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Tadao Ando is a self-taught Japanese architect.

He is best known for his minimalistic concrete buildings

which for him creates a place for individuals a zone for oneself. Tadao gets his inspirations from his
travels. He says that to truly understand architecture, one must experience it. Experience can be done
by travelling, recollection or by daydream. Travelling for him deepens experience and makes a person
stronger. It also inculcates to the person a sense of learning on what he sees and what he experiences
in the place.

His designs show his desire for uniqueness, wide spaces, and functionality. It shows his philosophy that
climate and lifestyle of the people in the area. It gives a sense of local environment with a genuine
universality. It is a design that is adaptive to the area.

2. Frank Gehry’s designs involve the free willingness of art to something that is concrete and unforgiving
to man and science. He takes so many risks with his designs to do something new that no one has seen
before. His buildings are considered as large sculptures. When he sees an object or a painting or a
sculpture, he draws inspiration from it. With creative thinking, he makes into reality what he has
envisioned a building to look like. Creative thinking opens possibilities and ideas that helps create
something that is special. That is how creative thinking shaped the architecture of Frank Gehry.

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