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Configuring Remote Access Mobile App

 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.

 Ensure current firmware is installed
bizhub 8 Series:

1.) Enable SNMP [Administrator]->[Network]->[SNMP Settings]

2.) Enable Remote Panel [Administrator]->[Network]->[Remote Panel Settings]

3.) Enable Remote Access [Administrator]->[Network]->[Remote Access Settings]

Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed
bizhub i-Series:

1.) Enable SNMP [Administrator]->[Network]->[SNMP Settings]

2.) Enable Remote Panel [Administrator]->[Network]->[Remote Panel Settings]

3.) Enable Remote Access [Administrator]->[Network]->[Remote Access Settings]

Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed
Remote Access Options:
Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed

- Operation Change Screen:

Notifies any individual operating the MFP that access to the Operation Panel has been
- Connection Permission Screen
Allows the user operating the MFP to Continue their current operation, or to allow the
APP to take over the screen. While awaiting a selection on the Operation Panel, the
mobile user will be provided a wait card. If no response is confirmed by the local user,
the mobile app will take over the panel.
Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed

- Keyboard Link:
Text can be input on the MFP control panel using an Android IME (text input app).
(Important: When using the Keyboard Link please make sure no one else is using the MFP.)

- Address Link:
Enables ability to select the destination address from the Android's address book to send
images and documents scanned from the MFP.
(Important: When using the Address Link, please make sure no one else is using the MFP.)

- Panel Link Scan:

Enables saving image data scanned from the MFP to Mobile Storage and Google Drive using a
connected Android device to remotely perform the MFP operations. PDF and Compact PDF
can be selected as the save file format. If the Compact PDF file format is selected, you can
enable the OCR function.
Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed
iPhone Installation:

1.) Enable Bonjour on the MFP

1.) Install the bizhub Remote Access APP from the App Store.
Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed

2.) Options listed on the Main Menu will function based on what was selected on
the MFP

3.) The IP Address can be entered directly or searched using SNMP.

4.) Hit the [Connect] button to access the operation panel.

Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed
Android Installation:

1.) Install the bizhub Remote Access APP from the Google Play Store.

2.) Allow access to BOTH files and contacts. (Denying either one will
make the app inoperable)
Configuring Remote Access Mobile App
 Instructions include both web and OP panel screens for reference.
 Ensure current firmware is installed

3.) Options listed on the Main Menu will function based on what was selected on
the MFP

4.) The IP Address can be entered directly or searched using SNMP.

5.) Hit the [Connect] button to access the operation panel.

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