draw; pull. A theatrical exhibition ; to play or trifle with ; to mock. Bi. The string of a bow or of @ musical instrument. Strings of a musical instro- ment. The ear; an ear or handle of a cup, pitcher, etc. Hia. A stone fractured; error; fault; rent ; split ; remote. is mass SS ye te SS WS A chronic disease of the abdomen ; worms. Distant ; remote. A halo; vapor ; fog; varie- goted clouds, Boots. Below; inferior ; to descend; cause to descend. Tiles; brick; earthernware. At leisure ; unoccupied. An ant; used for I. The forehead ; front ; an in- scription. A servant; under officer ; police runner. To desist; stop; rest; ter- minate. Ha, Name of a person and of a place. An older brother. Hiam. Jealousy ; suspicious ; dislike: | ones A hound ; dog of chase. to Difficult; dangerous ; dcep | abyss ; steep; lofty. o 1A'’NG HIAP HIE BIE HIEN 39 fe St RSE dt #2 = SS SSISR FMB Hiang. To enjoy ; receive ; accept ; to offer to superior. Sound; noise; clamor; echo. To entertain a guest; to offer sacrifice. Towards ; directed towards the object to which the mind or desire is directed. Provisions for laborers or the army; duties paid to goverriment. Over against ; towards; to press on towards. Hiap. Union ; harmony ; to unite. Fear ; apprehension ; to in- timidate. The sides of the body; ribs; to gather together; to receive. To carry secretly; hold fast; grasp ; by the side. Generous and disinterested; to labor for the good of others. To conceal; protect; carry under the arm ; store up. Wooden rails; sticks used as nippers ; variegated wood. To penetrate with moisture; enrich; to instil instruction. Narrow ; confined on each side. it al eS Fe A fa SS Bs 3 SS A small butterfly or moth. Confined ; a narrow pass. To accord with; unite ; to rhyme with. Hie. The head. Leaves of trees ; foliage. Hie. Incense ; perfume. A village; 12,500 families ; former. Hien. Like ; to be compared to. - Small pretty eyes; staring 5 to look furtively. A wise man; a sage; vir- tuous ; worthy. A barrier ; fence ; a fold; to protect ; great. . Leisure ; repose; uanem- ployed ; a crevice ; interval. Elegant ; accustomed to. False ; irregular; clamorous, Azure ; the color of the sky; & dark sombre color. The strings of a bow. 40 Luminons ; splendid. Eyes wandering abont; dis- orderly ; disrespectful. de Boasting ; pedantic; offer- ing for sale. Manifestation ; to manifests exhibit ; plain; clear. — Light; manifest; apparent ; 5 to illustrate ; exhibit. An ornamental binding or sash ; black ; swift. A ruler; officer; magistrate. To offer ;" present to su- perior ; to sacrifice. -To smear with blood ; fumi- gate; embalm; crime; wares ; quarreling. Hiet. A strong violent -sheep ; @ ram ; to castrate. A scorpion. Hio. 438 False ; not genuine. zg To go round, either to ward X off, circumvent or obtain 3 t to assume ; 8 fence. x & To screen; invite c 3 seek to obtain ; to want. ae an. & # Seam o SRS « 4 &. HIET: HIM HIO HIOK HIONG HIP A bird said to be cruel to ita rents ; strong; wicked ; to ang & man’s head ona pole. Light; clear ; intelligent; morning ; to understand. Hiok. Elegant ; name of a place. To stimulate to exertion. Fragrant odoriferous efflu- via. Serious, attentive manner ; gravity. To train up; educate; cause to grow. The light of morning; the rising sun. Hiong. The male of fowls; bold; daring ; violent. Great wickedness; evil 3 calamity ; to rain. Malevolent ; cruel ; fear. Drunk ; in rage and mad with intoxication. - The breast ; thorax. Sound of water bubbling up fromsspring or flowing fast Hip. To unite together; harmo. nize; move; excite; abound. ing. : HIU HIU) . HO HXO HO’ 41 To inhale f suck ; drink. “ To-strike, pull or drag. To snuff up the nose. Hiu. To cease; rests repudiate ; congratulate. To call to; to call in a con- fused manner 3 to rhourn. A certain animal said to devour tigers. A certain ominous bird. Shady; hidden; deep recess ¢ retirement. To travel on water; cheer- ful ;-romote ; who or which. Mournful ; thoughtful; alas! remote ; vast sat leisure. A: roe; female deer. Htiu. Rotten wood; offensive smell; to fail ;rot ; be forgotten. Again; to rethrn; send back ;'to answer. A strong smell; offensive 7} to smell. BH 0. ARE A prince ; viceroy. z = BA it ot Ay a A ~ ao RSS] CAR He A small garment: & BF ES ok SE Dry provisions ; food pro- viously dressed. A door; a family; to pro- tect; chief. To take out with the hand or with a ladle ; a ladle. A prince; a queen; to succeed to ; after. To meet by accident;‘grati- fied ; insincere. Rain. Ho. A tiger. | No; not;‘ not 80. Ho. Which? who? what ? low? A river. Good. To respond ; modify ;cause to unite. To congratulate ; to carry @ burden ; to bear. A title; signature ;' appel- lation ; trumpet ;‘to cry. To injure ; diminish; spoilt; confused. False; to spread a false ro. port; to excite. A bird that flies_high, re- sembling a stork, 42 HOI TOK HONG : jj Name of several insects and Hoi. » reptiles, as locusts, snakes. A crab; lobster. Hok. To lie prostrate on the face; hide; submit ; secrete. Uncertain ; perhaps; either; or ; this or that. A boundary; a state; na- tion ; the world ; universe. To delude ; tempt; excite doubt ; causo to err. A bush of small thorny plants. A seam ; to seam. The threshold of a door. A measure containing ten tau; to measure. The abdomen ; substantial ; rich; to serve, to wait on; endure, Again ; to reiterate; restore; return, A roll; piece of cloth or paper. Divine protection; happi- ness ; a blessing, Perverse; self-willed; resist- ing reproof. A flying animal ; a snake. The axle of a carriage. es Double garments. To subvert ; ruins defeat; to investigate ; to overshad- dow and protect. Hong. Tho sound of a bow string; great; large ; to enlarge. Deep ; clear ; profound. Rest ; repose; the echo im a large house ; vast ; large. The gate of a street or lane; the bar of a gate ; wide; great. A deluge; great; vast. The flame of a torch. Name of a bird similar to a goose ; vast ; large. Herbage shooting forth; a fine countenance ; plump. To descend; submit; to cause to descend. . The peak or summit of a hill. A hollow brick pyramid fill- ed with combustables to be set on fire as a signal. The point ofa weapon, pencil or tongue; van of an atmy. That which is given by the emperor or received from him; to receive; grant. Custom ; temper ; spirit; disposition ;: wind, | i oe a 5 Be ® al ag He HE ig \ 4 aS eS > = fo A kind of leprosy. Large numerous; anne exuberant ; flourishing. The noise of carriages or of cannon. An oyster from which pearls are procured. The salary to government officers, A. staff; club. Copious ; luxuriant ; sub- stantial. To receive or offer in a res- pectful manner. To offer up with both hands; to receive in both hands. An imaginary bird of good omen ; a divine bird. To recite ; compare and sati- rise; poignant allusions ; satire, Voice of a crowd ; to cheat; beguile ; deceive. To fight; the noise of fight- ing. To meet with; to occur; to run against; great, wide ; to happen. Hu. To correspond ; fit; to bo credible ; a book ; charms. Fitting into each other ; mutual ; reciprocal. An interrrogative particle ; how? why? remote; pepper. Se e = 7 A Se tS “a 43 Popper. A lake. An animal resembling a monkey. Coral. Paste ; to paste ; daub 5 con- fused ; stupid. A gourd or melon. A butterfly. Food ; gruel; congee ; to de- pend on others for food. A wild duck. To lean upon; support or be supported ; a mother. Acup or pot for wine, tea &c.; name of an office. An animal possessed by demons ; suspicions. A respectful appellation ; a husband; a wife; used to introduce a new subject. To assist; supports protect A certain valuable stone. Name of a flower. Akind af axe or hatchet. A tone of interrogation, doubt or admiration, 44 HU de de To call ont; a tone of Jamentation ; a sigh. To call out aloud ; to speak angrily. Handsome ; good ; to boast of beauty. Cracked, as an earthen ves- se] ; rent; a crevice. The skin; minced meat; beautiful ; large. To stgte before a sovereign; to diffuse by imperial orders. Belief ; trust; confidence ; to hatch ; nourish. To take; take in war; a prisoner. A raft; certain beam ina house ; « drumstick. To annex; anoint; insert names ; arrange ; collect; a tutor. Corrupted ; rptten; broken’ castrated. A book-store; a study; to collect ; a place to meet in; the officers of the treasury; an officer. To stoop the head and bend forward, to condescend. The viscera ; heart, Jungs, liver, stomach, dc. A vase without feet; a ves; sel to measure with. Black and white; variega- ted ; embroidered. To bear on the back; to turn the back upon; ungrateful; to fail; render nugatory. 23 a 2 Ln ty “SU + & we _ wn HHS A mound of earth; a hill; Jerge ; abundant. To boil; to heat; genial warmth ; kind. A marrjed woman ; a wife; & woman ; beautiful. The middle part of a bow which is taken in the hand. To apply the hand to; to beat; stizke; a handle. * To he near to; lean against to annex ; to attach to, as ta & party. An assistant horse, A marking line; to measure; adjust with g line. To cut down and gather in grain. To watch over, assist and guard ; name of an office. An feet. iron boiler without The jaw bones ; to assist ; support. To announce the death of @ person ; to go hastily. To go to in person; to go speedily. To offer ; give ; deliver to, To blow with the breath ; to caution ; to charge. A second ;an assistant; to assist ; examine; inform; a suit of things. To exact ; receive ; give; to disturb ; diffuse. HU! HUA HUE BNUE HUI 435 a a & ae v « ae ff n. a hes B EF Ha, A fish, To fish; catch fish, Empty ; vacant; unmean. ing. To blow; breathe gently ; re- commend ; speak in favor of. A mountain ; a common ; a place of concourse. Fearfal ; timid; to cry ; to sigh ; tone of sighing. To flap the wings ; to assist. Boasting talk ; to speak clearly and boldly; wide spreading, To accede to; grant; per- mit; to promise; give. Hua. Gaping; to arouse; agitate; threaten ; convert ; false. Hue. To revolve; turn round ; return; curved; @ chapter or section. Pacing back and forth in suspense or hesitation; ir- resolute ; undetermined. To bend; turn round ; ir- resolute ; unsettled. ‘An eddy ; running back. Fragrant plants ; 9 medici- nal plant, Ri A flower ; pleasure. ¢ A Ashes; cinders; lime, “ “KK Fire ; heat ; to burn, ‘ 4 XK A comrade ; messmate, ey Many; a company; partners. 3 To assemble ; associate; an 2] association ; to understand, AG a Charch. 2 Articles of commerce; goods; to sell ; bribe ; expond. 2 To be indignant; regrot ; repent ; repentance. 2 Last quarter of the moon ; foggy ; dim; obscure ; even- ing. Dy? To instruct ; admonish ; in- BEF duce; instruction. Tit Blood. > Hue, Ast Change ; mutation; to trans- fornr ; reform. A cross-bar ; cross-wise $ perverse ; unreasonable. Hui. A vessel of earthern-ware i z a jar or basin. Impetuons effort ; to shake; d with the hand. scatter ; sprinkle ; to move hifi Luminous ; splendid. Hy HUI HUN To fly rapidly with a noise. Fire ; light ; splendor ; to shine. Wrong ; shameless; low ; not. Folding doors made of wood. The two outer horses in a coach of four. Rain and snow; sleet. Royal concubines. A banner with which sig- nals are made; to make a signal ; speed. Not; not right ; vagabonds; banditti. Endeavoring to speak out but unable. Name of a beautiful wood. Streaks or veins; variega- ted ; fine and delicate. A small bird with reddish feathers. The calf of the leg; disease; thange ; to shun, Name of a vegetable; fast- ing ; straw sandals, Name of a disagreeable in- sect which destroys clothes, grain, furniture, &c. To speak against ; slander. ty. Plants herbs j trees 5 Uhiv-| a nye we ie es tm He AS Sy Get ie eS RR A long snake; a man’s name. Fire ; a blaze. To break in pieces ; to ruin or be ruined ; to slander ; vilify. A comet } name of a plant. Small; delicate ;a soft, har- monious sound;clear; bright. Intelligent ; clever ; inge- nious. Benevolence; kind ; to be. stow largesses ; to show ten- derness to the people. A kind of fine, open, cool cloth ; cloth used in mourn- ing. A certain fragrant plant which grows in marshes. The lungs; the mental vis- cera. To scatter wealth ; expend ; liberal ; expense ; waste ; to hart; injure. To fall to ruins ; to fail ; to annul; lay aside. To shun; avoid ; dread ; the name of a deceased person, Eeui. To suspefid, physically or morally. Hun. Clouds ; fog. HUN To burn; consume by fire. Water and mad ; foul ; con- fused ; foolish ; the whole. A wrinkle in the flesh; a cut; a sore. ae . oI The spirit ; soul ; the spiri- tual part of Iang. A gentle horse; yielding ; docile ; benign ; harmless. Twilight; obscure; indis- tinct. Marriage ; the bride’s Te- lations ; dowry. Intellectual darkness ; con- fused ideas ; forgetfulness. To shut the gate at even- ing; @ porter. To divide; distribute ; givo; a part; portion. To snort ; rage. ‘Many; confused ; perplexed; hurry ; bustle. develope ; harmonious. A field rat ; a mole. Odoriferous vegetables, as onions ; strong meat. anger; resentment; zeal ; cruel.~ Meal ; flour; dust; powder for the face; to apply acolor. A bud first opening ; to! Angry; vexed; indignations | ¢ Wt “he Ue Wa wt 42 AUK aK sa m w) Jk 47 A large or numerous ap- pearance ; to distribute. To plan; deliberate; sin- cere ; faithful. Confused and in disorder ; foul ; dull. Muddy water; unclean; impure ; privy. To instruct ; exhort; ex- plain; instraction; doctrine. Impetuous effort ; to excite; to press forward to. Hin. Diligent; flourishing; rights name of an ancient dynasty. Mournful ; careful. Joy ; delight ; to be pleased; to rejoice. To pull or drag about; to lay hold of ; grasp. A carriage; the high front of a carriage ; play; enjoyment. Vapor ; fumes; steam; to give offence to. Well-deserving; loyal; meri- torious. A certain instrument of music. To fumigate ; to evaporate 5 apply fire to. HWA HYWA ge Silk ; rayeled ; disordored. ? 48 HWAI HUT | Fragrance of plants; fra- grant plants, Disobedient ; quarrelsome. Sign of the superlative do- gree; very. Indignation; anger ; regret; repentance. Hat. Buddha; examine; to turn aside; unreasonable ; great. The kernel, seed or stone in fruit; the troth or verity. To forget ; make light of ; to do carelessly; suddenly; unexpectedly. A flattened reed ; ivory or stone used as a badge of office, - A strong negative or pro- hibitative particle ; no; not. To deny; refuse ; oppose} perverse. : Resembling ; an image or Hkeness. Mournful ; sorry ; disqui- etude of mind ; anger. To brush or wipe ; to wave; to oppose ; perverse. To sprinkle with water; water bubbling up. To wash or bathe as a re- ligious ceremony to drive away calamity and obtain happiness. An angry appearance 3 ex. 2 cess of color or show. Like ; resembling ; orna- ments of a headdress ; di- sheveled hair. Bb. bh, Embroidered garments worn by high officers. Hwa. Wheat ; grain of any kind. Mild ; harmonious ; herme- DY 3 peace; to accompany ; unite with ; together. Flowers ; elegant ; adorned with virtue; splendor. Excessive talking ; clam- orous. A fine horse. Evil ; calamity ; curse from the gods; to afflict; destroy, To threaten ; to shout or hoot at; to order in a rough: > angry tone, Hwa, Snoring ; hard breathing in sleep. A dike or raised foot-path that divides fields of grain. Hwai. "To cherish of contain in the mind, mouth, womb, &ex thoughts. . LwaAM HWAN 49 ite Ast ie Name of a large viver in ceutral China. Name of a certain wood; name of an animal. To spoil ; ruinj injare; to go to ruin. Hwam. All; commonly ; whoever s whatever. Retirement j recitative. Vice ; evil ; calamity ; grief. To offend ; violate; invade an offender ; criminal. 3 A monld; role; law. Herbage ; grass. A pattern; rule; mould; strict and careful discipline. To float; be driven abouts levity. To overflow ; inundate ; unsettled ; agitated. To float; flow down ao stream ; to overflow. Hwan. Maltitudinous ; numerous ; affairs that press upon and weary & person, A certain edible plant. Hemmed in; unable to proceed ; mixed ; confused. Alum ;also applied to other stones, as blue vitriol, &c. Excessively occupied; tronb- led ; troublesome; to trouble. Round; globular; completes to surround ; circulate. ~ Sorrowfal ; without poster- ity ; a female slave. ~ Eh wah The royal domain; the wall that surrounds the palace. A ring or circle; to sur- round enclose. To return to; give or pay back; still; yot; even till now. A ring. A. market-place ;_n wall surrounding a market. A low wall. .—s ml VI Inscriptions or titles of honor applied to the deceased. awe \a To call to; to clamor in disputation. Joy; joyful. Toy ; satisfaction ; delight; pleased. Clamor; vociferation ; the voice of joy. To rebel; oppose; a time or turn ; foreign, A napkin or wiping-cloth ; & streamer. HWANG dif an ie SS = WS BL SY Ge SS Ss A long pendant streamer; ‘a flag; banner. To roast; flesh used in sacrifice. To extend; translate. To fly ; to fly backwards. widen; to Loxuriant ; plenty. To turn back 3; Teturn ; con- trary; on the contrary; rebel A field ; cultivated land. exuberance ; To return; come back; re- vert ; cause to revert. A meal; rice; food. A servant of the crown; a eunuch of the palace; a ser- vant. Large ; easy ; slow ; colored; variegated. To call; to order; denom- inate. To exchange; to remove from one place to another. Name of a river; spread | out; scattered. Light of fire ; clear, bright To traffic; buy and sell. Artifice ; craft; fraud; magic arts; visionary appearance. Fa Ba or SS ie Was SS Da Hi z (ia HS HB Hwang. To impedo ; injure ; impedi- ment; injary ; subjection. A like; boundary; to keep off; guard against; prohibit. A title of dignity applied to heavenand sovereigns; royal. An imaginary bird, omi- nous of peace. Uncertainty; indecision; go~ ing backwardsand forwards. Fear ; apprehension ; alarny. Light ; laminous ; splendid’; a great fire. A locust. * Unoccupied ; at leisure ; pressed ; urged. Empty; a ditch round a city wall. Yellow. A lake; an accumulation of water. A certain stone sceptre, called a half-sceptre. An ancient musical reed. A balance; measure; to weigh or measure ; transverse. Wind ; temper; feelings ; to diffuse ; scatter ; haste. Square; regular; a region or place ; then thereupon; con- nects cause & effect; a medi- cal prescription; to compare. a a a a a n SS HUSS HS wo a a a zit BSS ¥ HWAP HWAT I 51 Fragrant ; agreeable ; ex- cellent.) ; Hwat. Like; resembling. Wide; vacant space; a place to dwell in. Confused ; forgetful; hur- vied; agitated. Wild ; empty ; waste; bar- ren; dearth; famine. What is spoken in a dream; unreal ; fulse ; lying. A horse running swiftly. A certain part of the tho- vax. To seal or close any docu- ment; a seal ; an envelope. A street; shop; tavern; to guard against; oppose; an impediment. An agitated state; indis- tinct ; doubtful ; similar. To inquire; examine; con- sult; ask advice ; to see. Confused ; unsettled ; agi- tated; hurried. To reject; send away; let loose ; lay down ; dissipated; to imitate. To imitate ; copy ; in imita- tion of ; according to. Hwap. A law; role; pattern; means ; punishment, 5 Ss Se WS BANA Ses Rw a sa > A To strikes punish; reduce to subjection ; lay waste. Meritorious services; de- grees of honor or reward. A cave; a hollow among rocks or in 8 mountain ; to dig through. Destitute; to want; fail; to spoil; defect. To punish ; punishment ; to fine ; forfeit. Hair ; beard ; grass, vege. tables, &c. To send forth; bring out ; produce; to advance. I The bar of a door; to bar the gate. To remove from one place to another ; to change ; great. Impeded ; obstinate stop- page ; foolish ; silly. Pleased; to mony ; joy. To hand down or continue in succession; a will or testa- ment; to ridicule; remiss. To present or leave to; to bring upon one’s self. please; har. Rice prepared into gruel or congee ; to feed. Foreigners; to hart; change; toequalize;class;great; good Sisters of a wife or mothr a bo IN 5 ee HS SARS \ 4 ay Rey BO et SE ER at vt The hurt or wound ; a sore or wound. ‘To spread out;dirpersesease expansion of mind; many. Constant; invariable rule or principle 5 a law. In; on; place where; to. Clothes ; a cover ; clothes for the upper part of the body. To rely on; trust to; ac- cording to; comparison. He; she; it; they; a per- son or thing. Violent laughter. Alas! Ah! Oh! Different ; strange; for- eign ; to oppose ; another. Posterity; descendants, Ideas ; thoughts; opinion ; meaning ; intention. Pearl barley. To strangle; to suspend by a cord round the neck. The name given to a per- son after his death. Pain or stoppage in the tkroat. Spoiled food; difficulty in swallowing. Well acquainted with or versed in; to attend to care- | © fully ; weak. ¥ rr Round; to circulate to every part; officers of government. Round; a circle; a globe; a dollar. Round; spherical ; turning. Done ; Gnished; already; merely ; only ; to stop. By ; to the end that ; cause; means ; thereby; therefore, Name of « plant. A particle closing @ sen, tence. To lean against ; depend on ; inclined to one side. Acchair or seat; a certain kind of wood. Boundary ; to oppose; 9 horse keeper. A pablic court sa mansion; palace; an official title. ‘A smooth stone that re. > flects light ; a Chinese ink: stone ; to rub, Ia. A Uitle of respect applied to kings, nobles, &. Also; moreover. A final particle ; also placed after an important word in the middle of @ sentence, Wilderness; wide extended, Ika IAM IA'NG 53 To melt; fuse metal artist who fuses metals. oS Change ; transmutation ; name of one of the 5 classics. A fleet horse; 8 post horse. = Sa A post; government de. spatch; to appland. To add; increase; benefit; beneficial ; abundant, PY) 3 Tra, An intrenchment; & camp. Rich ; powerful ; to over- come ; conquer ; surpass. Shadow; proof; trath. Re Sl Iam, Salt; salted. A bolt of a door, Flame of fire; hot lnmi- nous ; glorions, Handsome; good; large; variegated ; self-indulgent, dissipated, ~ at Be BR os a Sa BS To cover over or shelter. I; me; great, a To merge or soak in water; to detain ; impede. Doorkeepera of the royal harem; an eunuch, A quail. - Batiated ; fastidious, To screen; shade; obscure, To gather together under a shelter; to screen ; soothe. a A ie Fel AES SO To cease; cause to cease; to lie down ; to rest. a To pluck up; eradicate ; to force. To restrain; repress; subject; injure ; obedient ; united. Satiated ; to satisfy ; to uncover; to dislike; hate; composed ; steady. 5 5 Tang. False ; pretended ; to feign. To stray; saunter. To spread out or abroad; to extend the famo of. Clear; bright; to dry in the sun. “Name of a tree; a wide spreading tree. ‘A blazing fire ; to roast ; to fuse metals. an ik n IAP IE TSE IM Se ee" = xr ek 7 “ a aN oe FS BE Sores on the head; a wound. The suporior or male prin- ciple in nature ; the sun. Driven or fanned by the wind, : In the middles divided in the middle; wide. Fault; punishment; calam- ity 5 ruin, Wide spread ; vast; tossed aboat, as clouds, waves, &c. Partof a bridle which hangs below the neck ; violent. To eat; nourish or take care of one’s self. Sorrow; disease; complaint. To feed; nourish ; bring up. To itch ; the itch, Clear; shining openly ; the sun just past noon. To look; see; dullness of sight. Tap. To throw down ; crush ; op- press; to guard; keep down. Te. A pottery ; farnace to burn earthen ware. A potter ; a farnace ; agree- able ; complying; to expel. 53 JR aK, Ls) iB a Beautiful; elegant; light some. The loins; waist. Medicine. A treaty ; contract ; agree > ment, Tre. A sheep or goat. The ocean; vast ; abundant. Diseased ; an ulcer ; a scab; to itch. Name of a tree; a wide spreading tree. To fuse metals; melt; a mould. Steam or vapor rising; clear ; bright; knowledge. ‘The female of a certain bird famed for conjugal fidelity. A pattern; fashion; man- ner; way ; mode, Im, Luxurious ease ; lewd; ob- scene. Excess;sexual excess; lewd- ness; lustful; to debauch. Long and excessive rains. Sound ; tone ; news, IN Io 85 ~ + a SS NP mh is it DS ERR Bt Dumb; unable to speak from grief or weeping. Dumb; a disease which disables from speaking. Obscure ; the opaque, infe- rior or female in nature. To drink. Disease of the heart or mind, Shady ; to overshadow. In. A horary character from 3 to 5 o'clock P. M.; strong; respectful. Respect; veneration ; con- tinued succession ; remote. Constant flowing ; long pro- tracted ; to practice. Along the shore ; to flow down the stream; to accom- modate. Lead and the like soft me- tals. Because; for the sake of ; on account of ; as formerly. A bride ; the families of the bride and bridegroom. Smoke; igneous vapor ; fog. Hemp; warm genial air. The throat; to swallow down. ‘Warm genial air or vapour; the generative stimulus. HARARRP CLs fei is To fall; to be drowned or lost in the water. To form or burn earthen ware; to examine; illustrate. A clean pure sacrifice. Name of a plant ; a lily. To lead; shew the way ; introduce; seduce; introduc- tion. . A worm. A seal; to seal; stamp. To lift up; to bear. To. Earthen ware; a pitcher; to move; agitate; shake. To serve; perform service for government. Deflected ; depraved ; seduce ; impose upon. To shake; wave; agitate. to A species of dog. A certain valuable stone. To sing songs or ballads ; to slander by idle stories. To walk; go. Remote; distant.

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